How to Simulate Optical Network Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate Optical Network projects in MATLAB has includes to design the network component like optical fibres, switches, amplifiers, wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), and routing protocols. The Optical networks permits high-capacity communication utilizing light, and these replication usually concentrate on contexts like signal transmission, network topology, routing techniques, and the parameters such as throughput, latency, and blocking probability.Stay in touch with us for more research support.

Here’s a step-by-step procedure to simulating Optical Network projects in MATLAB:

Steps to Simulate Optical Network Projects in MATLAB

  1. Define Optical Network Parameters

Initiate by describing the simple key metrics of the optical network, like the amount of nodes, wavelengths, link capacities, and signal transmission possessions.

Example: Describe simple key metrics for an optical network.

% Optical Network Parameters

numNodes = 6;  % Number of nodes in the optical network

numWavelengths = 4;  % Number of wavelengths (WDM channels)

linkCapacity = 10e9;  % Link capacity in bits per second (10 Gbps)

fiberLength = 50e3;  % Length of each optical fiber link in meters (50 km)

txPower = 0;  % Transmission power in dBm

% Display network parameters

disp(‘Optical Network Parameters:’);

disp([‘Number of Nodes: ‘, num2str(numNodes)]);

disp([‘Number of Wavelengths: ‘, num2str(numWavelengths)]);

disp([‘Link Capacity: ‘, num2str(linkCapacity / 1e9), ‘ Gbps’]);

disp([‘Fiber Length: ‘, num2str(fiberLength / 1e3), ‘ km’]);

  1. Create Optical Network Topology

An optical network involves of nodes (switches or routers) associated by optical fibre links. We can design this topology by the way of a graph in which nodes signify routers, and edges that denotes optical fibers.

Example: Generate a simple network topology.

% Adjacency matrix representative the optical network (1 specifies a link among nodes)

adjacencyMatrix = [

0 1 1 0 0 0;

1 0 1 1 0 0;

1 1 0 1 1 0;

0 1 1 0 1 1;

0 0 1 1 0 1;

0 0 0 1 1 0


% Plot the network topology


g = graph(adjacencyMatrix);

plot(g, ‘Layout’, ‘force’);

title(‘Optical Network Topology’);

  1. Model Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM)

Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) enables multiple signals to be passed through a single fiber using various wavelengths. We can replicate WDM by allocating different wavelengths to numerous traffic demands.

Example: Replicate WDM channels in excess of the optical network.

% Wavelength assignment for each link (random assignment of wavelengths)

wavelengthMatrix = randi([1 numWavelengths], numNodes);

% Display wavelength assignment for each link

disp(‘Wavelength assignment for each link:’);


  1. Simulate Signal Transmission over Optical Fiber

Optical fibers establish impairments like attenuation, dispersal, and noise. We can replicate these impacts for each link in the network.

Example: Replicate signal transmission with weakening and dispersal.

% Optical fiber parameters

alpha = 0.2e-3;  % Attenuation coefficient (0.2 dB/km)

beta2 = -21.27e-27;  % Dispersion parameter (s^2/m)

% Attenuation and dispersion over the fiber length

attenuation = 10^(-alpha * fiberLength / 10);

dispersion = exp(1i * (beta2 * (2 * pi / wavelengthMatrix).^2 * fiberLength / 2));

% Apply attenuation and dispersion to a transmitted signal

txSignal = randn(numWavelengths, 1);  % Random signal for each wavelength

rxSignal = attenuation * txSignal .* dispersion;  % Received signal after transmission

% Plot the received signal


stem(real(rxSignal), ‘filled’);

title(‘Received Signal after Transmission over Optical Fiber’);

xlabel(‘Wavelength Index’);


  1. Implement Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA)

In optical networks, routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) regulates the path and wavelength for each traffic demand. We can execute the techniques such as shortest path routing or first-fit wavelength assignment.

Example: Implement shortest path routing.

% Define the source and destination nodes for a traffic demand

sourceNode = 1;

destinationNode = 6;

% Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the shortest path between source and destination

path = shortestpath(g, sourceNode, destinationNode);

% Assign a wavelength (first available wavelength) for the path

availableWavelengths = ones(numWavelengths, 1);  % All wavelengths available

for i = 1:length(path)-1

linkWavelengths = wavelengthMatrix(path(i), path(i+1));

availableWavelengths(linkWavelengths) = 0;  % Mark wavelength as unavailable


% Find the first available wavelength

wavelengthAssigned = find(availableWavelengths, 1);

% Display the assigned path and wavelength

disp([‘Path from Node ‘, num2str(sourceNode), ‘ to Node ‘, num2str(destinationNode), ‘: ‘, num2str(path)]);

disp([‘Wavelength assigned: ‘, num2str(wavelengthAssigned)]);

  1. Simulate Traffic and Evaluate Network Performance

We can replicate traffic demands among nodes in the optical network and evaluate parameters like throughput, blocking probability, and delay.

Example: Simulate traffic demands and calculate blocking probability.

% Number of traffic demands

numDemands = 10;

% Randomly generate source and destination nodes for each demand

trafficSource = randi([1 numNodes], numDemands, 1);

trafficDestination = randi([1 numNodes], numDemands, 1);

% Initialize blocking counter

blockedDemands = 0;

% Simulate traffic routing and wavelength assignment

for d = 1:numDemands

source = trafficSource(d);

destination = trafficDestination(d);

% Find the shortest path and assign a wavelength

path = shortestpath(g, source, destination);

availableWavelengths = ones(numWavelengths, 1);

for i = 1:length(path)-1

linkWavelengths = wavelengthMatrix(path(i), path(i+1));

availableWavelengths(linkWavelengths) = 0;  % Mark as unavailable


if isempty(find(availableWavelengths, 1))

blockedDemands = blockedDemands + 1;  % Block the demand if no wavelength is available



% Calculate blocking probability

blockingProbability = blockedDemands / numDemands;

disp([‘Blocking Probability: ‘, num2str(blockingProbability)]);

  1. Simulate Amplification and Optical Network Elements

We can mimic the effects of amplifiers such as EDFAs and other optical network components such as optical switches or wavelength converters.

Example: Simulate the effect of an EDFA amplifier.

% Define EDFA parameters

gain = 20;  % Gain of EDFA in dB

nf = 4;  % Noise figure of the EDFA in dB

% Amplify the received signal

amplifiedSignal = 10^(gain/10) * rxSignal;

% Add amplifier noise

amplifierNoise = wgn(numWavelengths, 1, nf);

amplifiedSignal = amplifiedSignal + amplifierNoise;

% Plot the amplified signal


stem(real(amplifiedSignal), ‘filled’);

title(‘Amplified Signal after EDFA’);

xlabel(‘Wavelength Index’);


  1. Advanced Optical Network Simulations

For more cutting-edge optical network simulations, we can discover:

  • Wavelength Conversion: Execute wavelength converters to minimize blocking probability.
  • Optical Switching: Design optical switches for traffic forwarding and switching among wavelengths.
  • Mesh Networks: Replicate large-scale optical mesh networks with dynamic traffic routing.
  • Nonlinear Effects: Add nonlinear deficiencies such as Self-Phase Modulation (SPM) and Four-Wave Mixing (FWM).
  • Traffic Grooming: Integrate multiple low-rate traffic flows into high-capacity channels to enhance resource usage.

We performed a general approach on how to simulate and evaluate the Optical Network projects employing in the MATLAB simulating platform. If you required more information on this process, we will deliver in further manual.

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