How to Simulate MPLS Protocol Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) in MATLAB has includes to construct a network topology with MPLS-enabled routers and replicating the label-switching process for packet transmitting. MPLS improves the performance of routing by assigning labels to packets, permit routers to create forwarding decisions according to labels instead of IP addresses. In an MPLS network, routers perform as Label Switching Routers (LSRs) and utilize Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) to introduce label-switched paths (LSPs).

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Here’s a step-by-step guide to simulate MPLS protocol using MATLAB:

Steps to Simulate MPLS Protocol in MATLAB

  1. Define the Network Topology:
  • Generate a network topology with nodes (routers) and links among them, in which some routers are MPLS-enabled. Each router can be allocated an IP address, and the links among routers can have weights that denote the cost such as distance, bandwidth, or delay.


% Define the number of MPLS-enabled routers in the network

num_routers = 6;

% Define the network topology using an adjacency matrix (link costs)

% 0 means no direct link, positive values represent link costs

adjacency_matrix = [0 1 0 0 3 0;

1 0 2 0 0 2;

0 2 0 1 0 0;

0 0 1 0 1 2;

3 0 0 1 0 1;

0 2 0 2 1 0];

% Define IP addresses for each router (for reference, not used for MPLS routing)

ip_addresses = {‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’};

% Plot the network topology

G = graph(adjacency_matrix, ip_addresses);

plot(G, ‘EdgeLabel’, G.Edges.Weight, ‘NodeLabel’, ip_addresses);

title(‘MPLS-Enabled Network Topology’);

  1. Initialize MPLS Components:
  • Describe the essential MPLS elements, like Label Switching Routers (LSRs) and Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) for allotting labels. Each router will have a Label Forwarding Information Base (LFIB) that maps incoming labels to outgoing labels and interfaces.


% Label Forwarding Information Base (LFIB) for each MPLS-enabled router

LFIB = cell(num_routers, 1);  % Each router has its own LFIB

% Initialize the LFIBs with empty values (they will be populated later)

for i = 1:num_routers

LFIB{i} = {};  % Empty LFIB at the beginning


% Example: Manually define LFIB for each router (Router 1)

LFIB{1} = {

‘Incoming_Label’, ‘Outgoing_Label’, ‘Next_Hop_Interface’;

10, 20, 2;

15, 25, 5;


  1. Label Distribution (LDP):
  • Replicate the process of Label Distribution in which the routers allocate labels to packet flows and interacts these labels to neighbouring routers using Label Distribution Protocol (LDP).

Example of LDP simulation:

% Assign MPLS labels for each path between routers using LDP

% Label assignment will be dynamic based on the path found by Dijkstra’s algorithm

% Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the shortest path from Router 1 to all other routers

G = graph(adjacency_matrix);

for source = 1:num_routers

for destination = 1:num_routers

if source ~= destination

% Find the shortest path using Dijkstra’s algorithm

[path, ~] = shortestpath(G, source, destination);

% Assign labels for each hop in the path

for hop = 1:length(path) – 1

current_router = path(hop);

next_router = path(hop + 1);

% Assign a label to this segment of the path (Incoming and Outgoing labels)

incoming_label = randi([10, 100]);  % Random label for incoming traffic

outgoing_label = randi([101, 200]);  % Random label for outgoing traffic

% Update LFIB for the current router

LFIB{current_router} = [LFIB{current_router}; {incoming_label, outgoing_label, next_router}];





% Display the LFIB of each router

for i = 1:num_routers

fprintf(‘LFIB for Router %d:\n’, i);



  1. Packet Forwarding Using Labels:
  • Once labels have been shared, replicate the transmitting of packets using MPLS labels. The packet forwarding will utilize the LFIB to regulate on how to send packets according to their incoming labels.

Example of MPLS packet forwarding:

% Define a packet with an MPLS label (Incoming label at Router 1)

packet_label = 10;

current_router = 1;

% Simulate the forwarding process based on labels in the LFIB

while current_router ~= destination

% Find the matching label in the LFIB of the current router

LFIB_table = LFIB{current_router};

idx = find([LFIB_table{:, 1}] == packet_label);

if isempty(idx)

fprintf(‘No matching label found at Router %d for label %d\n’, current_router, packet_label);



% Get the outgoing label and next hop interface

outgoing_label = LFIB_table{idx, 2};

next_router = LFIB_table{idx, 3};

fprintf(‘Router %d: Incoming Label = %d, Forwarding to Router %d with Outgoing Label = %d\n’, …

current_router, packet_label, next_router, outgoing_label);

% Update the packet label and move to the next router

packet_label = outgoing_label;

current_router = next_router;


  1. Performance Metrics:
  • Evaluate the performance of the MPLS network by estimating the parameters like end-to-end delay, hop count, and throughput.

Example of calculating end-to-end delay:

% Transmission delay per hop (for example, 2 ms per hop)

hop_delay = 0.002;

% Calculate the total number of hops for the packet

num_hops = length(path) – 1;

total_delay = num_hops * hop_delay;

fprintf(‘Total End-to-End Delay: %.3f seconds\n’, total_delay);

  1. Simulate Multiple Packet Flows:
  • To replicate a more complex MPLS network, we can execute multiple packet flows among different source-destination pairs. We can also execute traffic engineering by enhancing the selection of label-switched paths (LSPs) according to link capacity or traffic load.

Example of simulating multiple packet flows:

num_flows = 10;

for flow = 1:num_flows

source = randi(num_routers);

destination = randi(num_routers);

% Perform route discovery and MPLS packet forwarding for each flow

fprintf(‘Simulating packet flow from Router %d to Router %d\n’, source, destination);

% Repeat the route discovery and forwarding process (as above)



This procedure offers the foundation for replicating Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) protocol in MATLAB. We can further improve the simulation by incorporating more complex behaviours, like traffic engineering, QoS (Quality of Service) mechanisms, or managing link failures.

The key steps that contain:

  1. Describing the network topology.
  2. Initializing MPLS elements such as LSRs and LFIBs.
  3. Replicating label distribution using LDP.
  4. Transmit packets according to labels using the LFIB.
  5. Evaluating parameters such as latency, throughput, and hop count.

We successfully established the Multiprotocol Label Switching by defining the network topology, select and forwarding the packets to source to destination. We also showed the implementation with examples and how to enhance the simulation network in MATLAB environment through this approach.

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