To simulate Data Link Layer projects using OMNeT++, which needs a concentrate on protocols and mechanisms, which work at Layer 2 of the OSI model. The Data Link Layer is responsible for node-to-node communication, framing, error detection, flow control, and handling how data is sent over physical links. To replicate such projects, we can be executed or use existing protocols for Ethernet, MAC protocols, ARP, Link Aggregation, VLANs, and more. The simulation environment OMNeT++ together with the INET framework offers support for mimicking many of these Data Link Layer aspects. We provide a step-by-step process to simulate Data Link Layer projects in OMNeT++.
Steps to Simulate Data Link Layer Projects in OMNeT++
- Set Up OMNeT++ and INET Framework
- Download and install OMNeT++: We can discover the software at the OMNeT++ official site.
- Download and install INET Framework: INET offers a broad range of network protocol models, contining those for Data Link Layer, like Ethernet, MAC protocols, and ARP. We can download it from INET GitHub or install it using OMNeT++’s package manager.
- Define the Network Topology (NED File)
The initial step in replicating Data Link Layer protocols is to describe the network topology using NED (Network Description) language. We will make a topology with switches, routers, and hosts in which Layer 2 protocols can function.
For example, if we require to replicate an Ethernet communication or MAC layer protocols then we can describe a network with several hosts and an Ethernet switch.
Example: Basic Ethernet Network
network DataLinkLayerNetwork
hostA: StandardHost {
hostB: StandardHost {
switchA: EthernetSwitch {
hostA.ethg++ <–> EthernetLink <–> switchA.ethg++;
hostB.ethg++ <–> EthernetLink <–> switchA.ethg++;
In this network:
- hostA and hostB are denote the devices (e.g., computers), which will communicate over the Data Link Layer.
- switchA is an Ethernet switch, which will forward packets according to MAC addresses.
- EthernetLink signifies a physical layer connection (wired link) among the devices.
- Choose a Data Link Layer Protocol to Simulate
The Data Link Layer includes numerous protocols and mechanisms, like:
- Ethernet: Replicate the framing, MAC addressing, and collision detection (CSMA/CD).
- MAC Protocols: Execute or mimic distinct MAC (Medium Access Control) protocols such as ALOHA, CSMA, TDMA, or CDMA.
- ARP (Address Resolution Protocol): Utilized for resolving IP addresses into MAC addresses.
- Link Aggregation (LAGP): Aggregate several physical links into a single logical link for redundancy and enhanced bandwidth.
- VLAN (Virtual LAN): Mimic segmentation of network traffic rely on VLAN tags.
We can choose which protocol or mechanism we require to replicate according to the project requirements.
- Configure Ethernet or MAC Layer in INET (omnetpp.ini)
If we are mimicking Ethernet or a specific MAC protocol then we set up the hosts and switches in the .ini configuration file to utilize the suitable protocol.
Example: Simulating Ethernet with MAC Layer
network = DataLinkLayerNetwork
sim-time-limit = 100s
# Enable Ethernet and MAC on all nodes
*.hostA.eth[0].macType = “EthernetMac”
*.hostB.eth[0].macType = “EthernetMac”
# Packet generation configuration (for traffic simulation)
*.hostA.numPackets = 100
*.hostA.destAddress = “hostB” # Target destination
In this configuration:
- EthernetMac is the MAC layer type utilized for Ethernet communication among the nodes.
- Traffic is made by hostA and sent to hostB, in which each packet will traverse the Ethernet switch.
- Simulate ARP Protocol (Address Resolution Protocol)
The ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is an essential Data Link Layer protocol utilized to resolve IP addresses into MAC addresses. INET framework supports ARP, and it is typically allowed by default in IP-based networks. The following is a method on how to allow and replicate ARP in a simple network:
ARP Configuration in omnetpp.ini:
network = DataLinkLayerNetwork
sim-time-limit = 100s
# Enable ARP on all nodes
*.hostA.networkLayer.arpType = “GlobalArp”
*.hostB.networkLayer.arpType = “GlobalArp”
# Ethernet configuration for communication
*.hostA.eth[0].macType = “EthernetMac”
*.hostB.eth[0].macType = “EthernetMac”
# Packet generation for hostA
*.hostA.numPackets = 50
*.hostA.destAddress = “hostB”
- Implement Custom MAC Protocols
If we need to replicate a custom MAC protocol (like ALOHA, CSMA, or TDMA) then we can execute it by extending OMNeT++’s cSimpleModule class and handling how the nodes are access the shared medium.
Example: Custom MAC Protocol Implementation
class CustomMACProtocol : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void processPacket(cPacket *pkt);
void CustomMACProtocol::initialize()
// Initialization of MAC parameters like contention windows, backoff, etc.
void CustomMACProtocol::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
cPacket *pkt = check_and_cast<cPacket*>(msg);
void CustomMACProtocol::processPacket(cPacket *pkt)
// Logic for medium access, contention resolution, and packet transmission
// Could implement CSMA/CD, ALOHA, etc.
- Simulate VLANs (Virtual LANs)
VLANs (Virtual LANs) permits logical segmentation of network traffic in a unique physical network. Each VLAN performs as a separate broadcast domain, and switches are utilize VLAN tags to direct traffic.
VLAN Configuration in omnetpp.ini:
network = DataLinkLayerNetwork
sim-time-limit = 200s
# Configure VLAN IDs for hosts and switches
*.hostA.eth[0].vlanTagEnabled = true
*.hostA.eth[0].vlanId = 10
*.hostB.eth[0].vlanTagEnabled = true
*.hostB.eth[0].vlanId = 20
# Ethernet switch configuration to handle VLAN tags
*.switchA.vlanAware = true
In this configuration:
- VLAN tags are allowed on the hosts, and each host is allocated to a distinct VLAN.
- The switch is VLAN-aware, and it routes traffic according to the VLAN tags.
- Run the Simulation
When the network is set up and configured with the suitable protocols in the omnetpp.ini file then we can run the simulation utiliizng OMNeT++.
- Qtenv or Tkenv: These graphical environments enable to observe the simulation in real-time.
- Packet Analyzer: Utilize OMNeT++’s built-in packet tracer to monitor how packets are sent and routed via the network.
- Analyze the Results
After running the simulation, we can examine the following features:
- Traffic Flow: Monitor the flow of traffic among the hosts at the Data Link Layer (MAC addressing, Ethernet frame structure).
- Error Detection and Recovery: For protocols such as ARQ (Automatic Repeat reQuest), verify how errors are managed.
- Efficiency of MAC Protocols: For custom MAC protocols, estimate the throughput, packet loss, and delay to calculate the protocol’s performance.
- VLAN Segmentation: Make sure that VLANs are appropriately isolating traffic.
- Extend the Project
Based on the project aims, here are some possible extensions:
- Collision and Contention: Replicate collision detection (CSMA/CD) or collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) and assess the protocol’s effectiveness in preventing collisions.
- Link Failures: Launch link failures to experiment how Data Link Layer protocols manage error recovery or failover.
- Advanced MAC Protocols: Execute more sophisticated MAC protocols such as TDMA or CDMA for wireless communication.
Example Project Structure:
├── src/
│ └── DataLinkLayerNetwork.ned # Network topology
│ └── # Custom MAC protocol (if applicable)
├── omnetpp.ini # Simulation configuration
└── Makefile # Build file for compilation
Replicate Data Link Layer projects within OMNeT++ that permits to discover how Layer 2 protocols such as Ethernet, MAC protocols, ARP, VLANs, and Link Aggregation function in a network.
In conclusion, we had exhibited the above simplified procedure with example project structure to simulate, analyse and extend the Data Link Layer projects using OMNeT++ simulation tool. More details will be shared related to this topic in upcoming guide.
Our development team has put considerable effort into exploring all concepts associated with botnets using the OMNeT++ tool. We invite you to remain engaged with us for valuable insights and support on emerging topics. Please feel free to reach out via email for top-notch simulation guidance.