How to Simulate IGP Protocol Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate an Interior Gateway Protocols (IGPs) using MATLAB requires creating a routing protocols design and examines that utilized in an autonomous system (AS). General IGPs contains RIP (Routing Information Protocol), OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), and EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol). The simple ideas in replicating IGP protocols turn around how routers distribute routing data and how paths are computed in the network. To get best simulation needs for your research then we will guide you.

Below is a step-by-step technique to simulate IGP protocols such as OSPF and EIGRP in MATLAB:

Steps to Simulate IGP Protocol Projects in MATLAB

  1. Network Topology Definition

Initially, we can describe the network topology as an adjacency matrix in which nodes denote the routers and links signify direct connections amongst them. It is the initial point for most routing protocols.

Example: Defining a Network Topology

% Number of routers

numRouters = 6;

% Define the adjacency matrix for the network (Inf = no direct connection)

adjMatrix = [

0 2 Inf 1 Inf Inf;  % Router 1 connections

2 0 3 Inf Inf Inf;  % Router 2 connections

Inf 3 0 2 Inf 1;    % Router 3 connections

1 Inf 2 0 4 Inf;    % Router 4 connections

Inf Inf Inf 4 0 3;  % Router 5 connections

Inf Inf 1 Inf 3 0   % Router 6 connections


disp(‘Network Adjacency Matrix:’);


  1. Dijkstra’s Algorithm for OSPF

Open Shortest Path First is a link-state protocol which uses Dijkstra’s algorithm to determine the shortest path for each destination. OSPF routers sustain a comprehensive map of the network and then compute the shortest path to all other router.

Implementing Dijkstra’s Algorithm

Dijkstra’s algorithm evaluates the shortest path from a source router to every other router by discovering the minimum cumulative link cost.

% Dijkstra’s Algorithm to calculate shortest path in OSPF

function [distances, previous] = dijkstra(adjMatrix, source)

numRouters = size(adjMatrix, 1);

distances = Inf(1, numRouters);  % Initialize distances to infinity

previous = NaN(1, numRouters);   % Previous node in the optimal path

distances(source) = 0;           % Distance from source to itself is 0

unvisited = 1:numRouters;        % All nodes are initially unvisited

while ~isempty(unvisited)

% Find the unvisited node with the smallest distance

[~, idx] = min(distances(unvisited));

currentNode = unvisited(idx);

unvisited(idx) = [];  % Mark current node as visited

% Update the distances to neighboring nodes

for neighbor = 1:numRouters

if adjMatrix(currentNode, neighbor) < Inf  % Neighbor exists

alt = distances(currentNode) + adjMatrix(currentNode, neighbor);

if alt < distances(neighbor)

distances(neighbor) = alt;

previous(neighbor) = currentNode;






% Simulate OSPF by running Dijkstra’s algorithm from each router

for routerID = 1:numRouters

[distances, previous] = dijkstra(adjMatrix, routerID);

disp([‘Router ‘, num2str(routerID), ‘ – Shortest distances to all routers:’]);



  1. Routing Table Construction in OSPF

After executing the Dijkstra’s algorithm, we can build the routing tables for each router that will involve the next hop and the cost to attain each destination.

Example: Constructing Routing Tables

% Function to construct routing table from Dijkstra’s algorithm output

function routingTable = constructRoutingTable(previous, source)

numRouters = length(previous);

routingTable = NaN(numRouters, 2);  % First column: Next hop, Second column: Total cost

for dest = 1:numRouters

if dest == source

continue;  % Skip the source router itself


% Backtrack to find the next hop

nextHop = dest;

while ~isnan(previous(nextHop)) && previous(nextHop) ~= source

nextHop = previous(nextHop);


routingTable(dest, 🙂 = [nextHop, previous(dest)];



% Simulate OSPF routing tables for each router

for routerID = 1:numRouters

[distances, previous] = dijkstra(adjMatrix, routerID);

routingTable = constructRoutingTable(previous, routerID);

disp([‘Router ‘, num2str(routerID), ‘ – Routing Table:’]);

disp(‘Destination | Next Hop | Total Cost’);

disp([(1:numRouters)’, routingTable]);


  1. Simulating EIGRP (Distance Vector Protocol)

EIGRP is a distance-vector protocol, which aggregates the advantages of both distance-vector and link-state protocols. EIGRP routers distribute its routing tables along with neighbors and select the optimal path according to the several parameters such as bandwidth, delay, load, reliability. We can replicate the EIGRP by designing the exchange of routing data among the routers.

Simplified EIGRP Distance Vector Update

In this simulation, we will concentrate on the simple distance-vector update process.

% Initialize routing tables (initially, each router knows only its neighbors)

routingTablesEIGRP = cell(numRouters, 1);

for i = 1:numRouters

routingTablesEIGRP{i} = adjMatrix(i, :);  % Initialize with direct neighbors


% Function to update EIGRP routing table based on neighbors

function updatedRoutingTable = eigrpUpdate(currentTable, neighborTable, neighborID)

updatedRoutingTable = currentTable;

numRouters = length(currentTable);

% Update based on the neighbor’s table

for dest = 1:numRouters

if neighborTable(dest) < Inf

newCost = neighborTable(dest) + currentTable(neighborID);

if newCost < updatedRoutingTable(dest)

updatedRoutingTable(dest) = newCost;





% Simulate EIGRP updates for several iterations

numIterations = 5;

for iter = 1:numIterations

disp([‘EIGRP Iteration ‘, num2str(iter), ‘:’]);

for routerID = 1:numRouters

for neighborID = 1:numRouters

if adjMatrix(routerID, neighborID) < Inf && routerID ~= neighborID

% Perform EIGRP update with neighbor

routingTablesEIGRP{routerID} = eigrpUpdate(routingTablesEIGRP{routerID}, routingTablesEIGRP{neighborID}, neighborID);




% Display updated routing tables

for routerID = 1:numRouters

disp([‘Router ‘, num2str(routerID), ‘ – Routing Table:’]);




  1. Handling Failures

Replicating the network failures like a link going down that is a significant portion of any routing protocol simulation. We can launch the failures within the network and observe how protocols such as OSPF and EIGRP manage them by recalculating the routes.

Example: Simulating Link Failure in OSPF or EIGRP

% Simulate a link failure between Router 3 and Router 6

disp(‘Simulating link failure between Router 3 and Router 6’);

adjMatrix(3, 6) = Inf;

adjMatrix(6, 3) = Inf;

% Re-run OSPF or EIGRP after the failure

disp(‘Re-running OSPF after link failure:’);

for routerID = 1:numRouters

[distances, previous] = dijkstra(adjMatrix, routerID);

disp([‘Router ‘, num2str(routerID), ‘ – Shortest distances to all routers after failure:’]);



  1. Visualization of the Network Topology

Envision the network topology, which encompassing the routers and links, to offer details into how the network is associated and how the routing tables move ahead over time.

Example: Plotting the Network Topology

% Define positions of routers for visualization

routerPositions = [

0 0;   % Router 1

1 0;   % Router 2

2 0;   % Router 3

1 1;   % Router 4

2 1;   % Router 5

3 0    % Router 6


% Plot the network topology


gplot(adjMatrix < Inf, routerPositions, ‘-o’);

for i = 1:numRouters

text(routerPositions(i, 1), routerPositions(i, 2), [‘R’, num2str(i)], ‘FontSize’, 12);


title(‘Network Topology’);

Example Projects for IGP Protocol Simulation:

  1. Simulate OSPF in a Large Network: Execute the OSPF within a larger network topology and examine the convergence time and path calculations.
  2. Simulate EIGRP with Multiple Metrics: Prolong the EIGRP simulation deliberating the parameters like bandwidth, delay, and reliability.
  3. Handling Link Failures in OSPF and EIGRP: Replicate link failures and relate how OSPF and EIGRP manage the route recalculations.
  4. Comparing Convergence Times: Mimic OSPF and EIGRP within the similar network and after a network modify or failure, compare the convergence times.

These projects concentrate on how to simulate IGP protocols such as OSPF and EIGRP and how to model and analysis the routing protocols using MATLAB environment. We are equipped to expand it with addition information.

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