How to Simulate Internal Protocols Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate internal routing protocols in MATLAB has includes to designing a network, executing the protocols logic for routing and evaluating the outcomes. It is also termed as Interior Gateway Protocols or IGPs same as Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Routing Information Protocol (RIP), or Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP).

Below is an approach on how to simulate the internal routing protocols using MATLAB

Steps to Simulate Internal Routing Protocols in MATLAB

  1. Define the Network Topology
  • A network topology is generated by describing nodes such as routers or hosts and links among them. The links demonstrate the association with particular bandwidth, latency, and costs. These costs signify the distance among routers or the cost of routing traffic via a link.

Example of defining a network topology:

numNodes = 5;  % Number of nodes (routers)

nodePositions = rand(numNodes, 2) * 100;  % Random positions of nodes in a 100×100 area

adjacencyMatrix = inf(numNodes);  % Initialize adjacency matrix with infinite distances

adjacencyMatrix(1,2) = 5;  % Cost of link between node 1 and 2

adjacencyMatrix(1,3) = 3;

adjacencyMatrix(2,4) = 1;

adjacencyMatrix(3,4) = 2;

adjacencyMatrix(4,5) = 4;

adjacencyMatrix = adjacencyMatrix + adjacencyMatrix’;  % Assuming bidirectional links

  1. Implement Routing Table Initialization
  • Each node (router) will sustain a routing table that stores the optimal path to reach other nodes. For proactive routing protocols such as OSPF or RIP, each node initiate with a table which only knows its neighbours.

Example of initializing a routing table:

routingTable = inf(numNodes);  % Routing table initialized with infinity (unknown distances)

for i = 1:numNodes

routingTable(i,i) = 0;  % Distance to itself is 0


  1. Implement RIP (Distance Vector Protocol)
  • In RIP, each router intermittently transmits its routing table to its neighbours. Routers modernize their routing tables according to information from their neighbors using the Bellman-Ford algorithm.

Example of RIP routing table update:

function updatedTable = ripUpdate(routingTable, adjacencyMatrix)

numNodes = size(routingTable, 1);

for i = 1:numNodes

for j = 1:numNodes

for k = 1:numNodes

if routingTable(i,j) > routingTable(i,k) + adjacencyMatrix(k,j)

routingTable(i,j) = routingTable(i,k) + adjacencyMatrix(k,j);  % Update with new shorter path





updatedTable = routingTable;


We can call this ripUpdate function intermittently for each router in the network to modernize the routing tables.

  1. Implement OSPF (Link State Protocol)
  • OSPF utilizes the Dijkstra algorithm to estimate the shortest path from each node to all other nodes. Each router sustains a comprehensive map of the network topology and estimates the shortest path.

Example of Dijkstra’s algorithm for OSPF:

function [dist, nextHop] = dijkstra(adjacencyMatrix, source)

numNodes = size(adjacencyMatrix, 1);

dist = inf(1, numNodes);

dist(source) = 0;

visited = false(1, numNodes);

nextHop = zeros(1, numNodes);

for i = 1:numNodes

[~, u] = min(dist + visited * inf);  % Select node with minimum distance

visited(u) = true;

for v = 1:numNodes

if adjacencyMatrix(u,v) < inf && ~visited(v)

alt = dist(u) + adjacencyMatrix(u,v);

if alt < dist(v)

dist(v) = alt;

nextHop(v) = u;






We can execute Dijkstra’s algorithm from each node to regulate the shortest paths in the network.

  1. Simulate Data Transmission
  • Utilize the estimated routing tables to replicate data transmission among origin and destination nodes. The path taken by the information is according to the routing tables.

Example of discovery a path for data transmission using RIP:

function path = findPath(routingTable, src, dst)

path = [src];  % Start with source

currentNode = src;

while currentNode ~= dst

nextNode = find(routingTable(currentNode, 🙂 == min(routingTable(currentNode, :)));  % Find the next hop

if isempty(nextNode)

path = [];  % No path found



path = [path, nextNode(1)];

currentNode = nextNode(1);



srcNode = 1;

dstNode = 5;

path = findPath(routingTable, srcNode, dstNode);

disp([‘Path from ‘, num2str(srcNode), ‘ to ‘, num2str(dstNode), ‘: ‘, num2str(path)]);

  1. Analyse and Evaluate Performance
  • While the routing tables are modernized and data transmission is replicated, measure key parameters like average path length, convergence time, routing overhead, and packet delivery ratio.

Example of estimating the average path length:

totalPathLength = 0;

count = 0;

for i = 1:numNodes

for j = i+1:numNodes

if routingTable(i,j) < inf

totalPathLength = totalPathLength + routingTable(i,j);

count = count + 1;




avgPathLength = totalPathLength / count;

disp([‘Average path length: ‘, num2str(avgPathLength)]);

  1. Visualize Network Topology and Routing Paths
  • Utilize MATLAB’s plotting tools to envision the network topology and the routing paths.

Example of envisioning the network:


plot(nodePositions(:,1), nodePositions(:,2), ‘bo’);  % Plot nodes

hold on;

for i = 1:numNodes

for j = i+1:numNodes

if adjacencyMatrix(i,j) < inf

plot([nodePositions(i,1), nodePositions(j,1)], [nodePositions(i,2), nodePositions(j,2)], ‘r-‘);




title(‘Network Topology’);

We can also envision the routing paths using diverse colours to demonstrate the routes estimated by the protocol.


To replicate internal routing protocols such as RIP, OSPF, or EIGRP in MATLAB, has needs to follow these steps:

  1. Define the network topology: Generate nodes and describe links among them.
  2. Routing table initialization: All node initiates with data about its neighbours.
  3. Routing algorithm implementation: Usage Bellman-Ford for RIP and Dijkstra’s techniques for OSPF.
  4. Data transmission: Utilize the estimated routes to send data.
  5. Performance analysis: evaluate the parameters like path length, routing overhead, and convergence time.
  6. Visualization: Design the network and routing paths to envision the simulation.

Now, you can clearly understand the approach and be able to implement the internal routing protocols by referring the given structured procedure and the examples using MATLAB tool. You can also expand the simulation according to the requirements.

It can be challenging to simulate internal protocol projects using the MATLAB tool. To stay connected with, simply email us your research details, and we’ll provide you with the best guidance possible.

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