How to Simulate Grid Topology Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate a Grid Topology in MATLAB which is a structured network arrangement in which nodes are located within a 2D grid pattern and each node associates to their nearby neighbors. This topology is general in sensor networks and urban mesh networks because of their simplicity and ease of extension.

To replicate a grid topology using MATLAB, we can organise nodes in a grid and then associate each node to their adjacent neighbors like up, down, left, and right, if they exist. We will instruct you on how to simulate the Grid Topology in MATLAB.

Steps to Simulate a Grid Topology in MATLAB

  1. Define the Grid Structure
    • Indicate the grid dimensions such as rows and columns.
    • Set nodes within a grid layout along with connections to its adjacent neighbors.
  2. Simulate Data Transmission
    • Execute the data transmission among each node and their neighbors.
    • Launch delays or packet loss to replicate the realistic network conditions.
  3. Visualize the Topology
    • Plot the nodes and its connections to display the grid structure.
  4. Evaluate Performance Metrics
    • Calculate the performance parameters like data transmitted, latency, or packet success rate over the grid.

Example MATLAB Code for Simulating a Grid Topology

Now, we offer a MATLAB script which replicates a grid topology in which each node interacts with their adjacent neighbors.

% Parameters

numRows = 4;                     % Number of rows in the grid

numCols = 4;                     % Number of columns in the grid

nodeSpacing = 10;                % Distance between nodes

transmissionDelay = 0.5;         % Delay per transmission (in seconds)

dataPackets = randi([10, 50], numRows, numCols); % Data packets for each node to send to neighbors

% Generate grid node positions

[x, y] = meshgrid(0:numCols-1, 0:numRows-1);

nodePositions = [x(:) * nodeSpacing, y(:) * nodeSpacing];

% Plot the grid topology


hold on;

for i = 1:numRows*numCols

[row, col] = ind2sub([numRows, numCols], i); % Convert index to row and column

% Check for neighbors and plot connections

if row > 1

% Connect to the node above

neighborIdx = sub2ind([numRows, numCols], row-1, col);

plot([nodePositions(i,1), nodePositions(neighborIdx,1)], [nodePositions(i,2), nodePositions(neighborIdx,2)], ‘k-‘);


if row < numRows

% Connect to the node below

neighborIdx = sub2ind([numRows, numCols], row+1, col);

plot([nodePositions(i,1), nodePositions(neighborIdx,1)], [nodePositions(i,2), nodePositions(neighborIdx,2)], ‘k-‘);


if col > 1

% Connect to the node on the left

neighborIdx = sub2ind([numRows, numCols], row, col-1);

plot([nodePositions(i,1), nodePositions(neighborIdx,1)], [nodePositions(i,2), nodePositions(neighborIdx,2)], ‘k-‘);


if col < numCols

% Connect to the node on the right

neighborIdx = sub2ind([numRows, numCols], row, col+1);

plot([nodePositions(i,1), nodePositions(neighborIdx,1)], [nodePositions(i,2), nodePositions(neighborIdx,2)], ‘k-‘);



% Plot nodes

for i = 1:numRows*numCols

plot(nodePositions(i,1), nodePositions(i,2), ‘bo’, ‘MarkerSize’, 8, ‘DisplayName’, [‘Node ‘, num2str(i)]);


title(‘Grid Topology Network’);

xlabel(‘X Position’);

ylabel(‘Y Position’);

grid on;

axis equal;

hold off;

% Step 1: Simulate Data Transmission between Neighboring Nodes

disp(‘Data Transmission Simulation:’);

for i = 1:numRows*numCols

[row, col] = ind2sub([numRows, numCols], i); % Convert index to row and column

% Transmit data to each neighbor if they exist

if row > 1

fprintf(‘Node %d sends %d packets to Node above…\n’, i, dataPackets(row, col));

pause(transmissionDelay); % Simulate delay


if row < numRows

fprintf(‘Node %d sends %d packets to Node below…\n’, i, dataPackets(row, col));



if col > 1

fprintf(‘Node %d sends %d packets to Node on the left…\n’, i, dataPackets(row, col));



if col < numCols

fprintf(‘Node %d sends %d packets to Node on the right…\n’, i, dataPackets(row, col));




% Step 2: Display Network Metrics (Example: Total Data Transmitted)

totalDataTransmitted = sum(dataPackets(:)) * 4; % Each packet is sent to up to 4 neighbors

disp([‘Total data transmitted in the network: ‘, num2str(totalDataTransmitted), ‘ packets’]);

Explanation of Code

  1. Node Placement and Connection:
    • Uses the meshgrid function, nodes are located in a grid.
    • Connections are sketched among each node and their adjacent neighbors like up, down, left, and right where applicable.
  2. Topology Visualization:
    • Every single node is signified as a blue circle, and solid lines denote the connections to adjacent neighbors, which modelling a grid structure.
  3. Data Transmission Simulation:
    • Each node transmits data packets to their adjacent nodes (if they exist). A delay is launched to replicate the transmission time.
    • The total data sent within the network is computed and showed at the end.

Extensions and Variations

  1. Bidirectional Communication:
    • Execute the bidirectional data transmission to mimic two-way interaction among nodes.
  2. Random Packet Loss and Variable Delays:
    • Launch packet loss probability or arbitrary transmission delays making more realistic network behavior.
  3. Evaluate Additional Performance Metrics:
    • Monitor latency, throughput, or packet success rates over the grid to examine the network performance.
  4. Dynamic Topology Changes:
    • Mimic link or node failures, or insert new nodes to monitor the effect the network performance.

Visualization of Data Transmission Metrics

We can utilize a heatmap to envision the number of packets for each node is transmitting or receiving.

% Plot a heatmap of data packets sent by each node




title(‘Data Packets Sent by Each Node’);

xlabel(‘Column Index (X Position)’);

ylabel(‘Row Index (Y Position)’);

Advanced Simulation Scenarios

  1. Multi-Hop Communication:
    • Execute the multi-hop transmission in which nodes transmit data over many hops to attain distant nodes.
  2. Traffic Analysis:
    • Launch changing traffic loads over diverse divisions of the grid to investigate how congestion impacts the packet delivery and latency.
  3. Fault Tolerance:
    • Replicate the failure of particular nodes or links to experiment fault tolerance and robustness of the grid.

We had demonstrated the simple procedure that contains numerous ideas with sample coding, extensions and variations for simulating the Grid Topology Projects within MATLAB environment. Upon request we will insert more information and insights on this project later.

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