To simulate a network probe attack in NS2 has includes to design the environment in which the attacker tries to collect information about the network, like as in which nodes are active, their IP addresses, open ports, and services. This kind of exploration an attack usually paves the way more serious network intrusions. Common network probing approaches involves scanning for active hosts such as by using ping sweeps or probing for open ports.
The given below is a step-by-step guide on how to simulate a network probe attack using NS2.
Steps to Simulate Network Probe Attack Projects in NS2
Step 1: Install NS2
Make sure that NS2 is installed on the system, accompanied by NAM (Network Animator) for visualization. We can identify installation instructions for NS2 online for operating system.
Step 2: Understand the Network Probe Attack
A network probe attack includes an attacker thoroughly scanning a wide range of IP addresses and/or ports to detect active hosts and services. In NS2, we can mimic this by having an attacker node transmit ICMP Echo Requests (or other packets) to multiple nodes to collect information about their presence.
Step 3: Design the Simulation Topology
We want to define:
- Legitimate Nodes: it denoted normal network users or servers.
- Attacker Node: A node tries to probe the network by transmitting the requests to multiple target nodes.
- Target Nodes: The nodes which are probed, that respond to the attacker’s requests (if they are reachable).
Step 4: Create an NS2 TCL Script
Below is an instance of an NS2 TCL script which replicates a network probe attack in which the attacker transmits ICMP Echo Requests (ping) to multiple nodes to identify their occurrence.
Example TCL Script for Network Probe Attack Simulation:
# Create a new NS2 simulator object
set ns [new Simulator]
# Define nodes
set attacker [$ns node];# The attacker node
set target1 [$ns node];# Target node 1
set target2 [$ns node];# Target node 2
set target3 [$ns node] ;# Target node 3
# Create duplex links between the attacker and target nodes
$ns duplex-link $attacker $target1 1Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $attacker $target2 1Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $attacker $target3 1Mb 10ms DropTail
# Define Ping agents for the attacker and targets
set ping_attacker1 [new Agent/Ping]
set ping_attacker2 [new Agent/Ping]
set ping_attacker3 [new Agent/Ping]
# Attach Ping agents to the attacker node for each target
$ns attach-agent $attacker $ping_attacker1
$ns attach-agent $attacker $ping_attacker2
$ns attach-agent $attacker $ping_attacker3
# Attach PingSink agents to the targets to respond to ping requests
set ping_sink1 [new Agent/PingSink]
set ping_sink2 [new Agent/PingSink]
set ping_sink3 [new Agent/PingSink]
$ns attach-agent $target1 $ping_sink1
$ns attach-agent $target2 $ping_sink2
$ns attach-agent $target3 $ping_sink3
# Connect the attacker to the targets
$ns connect $ping_attacker1 $ping_sink1
$ns connect $ping_attacker2 $ping_sink2
$ns connect $ping_attacker3 $ping_sink3
# Schedule ping requests from the attacker to each target
$ns at 1.0 “$ping_attacker1 send”
$ns at 1.2 “$ping_attacker2 send”
$ns at 1.4 “$ping_attacker3 send”
# Set up a tracing file for the simulation
set tracefile [open “” w]
$ns trace-all $tracefile
# Define a NAM file for visualization
set namfile [open “network_probe.nam” w]
$ns namtrace-all $namfile
# Procedure to finish the simulation and close files
proc finish {} {
global ns tracefile namfile
$ns flush-trace
close $tracefile
close $namfile
exec nam network_probe.nam &
exit 0
# Schedule the end of the simulation at 5 seconds
$ns at 5.0 “finish”
# Run the simulation
$ns run
Step 5: Explanation of the Script
- Nodes and Links:
- The script generates 4 nodes: one attacker (attacker) and three target nodes (target1, target2, and target3).
- Duplex links are generated among the attacker and each target node.
- Ping Agents:
- Each target node is attached to a PingSink agent who will respond to ICMP Echo Requests (ping).
- The attacker node has three Ping agents which transmits an ICMP Echo Requests to each of the target nodes.
- Packet Scheduling:
- ICMP Echo Requests are transmit from the attacker to the targets at different times (1.0s, 1.2s, and 1.4s).
- We can modify the time intervals or incorporate more targets if essential.
- Tracing and Visualization:
- The simulation generates a trace file ( and a NAM file (network_probe.nam) to trace the network activities and deliver visualization.
Step 6: Run the Simulation
- Save the script as network_probe.tcl.
- Execute the script using NS2:
ns network_probe.tcl
This will generate two files:
- A trace files encompassing packet-level information.
- network_probe.nam: A file for envision the network simulation using NAM.
Step 7: Visualize the Simulation in NAM
To envision the network probe attack, utilize the NAM tool:
nam network_probe.nam
In NAM, we can track on how the attacker transmits ping requests to each target node and see which nodes respond. This envisions can supports you to learn on how network probes impacts network communication.
Step 8: Analyse the Trace File
The trace file encompasses information about all packets interchanged in the course of the simulation. We can measure it to analyse:
- When the attacker transmits an ICMP Echo Requests (ping) to each target.
- How the targets respond with ICMP Echo Replies, signifies they are active.
We can utilize AWK, Python, or other tools to process the trace file and extract certain details, such as:
- The number of ping requests transmits by the attacker.
- The response times and how many targets responded.
Step 9: Enhance the Simulation
We can expand the basic network probe attack simulation by incorporating:
- More Nodes: incorporate additional target nodes to replicate a larger network.
- Different Types of Traffic: Rather than using only ICMP Echo Requests, replicate port scanning by sending TCP SYN packets to diverse ports.
- Defense Mechanisms: Execute an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) or firewall to identify and block probing attempts.
Step 10: Measure the Impact
We can evaluate the effect of the probe attack by measuring:
- Network Latency: Increased traffic because of probing can cause latency.
- Network Overhead: Assess the amount of extra packets created by the attack.
- Effectiveness of Defense: If we execute defences, evaluate on how well they identify and prevent the probe.
This illustration has given you the general steps to create a simulation network which help us to simulate the network probe attack in the ns2 environment and also we provide how to attach the enhance features to the simulation. If you have any queries about this approach, we will guide you.
We provide services tailored to scholars across all academic levels. Our specialists proficiently conduct Network Probe Attack Projects utilizing the NS2 tool, and we handle tasks such as ping sweeps and probing for open ports. For specialized assistance, please visit, where our expert team is prepared to help you.