To simulate network probe attack in MATLAB is an exploration approaches in which an attacker scans a target network to collect data about active devices, open ports, and services. This is usually a predecessor to other attacks, by way of it delivers a map of potential susceptibilities. In MATLAB, we can replicate a network probe attack by:
- Describing a network of IP addresses with a range of active/inactive hosts.
- Scanning each IP address for open ports or services.
- Logging active hosts and open ports according to the responses.
- Envisioning the network and classified open ports.
Steps to Simulate a Network Probe Attack in MATLAB
- Define Network Parameters and IP Address Range
- Simulate Probing Each IP Address for Open Ports
- Log Results for Each IP Address and Port
- Visualize Probing Results
- Define Network Parameters and IP Address Range
Describe the IP range, likely open ports, and set key metrics for network probing, like the probability of hosts being active and particular ports being open.
% Simulation Parameters
numIPs = 15; % Number of IPs in the network
numPorts = 5; % Number of ports to scan on each IP
activeHostsProb = 0.6; % Probability that a given IP address is active
openPortProb = 0.4; % Probability that a port is open if the host is active
% Generate a list of IP addresses and port numbers
ipRange = “192.168.1.” + (1:numIPs); % IP addresses to scan
ports = [21, 22, 80, 443, 8080]; % Common ports to probe (FTP, SSH, HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP-alt)
% Randomly determine which IPs are active and which ports are open
activeHosts = rand(1, numIPs) < activeHostsProb; % Flag active hosts
openPorts = (rand(numIPs, numPorts) < openPortProb) & activeHosts’; % Only active hosts have open ports
- Simulate Probing Each IP Address for Open Ports
Loop via each IP address and each port to replicate transmitting probes. If an IP is active and a port is open, record a effective probe response.
% Initialize storage for probe results
probeResults = false(numIPs, numPorts); % Stores true if port is open and probed successfully
disp(‘Starting network probe…’);
for i = 1:numIPs
fprintf(‘Probing IP %s…\n’, ipRange(i));
if activeHosts(i)
for j = 1:numPorts
% Check if the port is open
if openPorts(i, j)
probeResults(i, j) = true;
fprintf(‘ Port %d is open.\n’, ports(j));
fprintf(‘ Port %d is closed.\n’, ports(j));
fprintf(‘IP %s is inactive.\n’, ipRange(i));
disp(‘Network probe completed.’);
- Log Results for Each IP Address and Port
Display an outline of the probing outcome, demonstrate open ports for each active IP address.
% Display summary of open ports
disp(‘Summary of Active IPs and Open Ports:’);
for i = 1:numIPs
if activeHosts(i)
openPortsList = ports(probeResults(i, :));
if ~isempty(openPortsList)
fprintf(‘IP %s has open ports: %s\n’, ipRange(i), num2str(openPortsList));
fprintf(‘IP %s has no open ports.\n’, ipRange(i));
- Visualize Probing Results
Plot a envision of the IP addresses and open ports.
% Visualization of probing results
hold on;
% Create a heatmap-like plot for open ports
colormap([1 0 0; 0 1 0]); % Red for closed, Green for open
colorbar(‘Ticks’, [0.25, 0.75], ‘TickLabels’, {‘Closed’, ‘Open’});
% Label the axes
title(‘Network Probe Results’);
xlabel(‘Port Number’);
ylabel(‘IP Address Index’);
grid on;
hold off;
Explanation of Key Components
- IP Range and Active Hosts: Each IP address has a possibility of being active, and only active hosts have open ports.
- Probing Each Port: Each IP is investigated for open ports. If a port is open and the host is active, the probe successfully identifies it.
- Visualization: A heatmap demonstrates to open (green) and closed (red) ports for each IP address.
Possible Extensions
- Stealth Mode: Establish random latency among probes to replicate a stealthier scan which is harder for IDS to identify.
- Firewall Simulation: Wedge specific IPs or ports to mimic the impact of a firewall, ensuring ports unresponsive even if open.
- Detection Mechanism: Execute a simple intrusion detection system (IDS) to flag IPs with high probe rates.
- Probe Different Protocols: Expand the replication to contain probing protocols such as TCP, UDP, and ICMP to collect more detailed network information.
In this simulation setup, we offered the simple approaches that were demonstrated using the sample code snippets related to the network probe attack project which were simulated and evaluated through MATLAB tool. Some specific details regarding this process will be provided later. helps you to Simulate Network Probe Attack Projects Using MATLAB , stay in touch with us we give you detailed explanation with best results on time.