How to Simulate Extended Bus Topology Projects Using OMNeT++

To simulate an Extended Bus Topology using OMNeT++, we will want to follow these steps. If you are in need of simulation help then will be your ultimate destination so drop us all your details we will guide you in appropriate way:

Steps to Simulate Extended Bus Topology in OMNeT++

  1. Install OMNeT++ and INET Framework

Initially, make certain that we have OMNeT++ and the INET framework installed on the machine. INET framework offers the essential models for replicating networking protocols and devices.

  • We cab download and install OMNeT++ from the OMNeT++ website.
  • Clone and compile the INET framework from the INET repository.
  1. Understand the Extended Bus Topology

An Extended Bus Topology is a linear bus topology in which nodes (or devices) are associated to a general communication medium (bus), however more segments can be inserted to extend the network. The bus enables for communication over a shared backbone.

In OMNeT++, we can replicate it by describing a shared channel with numerous nodes are connected to it, or by making separate segments are connected through repeaters or bridges.

  1. Create the NED File (Network Description)

In OMNeT++, topologies are defined using the NED language. The following is an instance of how to make an Extended Bus Topology in a NED file:

network ExtendedBusNetwork



node[8]: Node;  // 8 nodes (you can extend this)

bus: Bus;       // Shared bus


node[0].ethg++ <–> bus.ethg++;

node[1].ethg++ <–> bus.ethg++;

node[2].ethg++ <–> bus.ethg++;

node[3].ethg++ <–> bus.ethg++;

node[4].ethg++ <–> bus.ethg++;

node[5].ethg++ <–> bus.ethg++;

node[6].ethg++ <–> bus.ethg++;

node[7].ethg++ <–> bus.ethg++;


module Bus extends CompoundModule



ethg[];  // Ethernet connections to nodes


Here, node refers to the devices are associated to the bus, and bus is the shared communication medium. The ethg[] gates denote Ethernet connections among the bus and the nodes.

Extended Bus Segments

For an extended bus in which numerous segments are connected, we can insert repeaters or bridges among distinct segments of the bus:

network ExtendedBusNetworkWithRepeater



segment1: Bus;

segment2: Bus;

repeater: Repeater;

node[4]: Node;  // 4 nodes in each segment


node[0].ethg++ <–> segment1.ethg++;

node[1].ethg++ <–> segment1.ethg++;

node[2].ethg++ <–> segment1.ethg++;

node[3].ethg++ <–> segment1.ethg++;

repeater.port1++ <–> segment1.ethg++;  // Connect repeater to first segment

repeater.port2++ <–> segment2.ethg++;  // Connect repeater to second segment

node[4].ethg++ <–> segment2.ethg++;

node[5].ethg++ <–> segment2.ethg++;

node[6].ethg++ <–> segment2.ethg++;

node[7].ethg++ <–> segment2.ethg++;


simple Repeater






This network include two bus segments are connected through a repeater. We can be mimicked network traffic among the segments and monitor how the repeater performs.

  1. Configuring Node Modules

Each node wants to have an Ethernet or bus-compatible network interface. Here’s how to describe a basic node with an Ethernet interface in the NED file:

simple Node



ethg;  // Ethernet gate for bus connection


eth: EthernetInterface;


The EthernetInterface is portion of the INET framework and offers the functionality to connect nodes to the shared medium (bus) utilizing Ethernet protocols.

  1. Set Up the Simulation Configuration (omnetpp.ini)

Set up the simulation settings in the omnetpp.ini file:


network = ExtendedBusNetworkWithRepeater  # Specify the network to simulate

sim-time-limit = 100s                     # Set simulation time limit

# Configure Ethernet interfaces

**.node[*].eth.mtu = 1500                 # Set Maximum Transmission Unit

**.node[*].eth.address = “auto”           # Assign automatic MAC addresses

# Enable visualization (optional)

*.node[*].eth.displayString = “b=50,50,oval”;  # Visualize nodes

*.segment1.displayString = “b=200,50,line”;   # Visualize bus segment

*.segment2.displayString = “b=200,50,line”;

*.repeater.displayString = “b=20,20,rect”;

In this set up, we indicate the ExtendedBusNetworkWithRepeater topology and set metrics for Ethernet interfaces. We can change the sim-time-limit to manage the duration of the simulation.

  1. Compile and Run the Simulation
  • We can compile the project using OMNeT++.
  • Run the simulation using the OMNeT++ GUI. We will monitor the nodes are connected to the bus and we can monitor how data is sent across the shared bus and through repeaters among extended segments.
  1. Analyze Results

We can gather performance parameters like throughput, packet loss, or latency by utilizing OMNeT++’s built-in statistics collection tools. Also, we can envision the network behaviour and track the data packets.

  1. Visualization (Optional)

To envision the topology, we can set up the display properties in the omnetpp.ini file as shown above. Itwill useful to monitor the structure of the bus and extended segments within the OMNeT++ simulation environment.

These projects featured the basic technique using sample snippets for Extended Bus Topology, which were simulated and analysed this results within OMNeT++ platform. Further specific insights will be added in other manual.

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