How to Simulate ISP Protocols Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate an Internet Service Provider (ISP) protocols using MATLAB, we want to contain designing the protocols and operations utilized by ISPs to handle its networks and offer internet services. These replications normally encompass routing protocols like BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), RIP (Routing Information Protocol), OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), and NAT (Network Address Translation).

Let’s know how to simulate the general ISP-related protocols using MATLAB:

Steps to Simulate ISP Protocols in MATLAB

  1. Define Network Topology (ISP Network)
  • Initially, we make a network topology which signifies an ISP’s network. It may include routers, gateways, customer networks, and external internet connections.

Example of defining a simple ISP network topology:

numRouters = 6;  % Number of routers in the ISP network

networkArea = 100;  % Network area size (100×100 meters)

routerPositions = rand(numRouters, 2) * networkArea;  % Random positions for routers

% Initialize adjacency matrix for connectivity between routers

adjacencyMatrix = inf(numRouters);  % Initialize with infinite distances (no connection)

% Define connections between routers (hop count or link cost)

adjacencyMatrix(1, 2) = 1; adjacencyMatrix(2, 1) = 1;

adjacencyMatrix(2, 3) = 2; adjacencyMatrix(3, 2) = 2;

adjacencyMatrix(3, 4) = 1; adjacencyMatrix(4, 3) = 1;

adjacencyMatrix(4, 5) = 1; adjacencyMatrix(5, 4) = 1;

adjacencyMatrix(5, 6) = 3; adjacencyMatrix(6, 5) = 3;

adjacencyMatrix(1, 6) = 5; adjacencyMatrix(6, 1) = 5;  % Connection to external network

  1. Simulate Routing Protocols (BGP, RIP, OSPF)
  2. BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) Simulation

BGP is utilized by ISPs to swap routing data with other autonomous systems (ASes). We can replicate the BGP by advertising routes among ASes and choosing paths according to the AS-Path length or other policies.

Example of BGP route advertisement and path selection:

function routingTable = bgpAdvertiseRoutes(routingTable, srcRouter, adjacencyMatrix)

totalRouters = length(routingTable);

for neighbor = 1:totalRouters

if adjacencyMatrix(srcRouter, neighbor) < inf  % Check if neighbor is connected

for route = 1:size(routingTable{srcRouter}, 1)

destination = routingTable{srcRouter}(route, 1);

cost = routingTable{srcRouter}(route, 2) + adjacencyMatrix(srcRouter, neighbor);

nextHop = srcRouter;

routingTable{neighbor} = [routingTable{neighbor}; destination, cost, nextHop];





  1. RIP (Routing Information Protocol) Simulation

RIP is a distance-vector protocol utilized by ISPs computing the shortest path amongst routers depends on hop count. Every single router sustains a routing table which is updated periodically.

Example of RIP update process:

function routingTable = ripUpdate(routingTable, adjacencyMatrix)

numRouters = size(adjacencyMatrix, 1);

for src = 1:numRouters

for dst = 1:numRouters

for intermediate = 1:numRouters

if routingTable(src, dst) > routingTable(src, intermediate) + adjacencyMatrix(intermediate, dst)

routingTable(src, dst) = routingTable(src, intermediate) + adjacencyMatrix(intermediate, dst);






  1. OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) Simulation

OSPF is a link-state routing protocol which is broadly utilized by ISPs. It uses Dijkstra’s algorithm to compute the shortest paths among routers.

Example of implementing Dijkstra’s algorithm for OSPF:

function [dist, prev] = dijkstra(adjacencyMatrix, src)

numRouters = size(adjacencyMatrix, 1);

dist = inf(1, numRouters);

prev = NaN(1, numRouters);

dist(src) = 0;

Q = 1:numRouters;  % Unvisited routers

while ~isempty(Q)

[~, u] = min(dist(Q));

u = Q(u);  % Node with the smallest distance

Q(Q == u) = [];  % Remove from Q

neighbors = find(adjacencyMatrix(u,:) < inf);

for v = neighbors

alt = dist(u) + adjacencyMatrix(u, v);

if alt < dist(v)

dist(v) = alt;

prev(v) = u;





% Example: Calculate shortest paths from router 1

srcRouter = 1;

[dist, prev] = dijkstra(adjacencyMatrix, srcRouter);

disp([‘Shortest distances from router ‘, num2str(srcRouter), ‘:’]);


  1. Simulate DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

Use ISPs, DHCP is actively to allocate an IP addresses to hosts within a network. The DHCP server allocates available IPs to the requesting hosts.

Example of a simple DHCP assignment:

function [ip, dhcpTable] = dhcpRequest(dhcpTable, macAddress, availableIPs)

if isKey(dhcpTable, macAddress)

ip = dhcpTable(macAddress);  % Return the assigned IP if already allocated


ip = availableIPs{1};  % Assign the first available IP

availableIPs(1) = [];  % Remove the assigned IP from the pool

dhcpTable(macAddress) = ip;  % Store in the DHCP table



% Example: DHCP assignment for a host

availableIPs = {‘’, ‘’, ‘’};

dhcpTable = containers.Map();  % Empty DHCP table

macAddress = ’00:0A:95:9D:68:16′;  % MAC address of a host

[assignedIP, dhcpTable] = dhcpRequest(dhcpTable, macAddress, availableIPs);

disp([‘Assigned IP: ‘, assignedIP]);

  1. Simulate NAT (Network Address Translation)

ISPs frequently utilize the NAT permitting several devices on a private network to distribute only one public IP address. NAT redrafts the origin IP addresses of outgoing packets and saves mappings for returning traffic.

Example of a simple NAT translation table:

function natTable = natTranslation(natTable, privateIP, publicIP)

% Add or update NAT entry for private-to-public IP translation

natTable(privateIP) = publicIP;


% Example: NAT table for translating private IPs to a public IP

natTable = containers.Map();

privateIP = ‘’;

publicIP = ‘’;  % ISP’s public IP address

natTable = natTranslation(natTable, privateIP, publicIP);


  1. Simulate Data Transmission
  • After configuring the routing tables with the help of the BGP, RIP, or OSPF protocol, we replicate data transmission from an origin to a destination via the network utilizing the resolved routes.

Example of simulating data transmission using OSPF routes:

function transmitData(dist, src, dst)

if dist(dst) < inf

disp([‘Data transmitted from router ‘, num2str(src), ‘ to router ‘, num2str(dst), ‘ via shortest path.’]);


disp([‘No route available from router ‘, num2str(src), ‘ to router ‘, num2str(dst)]);



% Example: Transmit data from router 1 to router 4

transmitData(dist, 1, 4);

  1. Evaluate Performance of ISP Protocols
  • Estimate parameters like convergence time, routing overhead, average hop count, and packet delivery ratio to assess the performance of the ISP protocols.

Example of calculating average hop count:

totalHops = 0;

numPaths = 0;

for i = 1:numRouters

for j = i+1:numRouters

if dist(j) < inf

totalHops = totalHops + dist(j);

numPaths = numPaths + 1;




avgHopCount = totalHops / numPaths;

disp([‘Average hop count: ‘, num2str(avgHopCount)]);

  1. Visualize the Network Topology
  • Envision the network, routers, and links amongst them using MATLAB’s plotting functions.

Example of visualizing the network:


hold on;

plot(routerPositions(:,1), routerPositions(:,2), ‘bo’, ‘MarkerSize’, 10);  % Plot router positions

% Plot links between routers

for i = 1:numRouters

for j = i+1:numRouters

if adjacencyMatrix(i,j) < inf

plot([routerPositions(i,1), routerPositions(j,1)], …

[routerPositions(i,2), routerPositions(j,2)], ‘k-‘);




title(‘ISP Network Topology’);

hold off;


To replicate an ISP Protocols in MATLAB:

  1. Describe the network topology with routers, customer networks, and internet gateways.
  2. Mimic routing protocols like BGP, RIP, and OSPF to find out the optimal routes.
  3. Execute the DHCP to dynamically allocate an IP addresses to hosts within the network.
  4. Replicate NAT to allow several private IPs to distribute a public IP.
  5. Send information using the established routes amongst routers.
  6. Estimate performance parameters such as hop count, convergence time, and routing overhead.
  7. Use MATLAB’s plotting tools to envision the network topology.

The MATLAB environment facilitated a detailed simulation approach on how to simulate the ISP Protocols projects and evaluate its performance using parameters. The team at excels in working with protocols such as BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), RIP (Routing Information Protocol), OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), and NAT (Network Address Translation). If you’re looking to simulate ISP Protocols Projects using MATLAB, it can be quite challenging. However, staying connected with is easy—just email us your research details, and we will provide you with the best guidance possible.

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