To simulate the HTTP and HTTPS projects in OPNET, we will requires to configure the network which contains the web servers, client nodes, and the essential protocols to maintain the secure (HTTPS) and standard (HTTP) traffic. The given below are the detailed structures on how to simulate the HTTP HTTPS through OPNET:
Step-by-Step to Simulate HTTP HTTPS projects using OPNET
- Set Up the Network Topology
- In the Object Palette we select the workstations (clients) and servers (web servers) to replicate the HTTP/HTTPS communications.
- To order the nodes in the desired topology such as client-server, star, or mesh). To communicate the clients and servers utilizing the IP links to replicate an Internet associating of topology.
- Configure the HTTP and HTTPS Servers
- Designed for every server node, visit the Attributes configuration and set up to act as a web server.
- In the Application Configuration:
- Stipulate the HTTP and HTTPS as the server’s helped the applications.
- Permit the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) for HTTPS on the server. They could be done with choosing the HTTPS by SSL set ups.
- We contain the stipulate metrices such as page size, request size, and response time to replicate the different load situations.
- Configure the Client Nodes
- On the client nodes to set up the HTTP and HTTPS applications in the Application Configuration.
- In the Profile Configuration to build an outline for the web browsing which includes both HTTP and HTTPS requests.
- Require the browsing frequency, page size, and request intervals to mitigate the real-world of browsing behaviours.
- Set Up SSL/TLS Protocol for HTTPS
- In the Attributes of the HTTPS server and allow the SSL or TLS that would improve the encryption of the HTTP traffic and replicate the HTTPS.
- Regulate the SSL-specific metrices such as the encryption level of instance 128-bit, 256-bit if available to replicate the different security levels.
- Configure Traffic Generation
- To Utilized the traffic generation profiles to control the load of the HTTP and HTTPS servers.
- To configure the request and response sizes to reflect the accurate data modify the among clients and servers.
- State the peak traffic times and stages the minimum traffic to track in what way the network switches the variable loads.
- Define Simulation Parameters
- To configure the simulation runtime reliant on the necessities.
- To Permit the data collection for parameter performance such as the response time, throughput, latency, and packet loss.
- Run the Simulation
- It beginning the replication of track the however the HTTP and HTTPS traffic flows from clients to servers.
- To follow the real-time performance to show the report periods for HTTP vs. HTTPS and note that any various in latency due to the SSL/TLS of encode the overhead in HTTPS.
- Analyse Results
- After executing the simulation results to use the OPNET’s Analysis Tools to appraisal the main performance of parameters:
- Response Time: To patterned the average report time for both HTTP and HTTPS to comprehend the latency show through the HTTPS encode.
- Throughput: To evaluate the data rate at that HTTP and HTTPS traffic is effectively distributed.
- Encryption Overhead: Form the maximum processing time in HTTPS due to the SSL/TLS encryption.
- Network Utilization: To follow the bandwidth of used to HTTP and HTTPS traffic.
In this manual we deliver Simulation procedure for the HTTP HTTPS projects in OPNET tool. It considers the network topology then configure the HTTP and HTTPS Servers and use the Protocol for HTTPS to run the simulation results and reports. we offer the tools to execute this simulation. If you need more information to regarding this project, we will clarify it in another manual.
If you want to simulate HTTP and HTTPS projects using the OPNET tool, just shoot us a message! We offer customized research services and top-notch paper writing. We take care of web servers and client nodes, so you can trust us to get your project done right and on time, with a guarantee of 100% success.