How to Simulate Network Forensics Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate Network forensics in MATLAB that includes to seizing, evaluating, and examining the network traffic to identify suspicious activities, probable security breaches, or rebuild historical events. MATLAB can be utilized to replicate numerous contexts of network forensics that has packet capture, evolution of traffic patterns, classification of suspicious activities, and envisioning of network data.

Here’s a step-by-step procedures to replicating Network Forensics projects using MATLAB:

Steps to Simulate Network Forensics Projects in MATLAB

  1. Select the Network Forensics Project Type

Network forensics has includes to evaluating the network traffic for diverse purposes, like:

  • Packet capture and analysis: Seizure network traffic for examining suspicious packets.
  • Anomaly detection: identify anomalies in traffic characteristics such as Denial of Service attacks.
  • Traffic reconstruction: Rebuild network sessions to learn previous communications.
  • Attack detection and trace-back: Detect malicious activities and monitor the attacker’s source.
  • Network log analysis: Examine logs for identifying unauthorized access or abnormal characteristics.
  1. Simulate or Capture Network Traffic

In network forensics, evaluate the packet data is vital. We can either replicate network traffic in MATLAB or utilize real packet data such as captured using Wireshark or pcap files.

Simulating Synthetic Network Traffic

To replicate network traffic, we can create normal and abnormal traffic like DoS or DDoS attack data.

% Simulate network traffic (packet size, delay, protocol)

% Normal traffic (1000 samples, 3 features: packet size, delay, protocol)

normalTraffic = [randn(1000, 1) * 50 + 500, randn(1000, 1) * 10 + 20, randi([1, 3], 1000, 1)];

% Attack traffic (200 samples, with abnormally high packet sizes)

attackTraffic = [randn(200, 1) * 200 + 1500, randn(200, 1) * 20 + 50, randi([4, 5], 200, 1)];

% Combine the traffic into one dataset

trafficData = [normalTraffic; attackTraffic];

labels = [zeros(1000, 1); ones(200, 1)];  % 0 for normal, 1 for attack

Using Real Packet Capture Data

We can utilize pcap (Packet Capture) files from tools such as Wireshark to replicate realistic network traffic. To read pcap files in MATLAB, utilize the external libraries such as tcpdump or MATLAB’s built-in functionality (initiating from R2021a). If not available, we can utilize third-party libraries to parse pcap files in MATLAB.

% Example for reading pcap files (requires external support for pcap format)

filename = ‘network_traffic.pcap’;

pcapData = pcapread(filename);  % Use appropriate function to read pcap data

% Extract fields such as packet size, source/destination IP, etc.

packetSizes = [pcapData.PacketSize];

sourceIPs = {pcapData.SourceIP};

destinationIPs = {pcapData.DestinationIP};

  1. Preprocess and Analyze the Data

Before accompanying forensic evaluation, it’s vital to preprocess the network traffic. Preprocessing steps can involves:

  • Data normalization: Scale the characteristics like packet size, delay, etc.
  • Feature extraction: Extract useful characteristics such as source IP, destination IP, packet size, protocol type, etc.

% Normalize the data (min-max normalization)

minVals = min(trafficData);

maxVals = max(trafficData);

normalizedTraffic = (trafficData – minVals) ./ (maxVals – minVals);

% Visualize traffic data (scatter plot of packet size vs delay)


scatter(normalizedTraffic(:,1), normalizedTraffic(:,2), 50, labels, ‘filled’);

xlabel(‘Packet Size (Normalized)’);

ylabel(‘Delay (Normalized)’);

title(‘Network Traffic: Normal vs Attack’);

  1. Detect Anomalies or Malicious Traffic

Once we have the traffic data, the step is to identify suspicious or malicious traffic. Anomaly detection approaches like machine learning, statistical techniques, or rule-based methods can be utilized for this purpose.

Using Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection

We can train a design like Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, or K-Nearest Neighbors to identify anomalies in the network traffic.

% Split the data into training and testing sets (80% train, 20% test)

cv = cvpartition(size(normalizedTraffic, 1), ‘Holdout’, 0.2);

trainData = normalizedTraffic(training(cv), :);

trainLabels = labels(training(cv));

testData = normalizedTraffic(test(cv), :);

testLabels = labels(test(cv));

% Train a Support Vector Machine (SVM) for anomaly detection

svmModel = fitcsvm(trainData, trainLabels, ‘KernelFunction’, ‘rbf’, ‘Standardize’, true, ‘ClassNames’, [0, 1]);

% Test the model on test data

predictedLabels = predict(svmModel, testData);

% Calculate accuracy

accuracy = sum(predictedLabels == testLabels) / numel(testLabels) * 100;

disp([‘Test Accuracy: ‘, num2str(accuracy), ‘%’]);

% Confusion matrix for evaluating the model

confMatrix = confusionmat(testLabels, predictedLabels);

disp(‘Confusion Matrix:’);


Using Statistical Anomaly Detection

We can also implement statistical methods like Z-score or thresholding to identify abnormal traffic patterns.

% Calculate the mean and standard deviation of normal traffic

meanTraffic = mean(normalTraffic(:,1));  % Based on packet size

stdTraffic = std(normalTraffic(:,1));

% Detect anomalies using Z-score (traffic greater than 3 std from mean)

zScores = abs((trafficData(:,1) – meanTraffic) / stdTraffic);

anomalies = find(zScores > 3);  % Identify anomalies

% Display the number of detected anomalies

disp([‘Number of detected anomalies: ‘, num2str(length(anomalies))]);

  1. Visualize the Forensic Analysis

Visualization is vital in forensics for evaluating the distribution of traffic patterns, anomalies, and attack traces.

Example: Visualizing Packet Size Distribution


histogram(trafficData(:,1), 50);

xlabel(‘Packet Size’);


title(‘Packet Size Distribution’);

Example: Visualizing Detected Anomalies

% Visualize the detected anomalies using a scatter plot


scatter(1:length(trafficData(:,1)), trafficData(:,1), 50, ‘b’, ‘filled’);  % Normal traffic

hold on;

scatter(anomalies, trafficData(anomalies, 1), 80, ‘r’, ‘filled’);  % Anomalies

xlabel(‘Packet Index’);

ylabel(‘Packet Size’);

title(‘Detected Anomalies in Packet Size’);

  1. Reconstruct Network Sessions (Optional)

Network forensics can contain recreating sessions from captured packets to regulate the sequence of events in the course of an attack. We can replicate session reconstruction using timestamps, IP addresses, and other packet characteristics.

% Simulated packet data with timestamps and IP addresses

trafficSessions = {

‘’, ‘’, ‘2024-01-15 10:15:22’, ‘HTTP’;

‘’, ‘’, ‘2024-01-15 10:15:25’, ‘HTTPS’;

‘’, ‘’, ‘2024-01-15 10:15:30’, ‘FTP’;

‘’, ‘’, ‘2024-01-15 10:15:35’, ‘HTTP’;


% Reconstruct the sessions based on IP and timestamp

disp(‘Reconstructed Network Sessions:’);


  1. Investigate Attacker Traceback

Network forensics can contain to monitoring the source of an attack. This can be replicated by detecting abnormal traffic sources such as IP addresses with high traffic volume or certain signatures.

Example: Tracking Source of Attack Traffic

% Simulated traffic with source IPs and packet sizes

sourceIPs = {‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’};

packetSizes = [500, 300, 1500, 4000, 200];  % Large packet size suggests attack

% Identify the source of large packets (e.g., DDoS)

threshold = 3000;  % Packet size threshold for detection

attackSourceIPs = sourceIPs(packetSizes > threshold);

disp(‘Identified attack source IPs:’);


  1. Simulate Attack Scenarios

We can replicate numerous attack types, like DDoS, MITM (Man-in-the-Middle), or Spoofing, to validate the network forensics system.

Example: Simulating a DDoS Attack

% Simulate DDoS traffic with abnormally high packet sizes

ddosAttackTraffic = [randn(100, 1) * 200 + 1500, randn(100, 1) * 20 + 50, randi([4, 5], 100, 1)];

% Use previously trained SVM model to detect DDoS attack traffic

ddosAttackTraffic = (ddosAttackTraffic – minVals) ./ (maxVals – minVals);  % Normalize data

ddosPredictedLabels = predict(svmModel, ddosAttackTraffic);

% Count how many DDoS packets were detected

numDDoSDetected = sum(ddosPredictedLabels == 1);

disp([‘DDoS packets detected: ‘, num2str(numDDoSDetected), ‘ out of 100 packets’]);

  1. Analyse Logs for Evidence

In network forensics, evaluate the system and network logs is vital for collecting evidence. We can replicate log evaluation by parsing and measuring log files to identify abnormal patterns or activities.

Example: Log File Analysis for Unauthorized Access

% Simulated log file data (timestamp, source IP, action)

logFile = {

‘2024-01-15 10:15:22’, ‘’, ‘login attempt’;

‘2024-01-15 10:15:25’, ‘’, ‘file download’;

‘2024-01-15 10:15:30’, ‘’, ‘multiple login failures’;

‘2024-01-15 10:15:35’, ‘’, ‘logout’;


% Detect unauthorized access based on multiple login failures

for i = 1:size(logFile, 1)

if contains(logFile{i, 3}, ‘login failures’)

disp([‘Suspicious activity detected from ‘, logFile{i, 2}, ‘ at ‘, logFile{i, 1}]);



Example Projects for Network Forensics in MATLAB:

  1. Traffic Anomaly Detection: Utilize machine learning or statistical approaches to identify anomalies in network traffic such as DDoS, scanning attacks.
  2. Packet Capture and Analysis: Replicate packet capturing and evaluate the captured packets for suspicious activities like ARP spoofing, MITM attacks, etc.
  3. Session Reconstruction: Rebuild network sessions from observed traffic to evaluate communication in the course of an attack.
  4. Log File Forensics: Measure system or network logs to identify unauthorized access, suspicious accomplishments, or data exfiltration.
  5. Attack Traceback: Improve the approaches to monitor back the source of an attack such as identifying the source of a DDoS attack.
  6. Network Traffic Visualization: Envision the traffic data using histograms, scatter plots, and anomaly heatmaps to well recognize attack patterns and normal traffic features.

By using the following procedures, we had done the simulation process successfully for network forensics project using the tool of MATLAB and it also deliver the comprehensive procedures to simulate the process, detailed explanation for the given code snippets and deliver the sample project ideas for future enhancement. If you need more details regarding this process we will offered it.

Get in touch with us, and we’ll ensure you receive top-notch services. We specialize in offering project ideas and conducting performance analyses tailored to your interests. At, we are your go-to partner for simulating network forensics projects using MATLAB. Our team delivers customized solutions, exploring various aspects of network forensics, including packet capture, traffic pattern evolution, suspicious activity classification, and network data visualization. Let us help you discover the best research topics and ideas for your projects.

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