How to Simulate Application Layer Projects Using OMNeT++

To simulate Application Layer projects within OMNeT++ is highly flexible since the application layer is in which most user-level services and protocols function. We can be replicated several application layer protocols such as HTTP, DNS, FTP, VoIP, or even custom protocols. The simulation environment OMNeT++ with the INET framework offers numerous built-in application models (such as TCP, UDP applications) and permits to make own custom application layer behaviours.

We deliver step-by-step instruction to replicate Application Layer projects using OMNeT++:

Steps to Simulate Application Layer Projects in OMNeT++

  1. Install OMNeT++ and INET Framework
  • We download and install OMNeT++ from here.
  • Clone or download the INET framework from INET GitHub repository. INET framework contains predefined application layer protocols (e.g., HTTP, DNS, and UDP applications), creating it easier to replicate an application-level interactions.
  1. Understand Key Components of the Application Layer

The application layer handles the communication among end-user applications. General application layer aspects we can be replicated contain:

  • Web-based applications (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS).
  • Email protocols (e.g., SMTP, POP3).
  • File transfer protocols (e.g., FTP).
  • VoIP and Multimedia (e.g., SIP, RTP).
  • Custom applications (developed for specific purposes like IoT, sensor networks).
  1. Set Up a Basic Network Topology in NED

We want to describe a network topology in which two or more nodes are communicate using an application layer protocol. The network can encompass hosts, routers, and servers.

Example NED File for Client-Server Architecture:

network ApplicationLayerNetwork {


client: StandardHost {



server: StandardHost {



connections allowunconnected:

client.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> server.ethg++;


This basic network has:

  • Client: Performs as a request generator (e.g., HTTP client, DNS query client).
  • Server: Performs as a responder (e.g., HTTP server, DNS server).
  1. Simulate a Built-in Application Layer Protocol (e.g., HTTP)

INET framework contains numerous several built-in application layer protocols. We can set up a client to transmit HTTP requests to a server and calculate the response times.

Example omnetpp.ini Configuration for HTTP Traffic:


network = ApplicationLayerNetwork

sim-time-limit = 100s

# HTTP server configuration

**.server.numApps = 1

**[0].typename = “HttpServerApp”

**[0].localPort = 80

# HTTP client configuration

**.client.numApps = 1

**[0].typename = “HttpClientApp”

**[0].connectAddress = “server”  # Target the server

**[0].connectPort = 80

**[0].sendInterval = 5s  # Send an HTTP request every 5 seconds


  • The HttpServerApp is employed on the server node, listening on port 80 for incoming requests.
  • The HttpClientApp on the client node generates HTTP requests every 5 seconds, directed at the server’s IP address.
  1. Custom Application Layer Simulation

Also, we can make a custom application-layer protocols or replicate particular application-layer behavior. To do this, expand the INET application layer classes (like UdpBasicApp or TcpAppBase) or make own custom application class.

Steps to Create a Custom Application:

  1. Describe a new application class within C++, which executes the application behaviour.
  2. Inherit from either UdpBasicApp, TcpAppBase, or any other suitable base class.
  3. Override significant approaches like initialize(), handleMessage(), or handleTimer() to describe how the application performs.

Example of Custom UDP Application:

#include “inet/applications/udpapp/UdpBasicApp.h”

class CustomApp : public inet::UdpBasicApp {


virtual void initialize(int stage) override {



// Custom initialization logic

scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“startTime”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“start”));



virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {

if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {

// Send a custom UDP message

cPacket *packet = new cPacket(“CustomPacket”);


scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“sendInterval”).doubleValue(), msg);

} else {

// Handle incoming messages




virtual void sendPacket(cPacket *pkt) {

// Define how the packet is sent (e.g., destination address)

inet::L3Address destAddr = inet::L3AddressResolver().resolve(par(“destAddress”).stringValue());

sendToUDP(pkt, localPort, destAddr, destPort);



  • CustomApp receives from UdpBasicApp and schedules its packet transmissions utilizing timers.
  • We can tailor packet content, session control, and how the client manages incoming messages from the server.
  1. Configure the Custom Application in omnetpp.ini

We can set up the custom application by setting the metrics such as startTime, sendInterval, and destAddress.

Example omnetpp.ini Configuration for Custom UDP Application:


network = ApplicationLayerNetwork

sim-time-limit = 100s

# Custom UDP server configuration

**.server.numApps = 1

**[0].typename = “UdpSink”  # Server will receive UDP messages on port 5000

**[0].localPort = 5000

# Custom UDP client configuration

**.client.numApps = 1

**[0].typename = “CustomApp”

**[0].destAddress = “server”

**[0].destPort = 5000

**[0].localPort = 4000

**[0].startTime = 1s

**[0].sendInterval = 5s

  • The CustomApp will transmit UDP packets to the server each 5 seconds, which beginning at simulation time 1s.
  1. Simulate More Advanced Application Scenarios

We can be mimicked more advanced application-layer behaviours like:

  • VoIP (Voice over IP): Utilizing protocols such as SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) and RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol), we can replicate voice or video calls between nodes.
  • Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Applications: Replicate file-sharing applications in which nodes are perform as both clients and servers (using TCP or UDP for communication).
  • DNS (Domain Name System): Utilize DNS client and server applications to replicate domain resolution and query-response behaviour.

Example of a DNS Simulation (Client-Server):

# DNS server configuration

**.server.numApps = 1

**[0].typename = “DnsServerApp”

**[0].localPort = 53  # DNS servers listen on port 53

# DNS client configuration

**.client.numApps = 1

**[0].typename = “DnsClientApp”

**[0].dnsServerAddress = “server”  # DNS server address

**[0].dnsQueryInterval = 5s

  1. Run the Simulation
  • When the network and applications are set up, then run the simulation in OMNeT++.
  • We can monitor how the application layer protocols perform like HTTP requests or responses, DNS queries, or custom UDP traffic.
  1. Analyze Results

OMNeT++ offers tools for recording and examining the performance of application-layer protocols. Significant parameters to track consist of:

  • Throughput: Calculate the total of data effectively sent by the application.
  • Response Time: For protocols such as HTTP or DNS, we can estimate the time among a request and the corresponding response.
  • Packet Loss: Examine the amount of packets lost in the course of transmission, particularly in scenarios such as VoIP or multimedia streaming.
  • Session State: If replicating stateful applications then track the state transitions (e.g., from idle to active to closed).
  1. Extend the Simulation

We can further expand the simulation by inserting more advanced aspects:

  • Fault Tolerance: Replicate failover mechanisms for application servers (e.g., DNS failover).
  • Quality of Service (QoS): Insert QoS mechanisms to prioritize particular application-layer traffic.
  • Security: Execute security protocols such as TLS/SSL to mimic secure communication at the application layer.

Example Projects for Application Layer Simulation:

  1. HTTP Traffic Simulation: Replicate web traffic among several clients and servers, and assess response times and throughput under distinct network conditions.
  2. VoIP Simulation: Mimic voice-over-IP (VoIP) calls utilizing SIP and RTP, and then compute packet loss, jitter, and call quality in a congested network.
  3. DNS Load Balancing: Replicate a DNS server infrastructure with load balancing to distribute requests across numerous servers then calculate query resolution times.
  4. IoT Application Layer Protocols: Simulate IoT application protocols such as CoAP or MQTT to estimate communication among IoT devices and cloud servers.

We have exposed the necessary approach, using example coding and sample projects for Application Layer Projects via OMNeT++ tool. Additional specifics will also follow in another manual.

The experts at understand that the process can be challenging. Therefore, we invite you to share all the details of your project with us, and we will provide you with the most suitable project topics and guidance on simulations.

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