How to Simulate EGP Protocol Projects Using NS2

To simulate the Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) using NS2, which can be challenging task since NS2 does not natively support EGP or its inheritor, Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). But, we can still replicate EGP-like behaviour by executing custom routing protocols or prolonging NS2’s capabilities.

Below is a stepwise instruction to help us simulate EGP protocol projects using NS2:

Steps to Simulate EGP Protocol Projects in NS2

Understanding EGP

Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) is an older protocol utilized for exchanging routing data among the autonomous systems (AS) on the internet. It has been largely substituted by BGP because of scalability and functionality enhancements.

Since NS2 doesn’t support EGP out of the box, we have two key choices:

  1. Execute EGP functionality manually within NS2.
  2. Utilize or improve an NS2 extension or patch, which inserts EGP support.

Option 1: Implementing EGP Functionality Manually

  1. Install NS2

Make certain that NS2 is installed on the machine:

  • We can download NS2 from the official website.
  • We can follow the installation instructions appropriate for the operating system (Linux is recommended).
  1. Understand NS2’s Routing Framework

NS2 permits to describe custom routing protocols by changing its core or writing own agents. We can leverage this capability to mimic EGP.

  1. Define Autonomous Systems (AS)

In EGP, the internet is split into several AS. We require to denote these AS in NS2.

# Create separate domains (autonomous systems)

set ns [new Simulator]

# AS1 Nodes

set as1_node0 [$ns node]

set as1_node1 [$ns node]

# AS2 Nodes

set as2_node0 [$ns node]

set as2_node1 [$ns node]

  1. Configure Inter-AS Links

Connect nodes in an AS and among AS to replicate inter-domain routing.

# Intra-AS Links (AS1)

$ns duplex-link $as1_node0 $as1_node1 1Mb 10ms DropTail

# Intra-AS Links (AS2)

$ns duplex-link $as2_node0 $as2_node1 1Mb 10ms DropTail

# Inter-AS Links (between AS1 and AS2)

$ns duplex-link $as1_node1 $as2_node0 512Kb 50ms DropTail

  1. Implement EGP-like Routing Logic

Since EGP is not obtainable, we can replicate its behaviour by:

  • Making routing tables manually.
  • Utilizing static routes to describe how packets move among AS.
  • Executing route exchange mechanisms using NS2’s scripting.

Example: Defining Static Routes

# Enable hierarchical routing

$ns rtproto Static

# Define routing entries for nodes

# AS1 Node Routing

$as1_node0 add-route $as2_node1 via $as1_node1

$as1_node1 add-route $as2_node1 via $as2_node0

# AS2 Node Routing

$as2_node0 add-route $as1_node0 via $as1_node1

$as2_node1 add-route $as1_node0 via $as2_node0

  1. Set Up Traffic Sources

Describe the traffic among the nodes in distinct AS to test inter-domain routing.

# Create a TCP connection from AS1 to AS2

set tcp [new Agent/TCP]

set sink [new Agent/TCPSink]

$ns attach-agent $as1_node0 $tcp

$ns attach-agent $as2_node1 $sink

$ns connect $tcp $sink

# Create FTP application over TCP

set ftp [new Application/FTP]

$ftp attach-agent $tcp

$ns at 1.0 “$ftp start”

$ns at 10.0 “$ftp stop”

  1. Run the Simulation

# Finish the simulation

$ns at 15.0 “finish”

proc finish {} {

global ns tracefile namfile

$ns flush-trace

close $tracefile

close $namfile

exit 0


$ns run

  1. Analyze Results
  • Utilize the generated trace files to investigate packet flows among AS.
  • Envision the simulation using NAM (Network Animator) to monitor inter-domain routing.

Option 2: Using or Developing an NS2 Extension for EGP

If we prefer a more exact simulation of EGP then we deliberate the following:

  1. Search for Existing NS2 Extensions
  • Seek NS2 modules or extensions, which execute EGP.
  • These might be obtainable in research papers, academic projects, or NS2 user communities.
  1. Develop a Custom EGP Module

If no extension is obtainable then we can improve one:

  • Modify NS2 Source Code: Execute EGP functionalities by editing NS2’s C++ core.
  • Create New Agents: Write custom agent classes in C++ to manage EGP message types and routing logic.
  • Recompile NS2: After creating changes then we recompile NS2 to contain the new protocol.

Note: Improving a new protocol needs a strong understanding of both NS2 internals and the EGP specification.

Alternative Approach: Simulating BGP

Since EGP is out-of-date, we might deliberate replicating BGP that is the modern protocol for inter-domain routing.

Using External Tools

  • NS3: The successor to NS2, NS3, has better support for up-to-date protocols and may have BGP executions.
  • Other Simulators: Tools such as GNS3 or Mininet can mimic BGP more efficiently.

Example Project Ideas

  1. Inter-Domain Routing Simulation Using Static Routes
    • Replicate several AS interconnected through static routes.
    • Examine how changes in topology influence routing.
  2. Custom Implementation of EGP Features
    • Execute key aspects of EGP within NS2.
    • Learn the protocol’s behaviour under numerous network conditions.
  3. Comparative Analysis Between EGP and BGP
    • If possible, we replicate both protocols (EGP manually, BGP via extensions).
    • Compare performance parameters such as convergence time and routing efficiency.

In this projects, we presented the common steps for EGP protocol that has two options, one is manually implement the EGP protocol another one is using NS2 extension for EGP protocol and also we provided sample projects ideas related to this projects. If you require more details and further concepts on this subjects, we will be made available. Get assistance with Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) at We provide comprehensive guidance to support you in developing EGP Protocol Projects using NS2 tailored to your specific requirements

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