How to Simulate DDOS Attack Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack within MATLAB that can help know how these attacks effect network performance and permit to experiment diverse mitigation approaches. In a DDoS attack, several devices or attackers overflow a target server including excessive requests, devastating it and rendering it inaccessible to legitimate users.

To replicate it in MATLAB, we can configure a design with:

  1. Legitimate Users and Attackers: Replicate both normal user requests and attack requests.
  2. Server Queue: A queue for managing incoming requests at the server that contains a maximum capacity.
  3. Attack Detection and Mitigation: Execute a simple mitigation strategy to block extra requests.

Steps to Simulate a Basic DDoS Attack in MATLAB

  1. Define Simulation Parameters

Describe metrics for the simulation, like the amount of users, attackers, request rates, and server capacity.

% Simulation Parameters

numLegitimateUsers = 10;       % Number of legitimate users

numAttackers = 30;             % Number of attackers

requestRateUsers = 1;          % Request rate per second per legitimate user

requestRateAttackers = 5;      % Request rate per second per attacker

simulationDuration = 10;       % Duration of the simulation in seconds

serverCapacity = 20;           % Maximum number of requests server can handle per second

  1. Simulate Requests from Legitimate Users and Attackers

Create requests per second of the simulation, including legitimate users transmitting requests at a lower rate and attackers fowarding requests at a higher rate.

% Initialize request counts

requests = zeros(1, simulationDuration);     % Total incoming requests at each second

legitRequests = zeros(1, simulationDuration); % Legitimate user requests

attackRequests = zeros(1, simulationDuration); % Attacker requests

for t = 1:simulationDuration

% Legitimate user requests

legitRequests(t) = poissrnd(numLegitimateUsers * requestRateUsers);

% Attacker requests

attackRequests(t) = poissrnd(numAttackers * requestRateAttackers);

% Total requests to server

requests(t) = legitRequests(t) + attackRequests(t);


  1. Simulate Server Processing and Overload Detection

Verify if the entire requests go beyond the server capacity at each time step, which marking overloaded periods and replicating the dropped requests.

% Server handling and overload detection

processedRequests = zeros(1, simulationDuration); % Requests successfully processed

droppedRequests = zeros(1, simulationDuration);   % Requests dropped due to overload

overloadFlag = false(1, simulationDuration);      % Flag indicating server overload

for t = 1:simulationDuration

if requests(t) <= serverCapacity

% No overload, all requests are processed

processedRequests(t) = requests(t);


% Overload: process only up to server capacity

processedRequests(t) = serverCapacity;

droppedRequests(t) = requests(t) – serverCapacity;

overloadFlag(t) = true;



% Display results for each time step

disp(‘Time | Legitimate Requests | Attack Requests | Total Requests | Processed | Dropped | Overloaded’);

for t = 1:simulationDuration

fprintf(‘%4d | %18d | %14d | %13d | %9d | %7d | %10s\n’, …

t, legitRequests(t), attackRequests(t), requests(t), processedRequests(t), droppedRequests(t), string(overloadFlag(t)));


  1. Plot the Results

Envision the legitimate requests, attack requests, and dropped requests to monitor how the DDoS attack effects the server over time.

% Plot request types and server response


% Total requests and server capacity

subplot(3, 1, 1);

hold on;

plot(1:simulationDuration, requests, ‘-o’, ‘DisplayName’, ‘Total Requests’);

yline(serverCapacity, ‘–r’, ‘Server Capacity’);

title(‘Total Requests vs. Server Capacity’);

xlabel(‘Time (s)’);

ylabel(‘Requests per Second’);


grid on;

% Legitimate vs Attack requests

subplot(3, 1, 2);

hold on;

plot(1:simulationDuration, legitRequests, ‘-o’, ‘DisplayName’, ‘Legitimate Requests’);

plot(1:simulationDuration, attackRequests, ‘-x’, ‘DisplayName’, ‘Attack Requests’);

title(‘Legitimate vs. Attack Requests’);

xlabel(‘Time (s)’);

ylabel(‘Requests per Second’);


grid on;

% Dropped Requests due to Overload

subplot(3, 1, 3);

bar(1:simulationDuration, droppedRequests);

title(‘Dropped Requests Due to Overload’);

xlabel(‘Time (s)’);

ylabel(‘Dropped Requests’);

grid on;

  1. Implement a Basic Mitigation Strategy

To mitigate the DDoS attack, limit the amount of requests are permitted for each IP (user) per second. Below is a basic method, which limits each user to one request per second, blocking additional requests from attackers.

% Mitigation Strategy Parameters

maxRequestsPerUser = 1; % Maximum requests per user per second

% Apply mitigation strategy

for t = 1:simulationDuration

% Limit legitimate requests

legitRequests(t) = min(legitRequests(t), numLegitimateUsers * maxRequestsPerUser);

% Limit attacker requests

attackRequests(t) = min(attackRequests(t), numAttackers * maxRequestsPerUser);

% Update total requests and re-evaluate server overload

requests(t) = legitRequests(t) + attackRequests(t);

% Re-evaluate server capacity with mitigation

if requests(t) <= serverCapacity

processedRequests(t) = requests(t);

droppedRequests(t) = 0;

overloadFlag(t) = false;


processedRequests(t) = serverCapacity;

droppedRequests(t) = requests(t) – serverCapacity;

overloadFlag(t) = true;



% Re-plot after mitigation


% Plot requests with mitigation

subplot(3, 1, 1);

hold on;

plot(1:simulationDuration, requests, ‘-o’, ‘DisplayName’, ‘Total Requests with Mitigation’);

yline(serverCapacity, ‘–r’, ‘Server Capacity’);

title(‘Total Requests vs. Server Capacity (with Mitigation)’);

xlabel(‘Time (s)’);

ylabel(‘Requests per Second’);


grid on;

% Legitimate vs Attack requests with mitigation

subplot(3, 1, 2);

hold on;

plot(1:simulationDuration, legitRequests, ‘-o’, ‘DisplayName’, ‘Legitimate Requests’);

plot(1:simulationDuration, attackRequests, ‘-x’, ‘DisplayName’, ‘Attack Requests with Mitigation’);

title(‘Legitimate vs. Attack Requests (with Mitigation)’);

xlabel(‘Time (s)’);

ylabel(‘Requests per Second’);


grid on;

% Dropped requests due to overload with mitigation

subplot(3, 1, 3);

bar(1:simulationDuration, droppedRequests);

title(‘Dropped Requests Due to Overload (with Mitigation)’);

xlabel(‘Time (s)’);

ylabel(‘Dropped Requests’);

grid on;

Explanation of Key Components

  • Legitimate Users vs Attackers: The replication differentiates among the legitimate users and attackers, each with diverse request rates.
  • Server Overload Detection: The server including a capacity limit; any requests ahead of this limit are dropped, which replicating overload.
  • Mitigation Strategy: General rate limiting caps the amount of requests for each user to minimize overload from attackers.
  • Visualization: The plots indicate how the DDoS attack influences the server and how the mitigation approach supports handle the traffic.

Possible Extensions

  1. Advanced Mitigation: Execute more sophisticated DDoS defense methods like IP filtering, machine learning-based anomaly detection, or CAPTCHA.
  2. Different Attack Types: Replicate other DDoS kinds such as amplification attacks or layer 7 attacks, by changing the attack characteristics.
  3. Traffic Analysis: Calculate the influence of DDoS attacks on server response time, throughput, and packet loss.
  4. Adaptive Rate Limiting: Execute dynamic rate limiting according to the real-time traffic analysis for enhanced attack detection and mitigation.

In this setup, we aggregated the innovative information regarding the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack projects, which were simulated and extended using MATLAB environment. We furnished to share the additional data regarding this process in further setup.

For personalized solutions that cater to your unique requirements, we are dedicated to providing the best service for you. If you’re looking to simulate DDoS attack projects using MATLAB, reach out to We provide excellent project ideas and topics, ensuring your project is executed with top-notch performance by our skilled developers, who are well-equipped to manage the challenges posed by multiple devices or attackers.

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