
We have built few questionnaire based on our past experience, scholars qualms and online customer expectations. We are in continuous collaboration with all our scholars worldwide to deal with their impending hurdles and hazy queries. On daily basis, many scholars come with different queries and we feel that this circumstance can be better handled by providing a well framed clarification for each query as a separate section. We call this section as FAQ and we have crafted this section with at most solicitous to clarify every individual’s inquiry.

Proposal Writing

1. Can I get a Sample Proposal for reference, do we have such privilege?

Providing customer satisfaction is our privileged service. You can access and download our Sample proposals under the “CHECK OUT OUR SAMPLE WORK" Section.

2. How can I deem that your research proposalwill be novel?

We absolutely agree with your questionnaire but we can guarantee our work quality and novelty in terms of the Deliverables we provide. Along with your Research proposal, we will provide all Benchmark reference papers used for Literature survey and problem identification. By referring all these papers and the proposed solution you will get to know originality of our work.

3. Research without Literature Survey is pointless. Can we get an idea about the types of papers referred by your research team for Literature survey?

We would be happy to let you know that our empire is built with the knowledge of top Journal experts and skilled technical’s. Considering the significance of Literature survey, we always emphasize on two keypoints-

  • Recent year papers
  • Benchmark reference papers

from Highly Reputed Journals like IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, Wiley, MDPI, ACM, Science Direct etc.

4. How many papers are being referred to prepare a Research proposal?

To prepare a Single Research proposal, our experts refer around 90-120 reference papers depending upon the journal standard. To be precise, we refer 120 papers for SCI standard and 90 papers for SCOPUS.

5. To get a high Quality research proposal, which journal category shall I prefer?

We always promise our scholars that whichever journal they opt, we will give our complete support to make it 100% innovative, so that it can be easily published in any of the first rated free journals. Since you have come up with such question, we would suggest you to prefer SCI/ISI Journals as they hold their place as world’s top level journals.

6. How can we differentiate SCI and SCOPUS Standards?

Choosing any one of this Journal standard is meticulously a factor of choice. Both are good, SCI falls under first-rated journals while SCOPUS makes its place as second.

7. How far will you take the responsibility for any unsatisfactory comments from my supervisor / Guide?

We own the responsibility of your research proposal as we havebuilt the fundamental of the research with all our efforts and dedication. We initiate our work with proper literature survey, identify the problem area and equip it with all technical components. There is very less probability that this would get rejected or get unsatisfactory comments. In spite of all, we would be happy to assist you in case of valid justification or technical fault unnoticed by our experts.

8. Can I expect revision support in case of modification requisite?

We will provide extended Revision/rework support, if your requirements will SOUND TECHNICALLY VALID AND JUSTIFIED to us.

9. What all deliverables will be provided along with Research Proposal?

Our exclusive support will include the following items-

  • List of problem identified and its respective problem statement
  • Comprehensive Research proposal along with pictorial representation
  • Benchmark Reference Papers [Includes most recent papers]
  • Research protocol/Methodology used to bring up the proposed solution
  • Key points highlighted to enlighten the research goal/idea.
  • Clear-cut explanation / to understand novel idea

10. What are the steps followed by your experts in the preparation of Novel Research proposal?

It’s a pleasure to explain the steps we follow to make our proposal apparent and technically proficient.

  • Initiate our work with the assortment of most appropriate reference papers
  • Frame clear Problem statement by identifying previous research gaps
  • Addressing all current limitations through bring up a novel research proposal
  • Our final deliverable will be a completely formatted Research proposal.

11. Do we need to bestow complete payment in advance?

We understand your concern here but we hope you to understand the effort and dedication we have to put to begin your work. We engage preeminent PHD Holders to work on your proposal for nearly 15-20 days. We all are well aware about the hour rate of Phd Holders and the worth of their dedicational support. We believe on eminence work and it will be always worth enough for you to invest on high quality works.

Code And Development

1. Code Development starts with the selection of optimum tool support. We would like to know about the tools being used by your experts for our proposal?

Being preeminent in the field of research, our experts understand the significance of system development and its desired experimental results. Based on your Subject domain and concept, our experts will first evaluate a tool based on the availability of modules, Plug-in and Header files. This evaluation will result in the selection of most appropriate tool for implementation.

2. What would be the best Software option to go for system development (Open source software/ Proprietary or Licensed Software) ?

This is again merely a factor of choice. Being technically versatile in the field of system development, our experts can suggest most appropriate open source Software as per the requirement. But if the scholars specifically demand for commercial software, we would encourage them to take the ownership to acquire the software license.

3. What kind of support we can expect for Software Installation?

Assisting you will be our pleasure always. We offer exclusive text and Video Files, which will enclose Step by step instruction for software installation process.

4. Can I look forward for project Execution support from your experts?

Obviously, Satisfaction lies in the fact that project execution was successful. We provide complete running procedure in the form of Instructional Video and detailed screenshots.

5. We need detailed explanation of our project, how far it is possible?

We provide complete explanation of the project in the form of screenshot. Each Screenshot will be detailed enough to acquire the knowledge of the algorithms, methods, parameters being used.

6. What all additional deliverables can be expected along with Source code?

Surprising with additional support is always our contentment. Following additional artifacts will be offered by our experts-

  • Project demonstration video
  • Detailed Screenshots along with explanation
  • Step by step Installation Procedure
  • Comprehensive Running Procedure
  • Readme Text File

Paper Writing

1. Can I get a Sample paper for reference, do we have such benefit?

Yes, supporting you with all your requisite is our prime goal. Please navigate to the “CHECK OUT OUR SAMPLE WORK" section and feel free to access/download the content.

2. What kind of format is being followed by your eminent writers for SCI Journals?

We generally opt for IEEE transactional template for all our works. If you are particular about SCI paper writing format, let us share the template being followed up-

  • Paper Title
  • Abstract & Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review (25+ Recent Papers)
  • Preliminary Knowledge (Diagram Given for Subject Matter)
  • Problem Statement/Formulation
  • Research Methodology
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusion and Future Work
  • References (Min 40 and Max 60 Recent Papers)

To be precise, we provide customized paper writing support as different journals prefer different formatting standards.

3. Can we also get an idea about SCOPUS paper formatting?

It’s always better to start with comprehensive support rather than specific support. Our paper writing support has its own significance as we format papers to compete with the requirement of high impact free journals. In case of specific journal formatting for SCOPUS, we follow the below format-

  • Research Methodology
  • Data Analysis & Results
  • Discussions
  • Limitations & Future Studies
  • References

4. What is the feasible paper length for SCI and Scopus journals?

We always prefer to be customized based on your requirement as page length can be increased/ decreased. To be specific for your questionnaire, we generally follow the below metrics –

  • SCI paper – 15-20 pages
  • Scopus paper – 12-15 pages

5. Survey paper writing is an art in itself. Can we get such support? If yes, please let us know what all will be included in it?

Of course, we are here to provide intact write-up support for your research Survey paper. Following are the steps being followed –

    • Furnish your Research niceties[Area of Interest/Topics being preferred]
    • Gather Recent year papers published in high impact journals like IEEE, Elsevier ACM etc
    • Aid the help of Online Resources such as Blog posts
    • Assemble relevant material through various sources.
    • Format being used for Survey paper writing-
      • Introduction
      • Literature Survey
      • Case Study/Analysis
      • Discussion (Based on Comparative/Analysis)
      • Conclusion( firm conclusion/ Recommendation)?

6. How you will write a comparative study paper?

The following steps performed in results based comparative study paper

  • Introduction: the background information, importance of the study
  • Materials and Methods: summarizing the materials and methods used
  • Results: summarizing the main results achieved
  • Discussions: Analyzing and discussing the results in details and Use tabular form to provide a comparative study of all papers.
  • Conclusion: Brief summary of the results, comments, recommendations, outlook. etc.

7. What types of paper you offer as part of your support system?

Being versatile in the field of research, our experts maintain their own warehouse of papers collected from different sources/journals. We offer the following papers as per your requisite-

  • Survey papers
  • Review papers
  • Analytics Papers
  • Comparative study Papers
  • Transaction Papers

8. Will you provide revision support in case we call for modification request?

Revision support is required when we miss to adhere to the standard paper writing protocol. We are always focused towards our end deliverables as customer satisfaction is our prime concern. There can be very less probability for rework but we are always there to support you with your concerns in case it is valid or unnoticed mistake by our technical experts.

9. What are the steps followed by your experts to make a high quality deliverable?

We have totally a five team of experts who own the responsibility of every deliverable. Each team has their own accountability and focus on their part accurately to reflect their expertise in your research work

  1. Subject Matter Experts– Analyze reference papers based on the Domain selected.
  2. Research Analyst Team – Identify problem statement with their in depth research knowledge.
  3. Software & Development Team – Focus on Complete system development based on the tool being selected.
  4. Grammar scrutiny Team – Grammatical error check is the most required factor for successful journal publication.
  5. Journal Expert Team –Based on the Scope of journal, select most suitable high Impact free journals.

Paper Publishing

1. If paper gets rejected after Final Submission, will you own the responsibility?

We can assure you that there will be very less probability for paper rejection as we maintain strict adherence to standard research protocol. We have nearly five different scrutiny teams of experts, who evaluate your paper before Final submission. In spite of all, if the paper gets rejected, we will offer our extended support until the paper gets published along with Review comments rework support.

2. What is the general time duration for SCI and Scopus indexed journals?

We hope you are well aware of the Journal standards and its impact factor. Below is the Reasonable time duration for the paper to get published in SCI/SCOPUS Journals-

  • SCI (Normal) – 9-12 months
  • SCI (Fast Acceptance) – 4 to 5 months
  • SCOPUS (Normal) – 6-9 months
  • SCOPUS (Fast Acceptance) – 3 months

3. What will be the publication fee to publish a paper in high Impact journals?

We agree with your fee concern but we never suggest our scholars to publish their papers in paid journals. Being very concerned about the Journal standard, we always inscribe our paper to compete with the standard followed by High impact free journals. This makes our paper eligible for all High impact free journals, which in turn vanishes your fee concern.

4. Will you be accountable for queries submitted by Journal Reviewer for rework?

We would be happy to lend our hands as we own the paper publication responsibility. We just want you to forward the reviewer comments to our queue and it will be our turn to revert back to you with best possible solution. This support will continue until we get paper acceptance.

5. How you will support for reviewer comments?

If reviewers are asking about formatting, technical issues, and grammatical issues, then we assign this work to the respective team to support you.

6. After paper writing, until paper publish how you support?

After paper writing, we go for paper publication support in High impact journals. There will be continuous review comments by Editor in chief for the submitted paper and it is duly our responsibity to answer their queries. We will provide complete revision support until paper gets accepted.

7. Is there any option like Short duration paper publication Support?

We agree your concern about last minute paper publication support. Definitely we will assist you with our strong support system once we get to know your stipulated time duration. We have lot of exclusive offers which our ADMIN can brief you better if contacted directly.

8. What sort of journals you prefer in general?

Journal Selection is an individual’s choice. In general, we prefer few High impact free journals, which will be best suitable for your research scope.

  1. Journal Aim and Scope
  2. Acceptance Rate
  3. 5 year Impact Factor
  4. SJR rank
  5. Timing – 2007 ongoing

9. Will you provide 100% paper publication support?

Obviously, it’s our prime responsibility to provide you round the clock support until your paper gets published in High Impact journals.

Thesis Writing

1. Can I get a Sample Thesis for reference; do we have such special consideration?

Yes, you can get your free sample reference under “CHECK OUT OUR SAMPLE WORK" Section. This will give you an insight of Sample thesis format followed by us.

2. How many pages will be incorporated in a comprehensive Thesis?

In general, world’s top most universities expect 120-150 pages. We offer customized support as per the university guidelines.

3. Can we get an outline of the Thesis format used by your experts?

We always prefer University format provided by our scholars to offer contented and personalized support. As a standard option we include the following chapters in our Thesis –

  • Chapter 1 – Introduction
  • Chapter 2 – Literature Review
  • Chapter 3 – Problem Statement
  • Chapter 4 – Proposed Methodology
  • Chapter 5- Experimental Results and Analysis
  • Chapter 6 – Conclusion and References

For every thesis writing help, we must see their requirements and university guidelines, as per their requirements, and guidelines, we will frame thesis chapter’s organization detail. Once scholars confirmed our mail, then we will work depending upon it.

4. Can we get an assurance for Plagiarism free Thesis Content?

Being in this field for more than 12 years, we are well aware about the Plagiarism level accepted [5-12%] by all Standard universities. In every stage of Thesis writing, we focus on novelty as we have experts who can frame entire content / algorithms/pseudo code based on the problem solution identified. Also, we are austere towards the originality of content we provide in our thesis.

5. Will you be able to provide plagiarism report?

We respect your concern but we can assure you plagiarism free Content writing support. Also, you can get the plagiarism report from your respective university at the time of thesis submission.

6. In case of modification requirement, will you provide revision support?

This is the most often questionnaire asked by researchers worldwide. We offer revision support, provided you come up with Valid justification or technical error overlooked by our experts.

7. What all artifacts I need furnish before taking up your Thesis aid?

It would be of great help, if you give us previously published papers and other required artifacts used during your research phase. Together we can construct your thesis to grab your research honor at the earliest.

8. What is your general time duration to complete a Thesis?

Based on the University formats and guidelines, we take approximately 30-45 days to complete a Thesis. If you need your work to be done at the earliest, then there is an exclusive offer always waiting for you.

9. Do you proffer MS thesis support?

Yes, we provide our extensive support for Master Thesis writing. We furnish all the required information as per the University standard to provide customized support.

10. Can you share the steps followed by your experts to make your Thesis worth enough to be taken up?

High Quality deliverable will be the desired option for all research scholars, who wish to commit their work with us. Understanding your requisite, we have framed seven teams of experts [mentioned below], who scrutinize your thesis at each step before final delivery. Believing our team expertise, we can assure you 100% commendable work.

  • Research Analyst
  • Subject Experts
  • Domain writers
  • Mathematical writers
  • Grammatical Error Checker
  • Proof readers
  • Format Editors
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