To simulate an ICMP Redirect Attack in ns2 environment happens as soon as an attacker transmit forged ICMP redirect messages to a target, inculcating it to route traffic via a different (possibly malicious) gateway or node. This kind of attack can be utilized to act as man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks or reroute traffic via a compromised system. Replicate such an attack in NS2 needs some creativity, by the way of NS2 do not directly support ICMP redirects, however it can be similar to by utilizing routing manipulation approaches and packet forwarding mechanisms.
Here’s a step-by-step procedures to mimic an ICMP redirect attack in NS2 by simulating the attack using routing changes:
Steps to Simulate ICMP Redirect Attack Projects in NS2
Step 1: Set Up NS2
Make sure that we have NS2 installed on the system. We will also require NAM (Network Animator) for visualization.
Step 2: Understand the ICMP Redirect Attack
In an ICMP Redirect Attack, the attacker transmits an ICMP redirect message to the target, considerable it which a diverse route is more optimal. After this, the target transmits its traffic across a path controlled by the attacker that permits the attacker to interrupt or replicate the traffic.
To replicate this attack in NS2, we will:
- Configure a normal route from the target node to a legitimate gateway or destination.
- Establish an attacker node which transmits a redirect-like message to the target, operating the routing table to reroute the traffic across the attacker.
Step 3: Design the Simulation Topology
- Legitimate Client: This is the node creating normal traffic.
- Legitimate Gateway: The initial destination of the client’s traffic.
- Attacker Node: The node that pass on the target to route traffic over it.
- Victim (Target) Node: The node which will have its traffic redirected by the attacker.
Step 4: Create an NS2 TCL Script for ICMP Redirect Attack
Below is an NS2 TCL script that mimics the key features of an ICMP redirect attack:
Example TCL Script for ICMP Redirect Attack Simulation:
# Create a new simulator object
set ns [new Simulator]
# Define network nodes
set client [$ns node] ;# Legitimate client node
set gateway [$ns node] ;# Legitimate gateway (initial target of traffic)
set attacker [$ns node] ;# Attacker node (sends ICMP redirect)
set victim [$ns node] ;# Victim node (target of the attack)
# Create duplex links between nodes
$ns duplex-link $client $victim 1Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $victim $gateway 1Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $victim $attacker 1Mb 10ms DropTail
# Create routing for the initial scenario (client -> victim -> gateway)
$ns rtproto Static
$ns at 0.0 “$victim setdest $gateway 1Mb 10ms” ;# Initial routing to gateway
# Define UDP agents for legitimate traffic
set udp_client [new Agent/UDP]
$ns attach-agent $client $udp_client
# Define traffic sink at the gateway to receive packets from the victim
set udp_sink [new Agent/Null]
$ns attach-agent $gateway $udp_sink
# Connect client traffic to the legitimate gateway through the victim
$ns connect $udp_client $udp_sink
# Define CBR traffic from the client
set cbr [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$cbr set packetSize_ 512
$cbr set interval_ 0.1
$cbr attach-agent $udp_client
# Start traffic from the client
$ns at 1.0 “$cbr start”
# Attacker redirects the victim’s traffic to pass through the attacker instead of the gateway
# This mimics an ICMP redirect message
proc inject_redirect {} {
global ns victim attacker gateway
# Change the victim’s routing to direct traffic through the attacker
$ns rtmodel-at 2.0 “default” $victim $gateway $attacker
# Log the routing table change
puts “Attacker has injected a redirect at 2.0 seconds: Victim traffic now goes through the attacker”
# Schedule the ICMP redirect attack at 2.0 seconds
$ns at 2.0 “inject_redirect”
# Finish procedure to end the simulation
proc finish {} {
global ns
$ns flush-trace
close $tracefile
exec nam icmp_redirect.nam &
exit 0
# Schedule the finish procedure after 5 seconds
$ns at 5.0 “finish”
# Trace file for recording simulation events
set tracefile [open “” w]
$ns trace-all $tracefile
# NAM trace for network animation
set namfile [open “icmp_redirect.nam” w]
$ns namtrace-all $namfile
# Run the simulation
$ns run
Step 5: Explanation of the Script
- Nodes and Links:
- The script describes four nodes: client, gateway, attacker, and victim.
- Initial links are configured so the client transmits traffic to the gateway through the victim.
- Routing Setup:
- To begin with, the prey sends traffic from the client to the gateway.
- At 2.0 seconds, the attacker implements an ICMP redirect by enforcing the prey to alteration it’s routing and forward the traffic to the attacker rather than the gateway.
- Traffic Generation:
- The client transmits UDP traffic to the gateway via the victim node.
- CBR (Constant Bit Rate) traffic is created from the client.
- ICMP Redirect (Routing Change):
- The technique inject_redirect replicates an ICMP redirect by adjusting the routing table of the victim node at 2.0 seconds, creating the prey that transfer traffic via the attacker node rather than the legitimate gateway.
- Tracing and Visualization:
- The script creates a trace file ( and a NAM file (icmp_redirect.nam) for envisioning the attack and its impacts.
Step 6: Run the Simulation
- Save the script as icmp_redirect.tcl.
- Execute the script using NS2:
ns icmp_redirect.tcl
This will generate two files:
- A trace files encompasses details about all packets and routing changes.
- icmp_redirect.nam: A NAM file for envision the network behaviour.
Step 7: Visualize the Simulation Using NAM
To envision the ICMP redirect attack, utilize NAM:
nam icmp_redirect.nam
In NAM, you will be able to observe:
- The initial routing of traffic from the prey to the gateway.
- The attacker’s insertion of the redirect (routing change).
- The traffic being redirected to the attacker after 2.0 seconds.
Step 8: Analyse the Trace File
We can assess the trace file ( for details on the following:
- The initial routing of packets across the legitimate gateway.
- The rerouting of packets via the attacker after the ICMP redirect attack.
- Potential packet losses or latency triggered by the routing change.
We can also compose custom scripts using AWK or Python to process the trace file and measure the routing changes and packet flows.
Step 9: Enhance the Simulation
Here are some ways we can improve the simulation:
- Simulate Multiple Redirects: mimic more complex attacks in which the attacker concerns multiple redirects over time.
- Introduce Defense Mechanisms: replicate the defences such as firewalls or routing protocols which avoid unwanted redirects or utilize authentication.
- Increase Network Complexity: Incorporate more nodes or attackers to generate a larger network with multiple gateways and traffic flows.
In the above brief procedure will teach you how to simulate and evaluate the results using the tool of ns2 for ICMP Redirect Attack projects in the network scenario. Additional specific details regarding this project will update in another manual.
Get a complete guide to replicate an ICMP redirect attack using the NS2 tool, customized to your specific requirements. We employ routing manipulation techniques and efficient packet forwarding methods. Our team successfully simulates ICMP Redirect Attack Projects with NS2 for scholars at all levels. For expert assistance, visit, where we specialize in providing personalized support to students.