Blockchain Technology Research Proposal

Blockchain is a third-party security technology that is common to all sorts of users either for individual or business purposes. Here, each web transaction/record is validated and stored in a distributed ledger. When the registration process is completed, then a new block is added to the chain.  This page shows you the significant needs of blockchain technology research proposal.

Blockchain Technology Research Proposal Writing Service

In general, each block has 3 entities such as user records, hash, and the hash of the preceding block. Overall, it stores the information of transactions that includes source, destination, and amount of coins. The other important actions in the blockchain are given as follows,

  • Transaction processing (hashing, verification, and more)
  • Record Storage
  • Identity Maintenance

Most importantly, the unique characteristic of Blockchain technology is the “decentralized public ledger”. Since it records all the transactions after the peer nodes’ acceptance. So, if someone tries to change the record, then it will not accept that change without the acknowledgment of the peers.

Currently, we are using the new version of Blockchain to perform all sorts of required security operations. In the framework of the blockchain mechanism, if the block is verified, then the mining updates the transaction information in the decentralized ledger along with the proof of work (consensus). Further, it also adds new coins to that block.

In the following section, we will make you understand how the blocking process takes place and how it is implemented in the real-time environment through use cases. Below, we have the different layers of the blockchain with its purposes.

Different Tiers of Blockchain 

  • Data – Carry out transactions and blocks processes
  • Consensus – Use protocols such as Proof of Stake (PoS), Proof of Work (PoW), etc.
  • Networking  – Follows up node identification, verification, data propagation, and more
  • Application – Employ smart contracts or Dapps (if required)
  • Infrastructure – Deals with system hardware, devices, etc 

What are the key features of blockchain that help in detecting security attacks?

A 60% attack is a critical threat in the blockchain since it attempts to control 51% of computing resources in the network. In order to hack the network, it controls nearly 51% of peer nodes in the same network.

Once it achieves control over the network, it can stop both the new transactions and user payments. And also, it can reverse the already done transactions over that control period. As a result, it leads to spending double coins so it is also called a double-spend attack.           

Now, we can see some measures that blockchain to create a protective shield over the system from undesired attacks. These principles are very basic and are carried in all kinds of blockchain systems/applications. The following are the key features of blockchain that help in eliminating security threats:

  • Proper safety for database
  • Apt plan for operative processes
  • Protect the applications from undesired online attacks
  • Hire secure validation and verification schemes
  • Regular inspection of carried out transactions

Next, we can see about major entities of the blockchain system. And they are the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network, Consensus Mechanism, and Distributed Ledger. Let’s see their allocated responsibility in the network.

What are the main components of a Blockchain network?

  • Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networks – Connect the group of peer nodes through the internet to form the network
  • Consensus Mechanism – Set of rules to accomplish the smart contract of transaction
  • Distributed Ledger – Make a note of every transaction within the blockchain

Further, our research team has shared a few usages of the blockchain entities. As we already mentioned each entity has certain duty to perform. Below, we have specified their role in strengthening the security of the system. Some of the uses of blockchain components can be followed,

  • In any case, if the unauthorized users attempt to change the transaction then the signature is not valid
  • All network nodes have their corresponding keys (private) to access the transaction which referred to as digital signature
  • Apply cryptographic technologies on the transaction for security

For your better understanding, we have given you some principal terms that are extensively used in the discussion of blockchain technology. All these are important to grasp the basic knowledge about blockchain. Further, it also helps you while selecting the best Blockchain Technology Research Proposal.

Fundamentals of Blockchain 

  • Decentralized Storage System
  • New Design of Blockchain
  • Adoption of Blockchain
  • Improved Blockchain Scaling
  • Blockchain Standardization
  • Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) Solutions
  • Smart Contracts (Etherium and Hyperledger)
  • Blockchain Foundations and Certification
  • Permissionless and Permissioned blockchains
  • Consensus Mechanism (core operation of blockchain)
  • Privacy and Security in Permissionless blockchain

Next, we can see the common challenges of the blockchain that are difficult to overcome. Until now, these problems are not solved effectively. So, many blockchain users are demanding apt solutions for these issues.

What are the Research issues in Blockchain?

  • Achievement of Network Scalability
  • More Number of Human Involvement and Faults
  • High Transaction Costs and Low Network Speed
  • Real-time Implementation and Control of Blockchain

Then, our development team has given you the general steps for building blockchain technology. Based on the requirements of your handpicked Blockchain Technology Research Proposal, the steps will be added accordingly. 

How to implement a blockchain technology project?

  • At first, choose the blockchain-enabled platform
  • Then, initialize the blockchain using the init method
  • Next, select the best consensus mechanism to reach an agreement on each transaction
  • After that, make the first smart contract (agreement) of the transaction
  • At last, debug and scale the smart contract

For your information, our team shares a few research areas that have plenty of research topics for blockchain technology. Since these areas are in high demand of security solutions to make their application more reliable. 

Where Blockchain is required? 

  • Data Analytics
  • Data Collection
  • Design and Control
  • Data Sensing
  • Scalable Computing
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Distributed Computing
  • Volunteer Computing
  • Information Management
  • Sustainable Computing
  • Device-to-Device (D2D) Networks
  • Autonomous Robots / Machines
  • Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Networks
  • Real-Time Data Processing and Analysis

In addition, we have also given how the blockchain achieves security in the above-specified areas. By the by, security applications are get benefited through their intelligent techniques.  

What is blockchain’s role in Security Applications?

  • Protect identity solution for personal data:
    • Nowadays, the third party security system is commonly used everywhere to protect the individual data
    • Since blockchain is the decentralized security mechanism to provide identity solutions for individual to control their personal data
  • Secure smart devices of edge / fog / cloud computing:
    • IoT is a network of millions of devices, so it has high-security threats and vulnerabilities
    • To acquire a strong security system, it moves on towards blockchain technology
    • Therefore, the cryptographic techniques of blockchain will establish tightened security in IoT platforms  

What are the important steps in the research proposal?

In order to do the best research work, you should have a systematic approach to it. The following are the various steps that one should follow to make one’s research the best.

  • The first step is to identify the problem to choose your topic
  • The second step is to do an extensive survey on the literature
  • Collection of related authentic data is the third step
  • The next step is to propose a novel algorithm (it can also be a modification of the existing algorithms)
  • The fifth step is to have interaction with the research matter experts across the world
  • After gaining enough knowledge about the current demands and field experience in researching the experts you should come forward to attend seminars and conferences on your topic. Or you can focus on collecting recent journals and reports for your research needs.
  • Consolidation of all your collected data, research surveys, and analysis made and executed research work into a thesis is the last and final step.

We have dedicated teams of well-experienced engineers, scholars, developers, writers, subject matter experts, and so on to be supportive to you on all these steps. And also, our experts have suggested the following research ideas which are important current Blockchain Technology Research Proposal. 

List of Research Proposals in Blockchain 

  • Effective Supply Chain Blockchain System
  • Impact of blockchain in Industrial Control System
  • Blockchain-enabled Secure Cyber Infrastructure
  • Deployment of Blockchains in SCADA System
  • Use-cases and Case studies of AI-blockchain in CPS
  • Blockchain Technology for Smart Cities and Smart Grids
  • Role of Blockchain Technology in cybersecurity
  • Blockchain in Autonomous Vehicle Application
  • Integration of Blockchain in Smart Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) for CPS and IoT applications
  • Lightweight blockchain mechanisms for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
  • Blockchain for System Security, Trust, and Privacy
  • Secure Critical Infrastructures using Blockchain System

On the whole, if you are looking for the best research service then approach us. We assure you that we will give end-to-end research guidance for your PhD blockchain technology research proposal.

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