To simulate an Extended Bus Topology in MATLAB that needs to constructs on a basic bus topology by prolonging the main bus with branches. In this topology, a main bus line works as the backbone and more branches prolong from the main bus, which associating groups of nodes. This configuration is helpful for enlarging networks even though maintaining a centralized communication structure. Below is a basic procedure for Extended Bus Topology that can be simulated in MATLAB.
Steps to Simulate an Extended Bus Topology in MATLAB
- Define the Network Structure
- Make a primary bus line and then associate branch networks (each with several nodes) to the main bus at diverse points.
- Establish Connections Based on the Topology
- Attach each branch to a point on the main bus.
- Associate nodes in each branch to its bus segment of branch.
- Simulate Data Transmission
- Execute the data transmission along the primary bus and among nodes on each branch.
- Route data amongst branches via the main bus if nodes on distinct branches require being interacted.
- Visualize the Topology
- Plot the nodes, the primary bus, and branch connections.
- Evaluate Performance Metrics
- Assess performance parameters like total data transmitted, latency, and packet success rate.
Example MATLAB Code for Simulating an Extended Bus Topology
Now, we offer a MATLAB script to replicate an extended bus topology with numerous branches are associated to a main bus line.
% Parameters
numBranches = 3; % Number of branches
nodesPerBranch = 4; % Number of nodes per branch
mainBusLength = 50; % Length of the main bus
branchLength = 15; % Length of each branch extending from the main bus
busYPosition = 25; % Y-position for the main bus
branchSpacing = 20; % Horizontal spacing between branch connection points on the main bus
transmissionDelay = 0.5; % Delay per transmission (in seconds)
dataPackets = randi([10, 30], numBranches, nodesPerBranch); % Data packets each node sends
% Define positions for branch connection points on the main bus
branchConnectionPoints = linspace(10, mainBusLength – 10, numBranches);
% Define positions for nodes within each branch
branchNodePositions = cell(numBranches, 1); % Cell array to store positions of nodes in each branch
for b = 1:numBranches
% Generate positions for nodes along each branch extending upward from the main bus
branchNodePositions{b} = [repmat(branchConnectionPoints(b), nodesPerBranch, 1), …
busYPosition + (1:nodesPerBranch)’ * (branchLength / nodesPerBranch)];
% Plot the Extended Bus Topology
hold on;
% Plot the main bus
plot([0, mainBusLength], [busYPosition, busYPosition], ‘k-‘, ‘LineWidth’, 2, ‘DisplayName’, ‘Main Bus’);
% Plot each branch and its nodes
for b = 1:numBranches
% Plot connection point on the main bus
plot(branchConnectionPoints(b), busYPosition, ‘ro’, ‘MarkerSize’, 10, ‘DisplayName’, [‘Branch ‘, num2str(b), ‘ Connection Point’]);
% Plot nodes and connections within each branch
for n = 1:nodesPerBranch
plot(branchNodePositions{b}(n,1), branchNodePositions{b}(n,2), ‘bo’, ‘MarkerSize’, 8, ‘DisplayName’, [‘Node ‘, num2str(n), ‘ in Branch ‘, num2str(b)]);
% Connect each node in the branch to the branch’s connection point
if n == 1
plot([branchConnectionPoints(b), branchNodePositions{b}(n,1)], [busYPosition, branchNodePositions{b}(n,2)], ‘k–‘);
plot([branchNodePositions{b}(n-1,1), branchNodePositions{b}(n,1)], [branchNodePositions{b}(n-1,2), branchNodePositions{b}(n,2)], ‘k–‘);
title(‘Extended Bus Topology’);
xlabel(‘X Position’);
ylabel(‘Y Position’);
grid on;
axis equal;
hold off;
% Step 1: Simulate Data Transmission within Each Branch
disp(‘Intra-Branch Data Transmission Simulation:’);
for b = 1:numBranches
for n = 1:nodesPerBranch
fprintf(‘Node %d in Branch %d sends %d packets to nearby nodes on its branch…\n’, n, b, dataPackets(b, n));
pause(transmissionDelay); % Simulate transmission delay
% Step 2: Simulate Data Transmission across the Main Bus between Branches
disp(‘Inter-Branch Data Transmission Simulation:’);
for b = 1:numBranches
for other_b = 1:numBranches
if b ~= other_b
fprintf(‘Branch %d sends data to Branch %d via the Main Bus…\n’, b, other_b);
pause(transmissionDelay); % Simulate transmission delay
fprintf(‘Branch %d received data from Branch %d\n’, other_b, b);
% Display Network Metrics (Example: Total Data Transmitted)
totalDataTransmitted = sum(dataPackets(:));
disp([‘Total data transmitted within the network: ‘, num2str(totalDataTransmitted), ‘ packets’]);
Explanation of Code
- Node and Branch Positioning:
- The primary bus is located horizontally at busYPosition.
- Branch connection points are equally spaced along the primary bus (branchConnectionPoints), and then nodes in each branch are placed within a line extending vertically from the main bus.
- Topology Visualization:
- The primary bus is denoted as a solid line, and each branch is associated to the main bus with dashed lines.
- Nodes are signified as blue circles, and branch connection points are red circles.
- Data Transmission Simulation:
- Intra-Branch Transmission: Every single node in a branch sends data to neighbouring nodes on their branch.
- Inter-Branch Transmission via Main Bus: Information can be routed from one branch to another via the main bus.
- Network Metrics Calculation:
- The total data sent by every node is computed and indicated as a performance metric.
Extensions and Variations
- Variable Transmission Delays:
- Launch random delays for both intra-branch and inter-branch communications to replicate the real network conditions.
- Dynamic Topology Changes:
- Permit nodes to move along branches or replicate inserting or eliminating nodes monitoring the effect on network performance.
- Measure Additional Performance Metrics:
- Measure packet success rates, end-to-end latency, and throughput for additional in-depth performance analysis.
Visualization of Data Transmission Metrics
We can utilize a bar plot to display the number of packets each branch transmits.
% Plot the number of packets each branch transmits
bar(1:numBranches, sum(dataPackets, 2));
title(‘Data Packets Transmitted by Each Branch’);
xlabel(‘Branch Index’);
ylabel(‘Packets Transmitted’);
grid on;
Advanced Simulation Scenarios
- Simulate Branch or Main Bus Failure:
- Launch failure situations on branches or the main bus to estimate the network resilience and communication rerouting.
- Traffic Load Analysis:
- Maximizes the data traffic in particular branches to experiment the network capacity and congestion effects.
- Implement Quality of Service (QoS):
- Prioritize particular data flows along the primary bus or in branches to manage the high-traffic situations.
From this simulation, we clearly explained the step-by-step simulation procedure with their examples and advanced simulation scenarios for Extended Bus Topology using MATLAB environment. If you need any more details on this topic, feel free to ask!
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