To simulate the Global Routing using MATLAB, we can make a design in which a central controller contains thorough knowledge of the network topology and computes the optimal routes for every node. This centralized method is normal in environments such as Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and it can be utilized replicating the global routing in which each node’s path is calculated along with a global perspective and making sure optimal paths over the network.
We will instruct you on how to simulate and configure a global routing simulation in MATLAB.
Steps to Simulate Global Routing in MATLAB
- Define Network Topology:
- Denote nodes and links using an adjacency matrix or graph object.
- Allocate weights to each link that signifying factors like distance, latency, or cost.
- Initialize Global Controller:
- The controller contains an entire view of the network and sustains the adjacency matrix.
- The controller computes the shortest path for each source-destination pair within the network utilizing algorithms such as Floyd-Warshall for all-pairs shortest paths or Dijkstra’s algorithm for single-source shortest paths.
- Calculate and Store Routing Tables:
- The global controller estimates a routing table for every node that stipulating the best next hop for attaining any other node.
- Save the routing tables to be utilized by each node for the period of packet forwarding.
- Simulate Packet Forwarding:
- Forward packets depend on the global routing tables, which making sure packets travel along the precomputed shortest paths.
- Analyse the path taken by each packet and calculate parameters like hop count and transmission cost.
- Visualize and Analyze Results:
- Plot the network topology and emphasize paths taken by packets.
- Analyse the metrics like path length, packet delay, and number of hops.
Example Code Outline
Below is an example MATLAB code framework to simulate global routing with centralized path computation.
% Define network topology as an adjacency matrix with link weights
adjMatrix = [
0 2 0 0 7;
2 0 3 8 0;
0 3 0 1 6;
0 8 1 0 4;
7 0 6 4 0
numNodes = size(adjMatrix, 1);
% Global controller calculates routing tables for all nodes using Floyd-Warshall algorithm
function [dist, nextHop] = floydWarshall(adjMatrix)
numNodes = size(adjMatrix, 1);
dist = adjMatrix;
dist(dist == 0) = inf; % Set zero values to infinity, except diagonal
for i = 1:numNodes
dist(i, i) = 0;
nextHop = repmat((1:numNodes)’, 1, numNodes);
for k = 1:numNodes
for i = 1:numNodes
for j = 1:numNodes
if dist(i, j) > dist(i, k) + dist(k, j)
dist(i, j) = dist(i, k) + dist(k, j);
nextHop(i, j) = nextHop(i, k);
% Calculate all-pairs shortest paths
[dist, nextHop] = floydWarshall(adjMatrix);
% Display global routing tables for each node
disp(‘Global Routing Tables (Next Hop for each Destination):’);
for src = 1:numNodes
disp([‘Routing table for node ‘, num2str(src), ‘:’]);
for dest = 1:numNodes
if src ~= dest
fprintf(‘Destination %d: Next hop %d, Distance %.2f\n’, dest, nextHop(src, dest), dist(src, dest));
% Function to simulate packet forwarding using global routing tables
function forwardPacket(src, dest, nextHop)
current = src;
path = [current];
while current ~= dest
current = nextHop(current, dest);
path = [path, current];
disp([‘Packet path from ‘, num2str(src), ‘ to ‘, num2str(dest), ‘: ‘, num2str(path)]);
% Test packet forwarding from a source to destination
srcNode = 1;
destNode = 5;
disp(‘— Packet Transmission —‘);
forwardPacket(srcNode, destNode, nextHop);
% Visualize the network topology
G = graph(adjMatrix);
plot(G, ‘EdgeLabel’, G.Edges.Weight);
title(‘Network Topology’);
Explanation of the Code
- Network Topology: The adjacency matrix adjMatrix describes the network including each non-zero entry denoting a link and their weight (cost).
- Floyd-Warshall Algorithm: The floydWarshall function computes the shortest paths among every pairs of nodes. It returns dist, the shortest distance among any two nodes, and nextHop, which showing the next hop within the path from each source to each destination.
- Routing Table Display: For every single node’s routing table is indicated which displaying the next hop and distance for attaining each destination.
- Packet Forwarding: The forwardPacket function mimics packet forwarding according to the precomputed nextHop table, making sure packets are track the shortest path from source to destination.
Visualization and Analysis
To examine and envision global routing:
- Network Visualization: Indicate the network topology with edge labels displaying the link weights using MATLAB’s graph and plot functions.
- Path Display: Use the global routing table to analyse and show the path taken by a packet from source to destination.
Extending the Simulation
For a more innovative global routing simulation:
- Dynamic Link Weights: Replicate the modifying link weights and recompute shortest paths periodically.
- Link Failures and Recovery: Mimic link failures by setting particular link weights to infinity (inf) and recompute shortest paths.
- Multiple Packet Flows: Replicate several source-destination pairs to monitor the load balancing and network-wide performance.
In this guide, we performed the simulation approach with coding snippets are useful to simulate and configure the Global Routing projects in MATLAB environment. We plan to deliver more detailed information related to this topic.
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