How to Simulate DSR Routing Projects Using OMNeT++

To simulate Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) projects within OMNeT++ and the INET framework, we will be replicating a reactive routing protocol created for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). DSR operates by finding routes on-demand and contains source routing, in which the sender identifies the comprehensive route the packet will take to attain the destination. Here we deliver step-by-step instruction to simulate a DSR routing project in OMNeT++:

Steps to Simulate DSR Routing Projects in OMNeT++

  1. Install OMNeT++ and INET Framework
  • We can download and install OMNeT++ from here.
  • Clone or download the INET framework from INET GitHub repository. INET framework is necessary since it offers all the essential modules for replicating mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and comprises DSR.
  1. Verify DSR Support in INET
  • The INET framework already supports Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), thus we won’t require to execute it from scratch.
  • Make certain that we have compiled INET and that the DSR routing protocol is obtainable in the installed version.
  1. Set Up a MANET (Mobile Ad Hoc Network) Topology in NED
  • We will require to describe a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) topology in which nodes can move around, and DSR will actively find routes as required.
  • A basic instance can contain numerous mobile nodes with wireless interfaces, which communicate without fixed infrastructure.

Example NED file for a simple MANET setup:

network DSRNetwork {


node[5]: WirelessHost {

@display(“p=” + (100 + index * 100) + “,200”);



// No direct wired connections since it’s a wireless network


  • This NED file makes 5 mobile nodes (you can increase or decrease the number as needed). They will communicate wirelessly, and DSR will ascertain routes as needed.
  1. Configure the Simulation in omnetpp.ini
  • In the omnetpp.ini file, set up the network’s parameters, containing routing protocols, node mobility, wireless settings, and traffic generation.

Example omnetpp.ini configuration:


network = DSRNetwork

sim-time-limit = 100s

# Enable DSR routing for all nodes

**.routingProtocol = “DSR”

# Enable wireless interfaces for all nodes

**.node[*].wlan[0].typename = “AdhocHost”

# Mobility configuration: Random Waypoint Mobility

**.node[*].mobility.typename = “INET.mobility.single.RandomWaypointMobility”

**.node[*].mobility.speed = uniform(5mps, 15mps)  # Random speed between 5 and 15 m/s

**.node[*].mobility.constraintAreaMinX = 0m

**.node[*].mobility.constraintAreaMaxX = 1000m

**.node[*].mobility.constraintAreaMinY = 0m

**.node[*].mobility.constraintAreaMaxY = 1000m

# Application Configuration: Generate UDP traffic from node[0] to node[4]

**.node[0].numApps = 1

**.node[0].app[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”

**.node[0].app[0].destAddresses = “node[4]”

**.node[0].app[0].sendInterval = 1s

**.node[0].app[0].messageLength = 512B

**.node[4].numApps = 1

**.node[4].app[0].typename = “UdpSink”


  • Routing Protocol: Set DSR as the routing protocol for all nodes.
  • Mobility Model: Utilize RandomWaypointMobility that permits the nodes to move randomly within the simulation area. We can change the area and speed as required.
  • Traffic Generation: Set up a UDP application to generate traffic from node[0] to node[4].
  1. Set Up Wireless Interfaces
  • Each node must have a wireless interface to allow the communication in the ad hoc network. In the omnetpp.ini file, we can set up the wireless parameters:

# Configure wireless interfaces

**.node[*].wlan[0].radio.transmitter.power = 2mW

**.node[*].wlan[0].radio.receiver.sensitivity = -85dBm

**.node[*].wlan[0].mac.dataRate = 54Mbps

**.node[*].wlan[0].radio.channelNumber = 1

These metrics identify the transmission power, receiver sensitivity, and data rate for the wireless interfaces.

  1. Run the Simulation
  • We open OMNeT++ IDE and run the simulation.
  • As the nodes are move around, DSR will actively ascertain routes as required. We can be monitored how DSR finds paths and how packets are routed among nodes.
  1. Monitor and Analyze the Simulation
  • Utilize OMNeT++’s simulation tools to envision how DSR routes packets within the network. The mobility of nodes and the dynamic route finding process can be observed through the simulation’s GUI.
  • Record key metrics like:
    • Packet delivery ratio (PDR): The percentage of packets effectively delivered to the destination.
    • End-to-end delay: The time taken for packets to travel from the source to the destination.
    • Route discovery latency: The time taken by DSR to find a route when none exists.
    • Control overhead: The amount of control packets are generated for route discovery and maintenance.
  1. Customize and Extend DSR (Optional)
  • We can expand the DSR’s behaviour by changing or inserting more aspects to the DSR execution. For instance:
    • Energy-aware DSR: Execute an energy-efficient version of DSR in which nodes are choose routes according to their energy levels.
    • Congestion-aware DSR: Execute a version in which nodes are take congestion into account when choosing routes.
    • Security-aware DSR: Incorporate security mechanisms into DSR to manage attacks like route spoofing or blackhole attacks.

Example Visualization of DSR Simulation:

For the period of the simulation, we can envision nodes are   moving around in the simulation area, the packets being sent among them, and the routes discovered by DSR.

Through this simulation, we deeply know the concepts and simulation method to replicate and analyse the DSR routing projects within OMNeT++ simulator. If you have any doubt on this projects feel free to ask!

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