How to Simulate Ad Hoc Networks Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate an Ad Hoc Networks within MATLAB, we can use the sequence of steps that has encompasses to make a dynamic, decentralized network in which nodes are interact directly without depending on any fixed infrastructure like routers or base stations. Ad hoc networks are normally utilized within environments in which infrastructure is unobtainable or impractical, like in mobile or wireless sensor networks.

Following is a step-by-step instruction to simulating an Ad Hoc Network project using MATLAB.

Steps to Simulate Ad Hoc Networks Projects in MATLAB

Step 1: Understand Ad Hoc Network Components

In an ad hoc network, each node functions as both a router and a host. Significant elements to model that contain:

  • Nodes (Devices): The devices which participate within the network that can move, send, and receive data.
  • Wireless Communication: We can use the protocols such as AODV (Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector), DSDV (Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector), or DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) for replicate the communication.
  • Mobility Models: Describe how nodes are move within the network, like Random Waypoint, Manhattan Grid, or Gauss-Markov mobility models.

Step 2: Set Up the MATLAB Environment

We can utilize MATLAB’s Communications Toolbox for wireless communication, or we can make own simulation models for the network, mobility, and communication protocols.

Step 3: Define Network Parameters

Configure a simple metrics for the ad hoc network, which containing the amount  of nodes, transmission range, and the network area.

% Define network parameters

num_nodes = 10;  % Number of nodes

area_size = 100;  % Size of the area (100×100 meters)

comm_range = 20;  % Communication range (20 meters)

Step 4: Initialize Node Positions

Arbitrarily initialize the locations of the nodes in the network area.

% Random initial positions for each node within the area

node_positions = rand(num_nodes, 2) * area_size;

% Plot the initial positions of the nodes


scatter(node_positions(:, 1), node_positions(:, 2), ‘bo’);

title(‘Initial Node Positions’);

xlabel(‘X Position (m)’);

ylabel(‘Y Position (m)’);

Step 5: Implement a Mobility Model

A mobility model describes how the nodes are move in the ad hoc network. The Random Waypoint Model is generally utilized in which nodes are move to chosen destination arbitarly at random speeds.

% Random Waypoint Mobility Model

max_speed = 5;  % Maximum speed in meters per second

pause_time = 1;  % Pause time between movements (seconds)

% Generate random destinations and speeds for each node

destinations = rand(num_nodes, 2) * area_size;

speeds = rand(num_nodes, 1) * max_speed;

% Simulate movement over time

dt = 0.1;  % Time step in seconds

for t = 1:1000

for i = 1:num_nodes

% Move nodes toward their destination

direction = destinations(i, 🙂 – node_positions(i, :);

distance_to_dest = norm(direction);

if distance_to_dest > speeds(i) * dt

% Move the node closer to the destination

node_positions(i, 🙂 = node_positions(i, 🙂 + (speeds(i) * dt) * (direction / distance_to_dest);


% If the node reaches the destination, generate a new destination

destinations(i, 🙂 = rand(1, 2) * area_size;



% Plot updated positions


scatter(node_positions(:, 1), node_positions(:, 2), ‘bo’);

title([‘Node Positions at Time ‘, num2str(t*dt), ‘ s’]);

xlabel(‘X Position (m)’);

ylabel(‘Y Position (m)’);



Step 6: Implement Communication Between Nodes

Replicate the wireless communication amongst nodes are utilizing a basic distance-based model. If they are in a particular communication range then the nodes can only communicate.

% Function to check if two nodes can communicate

function can_communicate = check_communication(node1, node2, comm_range)

distance = pdist2(node1, node2);

can_communicate = distance <= comm_range;


% Check which nodes can communicate at each time step

for t = 1:100

for i = 1:num_nodes

for j = i+1:num_nodes

if check_communication(node_positions(i, :), node_positions(j, :), comm_range)

% Draw a line between the nodes that can communicate

hold on;

plot([node_positions(i, 1), node_positions(j, 1)], …

[node_positions(i, 2), node_positions(j, 2)], ‘g-‘);






Step 7: Implement Routing Protocols

We can execute the routing protocols like AODV (Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector), DSR (Dynamic Source Routing), or DSDV (Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector). For simplicity, a flooding algorithm can be utilized to send the messages to every adjacent node.

% Flooding algorithm to send messages

function flood_message(node_id, message, node_positions, comm_range)

num_nodes = size(node_positions, 1);

% Keep track of which nodes have received the message

received_message = false(1, num_nodes);

received_message(node_id) = true;

% Simulate message flooding

for i = 1:num_nodes

if received_message(i)

% Forward the message to all neighboring nodes

for j = 1:num_nodes

if i ~= j && check_communication(node_positions(i, :), node_positions(j, :), comm_range)

received_message(j) = true;





disp(‘Message flooded to all reachable nodes’);


% Example: Node 1 sends a message to all other nodes using flooding

message = ‘Hello, this is Node 1!’;

flood_message(1, message, node_positions, comm_range);

Step 8: Simulate Data Transmission

Replicate the data transmission amongst nodes that getting into the account communication range and routing. We can also assess the parameters such as Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) and Latency.

% Simulate data transmission

source_node = 1;

destination_node = 5;

packet_size = 1024;  % Packet size in bytes

% Check if the source and destination can communicate directly

if check_communication(node_positions(source_node, :), node_positions(destination_node, :), comm_range)

disp(‘Direct communication established, packet transmitted’);


disp(‘Packet forwarded using routing protocol’);

% Implement routing algorithm (e.g., AODV, DSR) to forward the packet


Step 9: Evaluate Network Performance

Calculate the crucial network performance parameters for the ad hoc network, like:

  • Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR): The percentage of efficiently delivered packets.
  • Latency: The duration for packets to attain their destination.
  • Energy Consumption: Energy consumed by nodes for the period of transmission and reception.

% Example: Calculate Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR)

function pdr = calculate_pdr(packets_sent, packets_received)

pdr = packets_received / packets_sent;


% Example: Calculate Latency

function latency = calculate_latency(time_start, time_end)

latency = time_end – time_start;


Step 10: Visualize Network Behavior

We can utilize the MATLAB’s plotting functions to envision the node positions, communication links, and data transmission over time.

% Visualize node communication at each time step


hold on;

for t = 1:100

scatter(node_positions(:, 1), node_positions(:, 2), ‘bo’);

for i = 1:num_nodes

for j = i+1:num_nodes

if check_communication(node_positions(i, :), node_positions(j, :), comm_range)

plot([node_positions(i, 1), node_positions(j, 1)], …

[node_positions(i, 2), node_positions(j, 2)], ‘g-‘);






Step 11: Advanced Features (Optional)

  1. Energy Efficiency: Replicate energy consumption for each node according to the data transmission and reception, also execute the energy-efficient routing protocols.
  2. Security: Execute security mechanisms such as encryption, authentication, or intrusion detection systems (IDS) to protect the ad hoc network.
  3. QoS Support: Execute the Quality of Service (QoS) parameters such as bandwidth and delay guarantees for certain kinds of the traffic.
  4. Dynamic Topology: Launch node failures or movement to replicate more dynamic and realistic environments.

Step 12: Run the Simulation

When everything is configure then we can execute the simulation with diverse network sets up, like changing the amount of nodes, routing protocols, mobility patterns, and communication range.

In this procedure, you can grasp more essential facts through this manual regarding on how to execute and simulate the Ad Hoc Networks projects using MATLAB tool by defining network metrics, implement communication and evaluate and analyse their performance. You can also extend the simulation or customize it.

To simulate an Ad Hoc Networks within MATLAB if you have any doubts we will guide you with project and simulation results.

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