How to Simulate Green Networking Projects Using NS2

To simulate Green Networking within NS2 that encompasses modeling energy-efficient networking methods to minimize power consumption within several network components (e.g., routers, switches, access points, etc.). Green Networking concentrates on enhancing power consumption at distinct layers of the network even though conserving performance.

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Steps to Simulate Green Networking Projects in NS2

  1. Install NS2

Make sure we have NS2 installed on the computer. If it’s not installed then we can download it from the NS2 website.

  1. Identify Energy Efficiency Techniques

Green networking includes several energy-saving strategies at distinct layers of the network. For simulation purposes, we could concentrate on methods like:

  • Dynamic Power Management (DPM): Modifying power states of network devices according to the load or traffic.
  • Energy-aware Routing: Improving routing protocols, which reduce energy consumption.
  • Energy-efficient MAC protocols: Enhancing medium access control to minimize power usage, like by reducing idle listening.
  • Sleep Scheduling: Putting network nodes to sleep in the course of idle periods to save power.
  1. Extend NS2 for Energy Efficiency

NS2 does not natively support energy-aware models for all network components. We want to change or prolong NS2 to contain energy-awareness aspects. For instance, insert energy models to monitor power consumption of nodes (like routers, access points, or sensor nodes).

NS2 already has a wireless energy model for mobile nodes, which can be adjusted for energy-efficient simulation. Here’s how to trigger it:

$ns_ node-config -energyModel EnergyModel \

-initialEnergy 100.0 \

-rxPower 1.0 \

-txPower 1.5 \

-idlePower 0.5 \

-sleepPower 0.01

This sets up each node with an energy model, which monitors the power consumed in numerous states: transmit (tx), receive (rx), idle, and sleep.

  1. Define Energy-Efficient Network Nodes

For green networking, each network device (router, switch, sensor, etc.) requires an energy model. Here’s an instance of how we can describe an energy-aware node:

# Define a node with energy model

set node_($i) [$ns_ node]

$node_($i) energyModel EnergyModel

$node_($i) initialEnergy 100.0

$node_($i) rxPower 1.0

$node_($i) txPower 1.5

$node_($i) idlePower 0.5

$node_($i) sleepPower 0.01

This script sets up each node with first energy level and the power consumption rates in distinct states (transmitting, receiving, idle, and sleep).

  1. Implement Energy-aware Routing Protocol

Change or execute routing protocols, which concentrate on reducing energy usage. For example, in an ad-hoc network, a routing protocol can be created to choose paths, which use less energy.

Example of extending AODV to include energy-aware metrics:

if (energy < threshold) {

// Avoid selecting nodes with low energy



This change make certain that routes with low-energy nodes are prevented to reduce network lifetime.

  1. Simulate Sleep Scheduling (Dynamic Power Management)

Execute sleep scheduling algorithms in which nodes are switch to a low-power or sleep mode in the course of idle periods to conserve energy. For example, change the MAC protocol to periodically put nodes in sleep mode:

# Schedule a sleep period for a node

$ns_ at 5.0 “$node_($i) enter-sleep-mode”

$ns_ at 10.0 “$node_($i) exit-sleep-mode”

This sets up a node to enter sleep mode at 5 seconds and wake up at 10 seconds.

  1. Implement Green MAC Protocol

A key area in green networking is creating energy-efficient MAC protocols. For example, protocols such as T-MAC (Time-MAC) that permit nodes to switch among active and sleep states according to the traffic conditions.

We can replicate it in NS2 by controlling the wake-up and sleep times of nodes rely on network activity:

$ns_ at 5.0 “$node_($i) sleep-mode” ;# Put node in sleep mode after 5 seconds

$ns_ at 7.0 “$node_($i) wakeup-mode” ;# Wake up after 2 seconds

  1. Energy-aware Data Transmission

Enhance data transmission to reduce energy usage. For instance, utilizing low-power transmission in the course of periods of low network load:

# Set transmission power dynamically based on distance

set dist [expr sqrt(($x1 – $x2) * ($x1 – $x2) + ($y1 – $y2) * ($y1 – $y2))]

if { $dist > 500 } {

$node_($i) setTxPower 1.0 ;# High power for long distance

} else {

$node_($i) setTxPower 0.5 ;# Low power for short distance


This script modifies the transmission power rely on the distance among the nodes.

  1. Simulation Example Script

Here’s a simple instance of a green networking simulation utilizing energy-aware nodes and routing:

set ns [new Simulator]

set tracefile [open w]

set namfile [open green_networking.nam w]

$ns trace-all $tracefile

$ns namtrace-all $namfile

# Configure nodes with energy models

set node_(0) [$ns node]

$node_(0) set initialEnergy 100

$node_(0) set rxPower 1.0

$node_(0) set txPower 1.5

$node_(0) set idlePower 0.5

$node_(0) set sleepPower 0.01

set node_(1) [$ns node]

$node_(1) set initialEnergy 100

$node_(1) set rxPower 1.0

$node_(1) set txPower 1.5

$node_(1) set idlePower 0.5

$node_(1) set sleepPower 0.01

# Link the nodes

$ns duplex-link $node_(0) $node_(1) 10Mb 10ms DropTail

# Routing

$ns at 0.5 “$node_(0) start”

$ns at 0.5 “$node_(1) start”

# Run the simulation

$ns at 10.0 “finish”

$ns run

This script replicates a network with two energy-aware nodes are connected through a duplex link.

  1. Run the Simulation

When TCL script is complete then we run the simulation using the NS2 command:

ns green_networking.tcl

The simulation will make trace files, which indicate node energy consumption over time.

  1. Analyze Results

We can utilize AWK scripts or other tools to process the trace files and estimate the energy efficiency of the network:

  • Energy consumption: Monitor how much energy each node consumes for the period of transmission, reception, and idle time.
  • Network lifetime: Compute the time until the initial node runs out of energy.
  • Energy savings: Compare outcomes with non-energy-aware protocols to quantify the savings.
  1. Visualization

We can use NAM (Network Animator) to envision the network and monitor how nodes transition among active, idle, and sleep states in the course of the simulation.


To replicate green networking in NS2:

  • Install and set up NS2.
  • Extend NS2 with energy models for each node.
  • Utilize energy-aware routing protocols and MAC protocols.
  • Execute methods such as dynamic power management, sleep scheduling, and energy-efficient data transmission.
  • Investigate the energy consumption, savings, and performance trade-offs using trace files.

We had provided deeper insights and relevant coding for Green Networking Projects, simulated and executed within NS2 tool. If you want more informations regarding to this subject, we will be offered.

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