How to Simulate Intra Domain Protocol Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate an intra-domain routing protocols within MATLAB that normally comprises functioning with protocols such as OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), RIP (Routing Information Protocol), or EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) that are utilized in a single autonomous system (AS). These protocols support to discover the best routes for data packets within the network.

We provide detailed procedure on how to simulate intra-domain protocols using MATLAB:

Steps to Simulate Intra-Domain Routing Protocols in MATLAB

  1. Define the Network Topology:
  • Initially, we describe the network including routers and links among them. This network can be signified using an adjacency matrix or a graph. The links can have weights denoting the cost like latency, bandwidth, or distance.


% Number of routers in the network

num_routers = 5;

% Define network topology using an adjacency matrix (link costs)

% 0 means no direct connection, positive values represent link costs

adjacency_matrix = [0 1 0 0 2;

1 0 2 0 0;

0 2 0 1 0;

0 0 1 0 1;

2 0 0 1 0];

% Define IP addresses for each router

ip_addresses = {‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’};

% Plot the network topology

G = graph(adjacency_matrix, ip_addresses);

plot(G, ‘EdgeLabel’, G.Edges.Weight, ‘NodeLabel’, ip_addresses);

title(‘Network Topology for Intra-Domain Routing’);

  1. Implement the Routing Protocols:
  2. RIP (Routing Information Protocol):
  • RIP is a distance-vector routing protocol, which utilizes hop count as the metric. Routers periodically swap routing data with neighbors.

Example of RIP Simulation:

% Initialize routing tables for each router

routing_table = cell(num_routers, 1);

for i = 1:num_routers

% Each router initially knows routes to itself

routing_table{i} = {ip_addresses{i}, 0}; % {Destination, Hop Count}


% Simulate the RIP routing table updates

for round = 1:5

for i = 1:num_routers

for j = 1:num_routers

if adjacency_matrix(i, j) > 0

% Router i sends routing update to Router j

fprintf(‘Router %d sends routing update to Router %d\n’, i, j);

for k = 1:size(routing_table{i}, 1)

destination = routing_table{i}{k, 1};

hop_count = routing_table{i}{k, 2} + 1; % Increment hop count

% Update Router j’s table if the new route is better

if ~any(strcmp(routing_table{j}(:, 1), destination)) || hop_count < routing_table{j}{strcmp(routing_table{j}(:, 1), destination), 2}

routing_table{j} = [routing_table{j}; {destination, hop_count}];







% Display the final routing tables

for i = 1:num_routers

fprintf(‘Routing Table for Router %d:\n’, i);



  1. OSPF (Open Shortest Path First):
  • OSPF is a link-state protocol in which each router sustains a map of the whole network and calculates the shortest path utilizing Dijkstra’s algorithm.

Example of OSPF Simulation:

% Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to calculate the shortest paths for OSPF

G = graph(adjacency_matrix);

ospf_routing_table = cell(num_routers, 1);

for i = 1:num_routers

% Compute the shortest path from router i to all others

[dist, path] = distances(G, i);

% Populate the OSPF routing table for router i

ospf_routing_table{i} = {};

for j = 1:num_routers

if i ~= j

ospf_routing_table{i} = [ospf_routing_table{i}; {ip_addresses{j}, dist(j), path{j}}];



% Display the OSPF routing table for router i

fprintf(‘OSPF Routing Table for Router %d:\n’, i);



  1. EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol):
  • EIGRP is a hybrid protocol, which aggregates aspects of both distance-vector and link-state protocols. It utilizes more complex parameters according to the bandwidth and delay.

Example of EIGRP Simulation (simplified):

% Initialize EIGRP routing table for each router

eigrp_routing_table = cell(num_routers, 1);

for i = 1:num_routers

% Each router initially knows routes to itself

eigrp_routing_table{i} = {ip_addresses{i}, 0}; % {Destination, Distance}


% Simulate EIGRP route discovery and updates

for round = 1:5

for i = 1:num_routers

for j = 1:num_routers

if adjacency_matrix(i, j) > 0

% Send update from Router i to Router j

fprintf(‘Router %d sends EIGRP update to Router %d\n’, i, j);

for k = 1:size(eigrp_routing_table{i}, 1)

destination = eigrp_routing_table{i}{k, 1};

distance = eigrp_routing_table{i}{k, 2} + adjacency_matrix(i, j); % Add link cost

% Update if a better route is found

if ~any(strcmp(eigrp_routing_table{j}(:, 1), destination)) || distance < eigrp_routing_table{j}{strcmp(eigrp_routing_table{j}(:, 1), destination), 2}

eigrp_routing_table{j} = [eigrp_routing_table{j}; {destination, distance}];







% Display the final EIGRP routing tables

for i = 1:num_routers

fprintf(‘EIGRP Routing Table for Router %d:\n’, i);



  1. Simulate Packet Forwarding:

When routing tables are founded then we can replicate the packet forwarding via the network using the routes are discovered by the selected protocol.


% Simulate packet forwarding from Router 1 to Router 5 (using OSPF routing table)

source_router = 1;

destination_router = 5;

current_router = source_router;

fprintf(‘Starting packet transmission from Router %d to Router %d\n’, source_router, destination_router);

while current_router ~= destination_router

% Find the next hop from the OSPF routing table

next_hop = ospf_routing_table{current_router}{strcmp(ospf_routing_table{current_router}(:, 1), ip_addresses{destination_router}), 3};

fprintf(‘Forwarding packet from Router %d to Router %d\n’, current_router, next_hop(2));

current_router = next_hop(2); % Move to the next router


  1. Add Mobility Models (Optional):

If we are replicating a dynamic network such as a mobile ad hoc network then we can launch the node mobility and replicate routing protocol adaptations to this mobility.

Example of Mobility Simulation:

% Random waypoint mobility model

for i = 1:num_routers

% Randomly update the position of each router

nodes(i, 🙂 = nodes(i, 🙂 + randn(1, 2);  % New positions


% Recalculate adjacency matrix based on new positions and distances

distances = pdist2(nodes, nodes);

adjacency_matrix = distances <= communication_range & distances > 0;

% Recompute routing tables after node movement (repeat OSPF, RIP, or EIGRP steps)

  1. Measure Performance Metrics:

Assess the performance of the intra-domain protocol simulation by calculating parameters such as:

  • Convergence Time: Duration for all routers to understand the network topology.
  • Packet Delivery Ratio: Ratio of effectively delivered packets to total packets is transmitted.
  • End-to-End Delay: Average time taken for packets to attain its destination.
  • Routing Overhead: Amount of control messages is swapped.

Example of performance measurement:

% Measure the convergence time (number of rounds)

convergence_time = 5;  % Number of rounds until convergence

fprintf(‘Convergence Time: %d rounds\n’, convergence_time);

% Calculate packet delivery ratio

packets_sent = 100;  % Example total number of packets sent

packets_delivered = 95;  % Example number of packets delivered

packet_delivery_ratio = packets_delivered / packets_sent;

fprintf(‘Packet Delivery Ratio: %.2f\n’, packet_delivery_ratio);

Through MATLAB environment, we achieved detailed simulation method for Intra Domain Protocol projects that were simulated and evaluated. We are equipped to expand it with any additional requirements.

The team at is really good at working with protocols like OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), RIP (Routing Information Protocol), and EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol). If you want to simulate Intra Domain Protocol Projects using MATLAB, it might be a bit tricky. But don’t worry! Just email us your research details, and we’ll provide you with the best help possible.

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