How to Simulate Cryptography Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate the Cryptography Projects using MATLAB that has comprises of executing encryption and decryption algorithms, learning cryptographic protocols, and then estimating its performance such as security, speed, and resource consumption. MATLAB environment offers an excellent platform for replicating the numerous cryptographic methods, like symmetric and asymmetric encryption, hashing, and digital signatures.

Below, we provide simple procedure to simulating cryptography projects using MATLAB:

Steps to Simulate Cryptography Projects Using MATLAB

  1. Choose a Cryptography Topic

We can select from a different kind of cryptographic algorithms and protocols to replicate, which containing:

  • Symmetric Encryption Algorithms (e.g., AES, DES)
  • Asymmetric Encryption Algorithms (e.g., RSA, ElGamal)
  • Hashing Algorithms (e.g., MD5, SHA)
  • Digital Signatures
  • Key Exchange Protocols (e.g., Diffie-Hellman)
  1. Simulate Symmetric Encryption (AES, DES)

Symmetric encryption algorithms utilize the similar key for both encryption and decryption. We can begin with a basic instance of AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption with the support of MATLAB.

Example: Simulating AES encryption

% Simulating AES encryption using built-in MATLAB function

% Define a plaintext message (in hexadecimal)

plaintext = ‘00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff’;

% Convert plaintext to binary data

binary_data = hex2dec(reshape(plaintext, 2, []).’).’;

% Define a secret key (in hexadecimal)

key = ‘000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f’;

% Convert key to binary data

key_data = hex2dec(reshape(key, 2, []).’).’;

% Encrypt using AES

ciphertext = aes_encrypt(binary_data, key_data);

% Display ciphertext



% Decrypt the ciphertext

decrypted_message = aes_decrypt(ciphertext, key_data);

disp(‘Decrypted Message (hex):’);


In this instance, a simple AES encryption function is implemented to the input data. To mimic a real-world project, we can encompass encryption modes such as CFB (Cipher Feedback Mode) or CBC (Cipher Block Chaining).

  1. Simulate Asymmetric Encryption (RSA)

RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) is an asymmetric encryption algorithm in which the encryption key is public and the decryption key is private. The RSA algorithm is broadly utilized in secure communications.

Example: Simulating RSA encryption

% RSA Encryption and Decryption

% Generate RSA keys (public and private keys)

p = 61; % First prime number

q = 53; % Second prime number

n = p * q; % Modulus

phi_n = (p-1)*(q-1); % Euler’s Totient function

% Choose public key (e) such that 1 < e < phi_n and gcd(e, phi_n) = 1

e = 17;

% Calculate private key (d) such that d*e ≡ 1 (mod phi_n)

d = modinv(e, phi_n);

% Define message (in number format)

message = 65; % ‘A’ in ASCII

% Encrypt the message using the public key (e, n)

ciphertext = mod(message^e, n);

disp([‘Encrypted message: ‘, num2str(ciphertext)]);

% Decrypt the message using the private key (d, n)

decrypted_message = mod(ciphertext^d, n);

disp([‘Decrypted message: ‘, num2str(decrypted_message)]);

In this sample, RSA key generation, encryption, and decryption are executed manually. MATLAB’s Symbolic Toolbox can also be utilized to manage huge numbers for the period of key generation and message encryption.

  1. Simulate Hashing Algorithms (SHA, MD5)

Hashing algorithms are utilized creating a fixed-size hash value from variable-size input information. They are generally utilized used in data integrity checks and digital signatures. We can replicate the SHA-256 hashing algorithm.

Example: Simulating SHA-256 Hashing

% Simulating SHA-256 hash generation

% Define the message (as a string)

message = ‘Hello, this is a sample message!’;

% Convert the message to binary data

message_bin = unicode2native(message, ‘UTF-8’);

% Compute the SHA-256 hash using MATLAB’s built-in function

hash_value = DataHash(message_bin);

% Display the hash value (in hexadecimal)

disp(‘SHA-256 Hash:’);


In this case, the DataHash function makes a secure hash for the input message. For more innovative projects, we can execute the SHA-256 from scratch or mimic collision attacks on weak hashing algorithms such as MD5.

  1. Simulate Key Exchange Protocol (Diffie-Hellman)

The Diffie-Hellman key exchange permits two parties to protectively distribute a secret key across an insecure communication channel.

Example: Simulating Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

% Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Simulation

% Define prime number and base (common to both parties)

p = 23; % Prime number

g = 5;  % Base

% Party 1 chooses a private key (a) and computes A = g^a mod p

a = 6; % Private key for Party 1

A = mod(g^a, p); % Public key for Party 1

% Party 2 chooses a private key (b) and computes B = g^b mod p

b = 15; % Private key for Party 2

B = mod(g^b, p); % Public key for Party 2

% Both parties exchange public keys (A and B)

% Party 1 computes shared secret S = B^a mod p

S1 = mod(B^a, p);

% Party 2 computes shared secret S = A^b mod p

S2 = mod(A^b, p);

% The shared secret should be the same for both parties

disp([‘Shared secret computed by Party 1: ‘, num2str(S1)]);

disp([‘Shared secret computed by Party 2: ‘, num2str(S2)]);

This example demonstrates how both parties independently compute the same shared secret using their private keys and the other party’s public key.

  1. Simulate Digital Signatures

A digital signature offers authentication, integrity, and non-repudiation to the digital messages. RSA or Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) is frequently utilized for digital signatures.

Example: Simulating RSA Digital Signature

% RSA Digital Signature Simulation

% Sign the message using the private key

message = 100; % Example message

signature = mod(message^d, n); % Sign with private key d

% Verify the signature using the public key

verified_message = mod(signature^e, n); % Verify with public key e

if verified_message == message

disp(‘Signature verified successfully’);


disp(‘Signature verification failed’);


In this instance, RSA is utilised replicating signing a message with a private key and checking it with a public key.

  1. Evaluate the Security of the Cryptographic Algorithm

After replicating the encryption and decryption algorithms, we can estimate its security, performance, and resistance to attacks:

  • Brute-force attack simulations to calculate the computational complexity.
  • Timing analysis to estimate the performance.
  • Differential cryptanalysis to experiment the vulnerability versus general attacks.

Example: Brute-force attack simulation on an encryption algorithm

% Simulate brute-force attack on a simple encryption algorithm

% Define the ciphertext and keyspace

ciphertext = 200; % Known ciphertext

keyspace = 1:100; % Range of possible keys

% Brute-force attack to find the correct key

for key = keyspace

decrypted_message = mod(ciphertext^key, n);

if decrypted_message == message

disp([‘Correct key found: ‘, num2str(key)]);




Example Project Ideas for Cryptography Simulation in MATLAB:

  1. AES Encryption Performance Analysis: Execute the AES with diverse key sizes (128, 192, 256 bits) and investigate its encryption speed and security.
  2. RSA-Based Digital Signatures: Replicate a digital signature system utilizing RSA and estimate its performance under diverse message sizes and key lengths.
  3. Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange with Attack Simulation: Execute the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol and then mimic man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks to calculate their security.
  4. Hashing Algorithm Comparison: Liken and execute distinct hashing algorithms (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256) for performance, collision resistance, and security.
  5. Brute-Force Attack on Symmetric Encryption: Replicate a brute-force attack on a simple symmetric encryption algorithm and assess the time complexity for diverse key sizes.
  6. Simulation of Post-Quantum Cryptography Algorithms: Execute the lattice-based cryptography algorithms such as NTRU and investigate its resistance to quantum attacks.

Tools and Libraries:

  • MATLAB Cryptography Toolbox: It offers an advanced cryptographic algorithms and functions.
  • Symbolic Math Toolbox: It is helpful for manage big prime numbers and modular arithmetic that needed in RSA and other asymmetric algorithms.
  • MATLAB File Exchange: Seek cryptography-related toolboxes and functions, like aes_encrypt, aes_decrypt, DataHash, and so on.

We employed MATLAB tool to accomplish in-depth simulation process for Cryptography projects, which was simulated and analysed and can be delivered further simulation and analysis on this subject if needed.

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