To simulate Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) routing using OPNET Modeler that permits to examine the energy-efficient routing that specifically in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). LEACH is a hierarchical and adaptive protocol are invented enhancing the energy usage by arranging nodes toward clusters along with each cluster containing a rotating cluster head. We observe how to set up a LEACH routing simulation using following method in OPNET:
Steps to Simulate LEACH Routing Projects in OPNET
- Set Up the OPNET Project
- To make a new project in OPNET Modeler specifying for LEACH routing.
- Describe the workspace that contains simulation duration and needed simulation parameters for learning energy efficiency, cluster formation, and network lifetime.
- Design the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Topology
- Make a network along with a large number of sensor nodes creating a WSN.
- Insert a sink node (base station) that accumulates information from every sensor nodes. Locate this node either on the center or edge of the network, relying on the required configuration.
- Organize sensor nodes in a grid pattern through an area or arbitrarily monitoring the clustering behavior of LEACH.
- Enable LEACH Routing Protocol on Nodes
- We want to manually execute it as LEACH is not a standard routing protocol within OPNET:
- Utilize a Custom Process Model for LEACH, or use a LEACH module if obtainable. It includes to describe the clustering, cluster head selection, and data aggregation behaviors.
- Indicate how nodes periodically choose the cluster heads according to remaining energy also how cluster members interact simply with its cluster head in the LEACH process.
- Cluster Head Selection: Every single round, nodes would probabilistically find out whether they will turn out to be cluster heads. Cluster heads are responsible for accumulating information from other nodes in its cluster and then sending it to the sink node.
- Define Network Parameters and Energy Metrics
- Allocate an energy parameters for each sensor node replicating battery limitations:
- Configure first energy levels for each sensor.
- For transmitting, receiving, and processing data packets, to describe energy consumption rates since LEACH purposes to reduce an energy usage.
- Set up transmission ranges and link characteristics like bandwidth, delay, and data rate, replicating realistic WSN conditions.
- Set Up Application Traffic
- Set up sensor nodes to transmit data packets periodically, to replicate sensor readings being sent to the sink node.
- Go to Application Config and Profile Config:
- Describe the periodic traffic profiles mimicking sensor data collection for example, transmitting data each 10 seconds.
- Link profiles to the sensor nodes making data flow in each cluster into the cluster head that combines and sends information to the sink.
- Enable Energy-Efficient Behavior
- Train the cluster heads from its cluster members to aggregate data minimizing the number of transmissions.
- Execute the periodic rotation of cluster heads to equalize energy consumption through nodes. This rotation supports to avoid any unique node from diminishing their energy very rapidly.
- Configure Simulation Parameters for LEACH Metrics
- Allow data collection for crucial parameters that contains energy consumption, network lifetime, number of active nodes over time, packet delivery ratio, and delay.
- To seize certain parameters such as the frequency of cluster head changes, the number of clusters for each round, and energy distribution through nodes.
- Run the Simulation
- Execute the replication then monitor how LEACH makes clusters and chooses cluster heads in every single round.
- From cluster members to cluster heads, to observe the routing of data and then to the sink node.
- Analyze Results
- Analyse the LEACH-specific metrics utilizing OPNET’s analysis tools:
- Energy Consumption: Monitor energy usage for each node to estimate the effectiveness of LEACH in maintaining battery life.
- Network Lifetime: Assess the time in anticipation of the initial node and, ultimately, every node exhausts its energy that is network lifetime.
- Cluster Formation and Head Selection: Monitor the cluster heads’ delivery and rotation over time making sure still energy distribution.
- Data Aggregation Efficiency: Confirm if data aggregation using cluster heads minimizes the amount of data are sent to the sink.
- Packet Delivery Ratio: Examine the percentage of packets that are effectively distributed to the sink node along with end-to-end delays.
To conclude, we had provided general simulation technique in sequence for LEACH Routing Projects simulation with the help of OPNET. Likewise, we will be delivered additional information relevant to this subject.
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