How to Simulate AODV Protocol Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate the Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) protocol using MATLAB, we must create a design of the Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) in which nodes are actively determine routes only when they are required, instead of maintaining an entire routing table such as proactive protocols. AODV is a reactive routing protocol which means it constructs routes among the nodes only as wanted by the origin nodes, and routes are sustained only if they are required.

The AODV protocol includes numerous main components:

  1. Route Request (RREQ): A node that transmits a request once it requires determining a route to a destination.
  2. Route Reply (RREP): The destination node or an intermediate node along with a valid route answers with a route reply message.
  3. Route Maintenance: Nodes identify the link failures and inform other nodes with a Route Error (RERR) message.

Steps to Simulate AODV Protocol Projects in MATLAB

  1. Define the Network Topology

Start by we describe the nodes (denoting devices) and its connections (links) within a network. It can be designed as a graph in which nodes are associated by edges signifying the communication links.

Example: Create a simple network topology

% Define nodes in the network

nodes = {‘Node1’, ‘Node2’, ‘Node3’, ‘Node4’, ‘Node5’};

% Define connections between nodes (adjacency matrix representation)

connections = [0 1 0 0 1;  % Node1 is connected to Node2 and Node5

1 0 1 0 0;  % Node2 is connected to Node1 and Node3

0 1 0 1 0;  % Node3 is connected to Node2 and Node4

0 0 1 0 1;  % Node4 is connected to Node3 and Node5

1 0 0 1 0]; % Node5 is connected to Node1 and Node4

% Create a graph representing the network

G = graph(connections, nodes);

% Plot the network topology


plot(G, ‘Layout’, ‘force’);

title(‘AODV Network Topology’);

  1. Route Request (RREQ) Simulation

Once a node needs to transmit a packet to a destination however does not have a route then it introduces a Route Request (RREQ) message. This message is transmit to the node’s neighbors, and it broadcasts via the network.

Example: Simulate RREQ Broadcast from Node1

% Function to simulate the broadcast of RREQ

function rreq_broadcast(node, G)

neighbors = neighbors(G, findnode(G, node));

fprintf(‘%s broadcasts RREQ to: ‘, node);



% Simulate RREQ broadcast from Node1

rreq_broadcast(‘Node1’, G);

In this instance, Node1 transmits a Route Request (RREQ) message to its neighbors. We can expand it to propagate the request via the network.

  1. Route Reply (RREP) Simulation

Once the destination node (or an intermediate node with a valid route) acquires the RREQ then it transmits back a Route Reply (RREP) message. This message adhere to the reverse path to the origin node.

Example: Simulate RREP from Destination (Node4) to Source (Node1)

% Function to simulate the route reply (RREP)

function rrep_reply(source, destination, G)

[path, ~] = shortestpath(G, findnode(G, source), findnode(G, destination));

fprintf(‘Route Reply (RREP) from %s to %s: ‘, destination, source);



% Simulate RREP from Node4 (destination) to Node1 (source)

rrep_reply(‘Node1’, ‘Node4’, G);

These replications determine the shortest path amongst the source and destination nodes and mimic the RREP message being transmit back to the origin.

  1. Route Maintenance (RERR) Simulation

In AODV, if a link breakdowns then the node which identifies the failure transmits a Route Error (RERR) message to inform other nodes. We can replicate it from the network graph by eliminating a connection and causing a route error.

Example: Simulate Link Breakage and Route Error

% Function to simulate link breakage and route error (RERR)

function route_error(source, destination, G)

fprintf(‘Link between %s and %s has failed\n’, source, destination);

% Remove the edge representing the broken link

G = rmedge(G, findnode(G, source), findnode(G, destination));

% Broadcast RERR message to affected nodes

fprintf(‘Route Error (RERR) broadcast from %s due to link failure\n’, source);

neighbors = neighbors(G, findnode(G, source));

disp(‘Affected neighbors:’);



% Simulate a link failure between Node2 and Node3

route_error(‘Node2’, ‘Node3’, G);

This replicates a link failure among the Node2 and Node3 in which Node2 transmits a Route Error (RERR) message to their neighbors.

  1. Route Discovery Process

The whole route discovery process contains transmitting the RREQ, sustaining the routes, and receiving the RREP within routing tables. We can prolong the simulation involving the constructing and updating of routing tables.

Example: Implement the Full Route Discovery Process

% Routing table structure (each node maintains its own)

routing_table = struct();

% Function to update routing table after receiving RREP

function routing_table = update_routing_table(node, destination, next_hop, distance, routing_table)

routing_table.(node).(destination) = struct(‘NextHop’, next_hop, ‘Distance’, distance);


% Simulate route discovery from Node1 to Node4

rreq_broadcast(‘Node1’, G);

rrep_reply(‘Node1’, ‘Node4’, G);

% Update routing table for Node1 after receiving RREP

routing_table = update_routing_table(‘Node1’, ‘Node4’, ‘Node3’, 2, routing_table);

% Display updated routing table for Node1

disp(‘Updated Routing Table for Node1:’);


This instance indicates how to sustain a basic routing table after the route discovery process. We can prolong the routing table structure containing the series of numbers and other AODV metrics.

  1. Simulate Node Mobility

AODV is modeled for mobile networks in which nodes often move that triggering modifications within the topology. We can replicate the node mobility by dynamically updating the graph (adding or removing connections).

Example: Simulate Node Mobility (Dynamic Link Changes)

% Function to simulate node mobility

function G = simulate_mobility(G, node1, node2, action)

if strcmp(action, ‘disconnect’)

G = rmedge(G, findnode(G, node1), findnode(G, node2));

fprintf(‘Node mobility: Link between %s and %s removed\n’, node1, node2);

elseif strcmp(action, ‘connect’)

G = addedge(G, node1, node2, 1);

fprintf(‘Node mobility: Link between %s and %s added\n’, node1, node2);



% Simulate mobility (Node1 moves and connects to Node3)

G = simulate_mobility(G, ‘Node1’, ‘Node3’, ‘connect’);

This replicates the node mobility by actively inserting or eliminating links among the nodes within the network.

  1. Performance Evaluation

We can estimate the performance of AODV by assessing:

  • Route discovery latency: Duration to find a route.
  • Packet delivery ratio: The ratio of effectively delivered packets to the total packets is transmitted.
  • Routing overhead: The amount of control messages such as RREQ, RREP, and RERR is swapped.

Example: Measure Routing Overhead

% Initialize counters for control messages

control_messages = struct(‘RREQ’, 0, ‘RREP’, 0, ‘RERR’, 0);

% Function to count control messages

function control_messages = count_message(type, control_messages)

control_messages.(type) = control_messages.(type) + 1;


% Simulate route discovery and count control messages

control_messages = count_message(‘RREQ’, control_messages);

rreq_broadcast(‘Node1’, G);

control_messages = count_message(‘RREP’, control_messages);

rrep_reply(‘Node1’, ‘Node4’, G);

% Display control message count

disp(‘Control Message Counts:’);


It permits to calculate the amount of RREQ, RREP, and RERR messages that can be utilized estimating the routing overhead.

Example Project Ideas for AODV Simulation in MATLAB

  1. AODV Performance under High Mobility: Replicate a MANET along with high node mobility then compute how rapidly AODV can find and sustain the routes. Assess the routing overhead route discovery time, and packet delivery ratio.
  2. Energy-Efficient AODV Routing: Change AODV encompassing the energy-aware parameters and replicate how energy-efficient routing influences the network performance, which containing node lifetime and packet delivery.
  3. AODV vs DSR Comparison: Relate the AODV with other on-demand routing protocol such as DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) in terms of latency, overhead, and packet delivery in numerous mobility situations.
  4. Security-Enhanced AODV: Execute the security mechanisms such as authentication or encryption within AODV and replicate how these improvements influence the routing performance and overhead.
  5. AODV in Disaster Recovery Scenarios: Replicate the use of AODV in emergency or disaster recovery situations in which nodes are moveable and the topology modifies quickly.

Tools and Libraries for AODV Simulation in MATLAB

  • Graph Theory Toolbox: It is very helpful for denoting the network topologies and mimicking dynamic routing.
  • MATLAB File Exchange: We can determine multiple third-party implementations and tools for replicating the wireless networks and MANETs.

By applying MATLAB environment, we performed an extensive simulation of AODV protocol projects using simulation process, tool and libraries in Matlab and sample projects ideas. If additional data is required, we are prepared to deliver it.

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