How to Simulate Optimal Routing Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate Optimal Routing in MATLAB, we can construct a design in which dynamically estimates and utilizes the most effective paths among nodes according to specific conditions like shortest distance, least cost, or highest available bandwidth. Optimal routing that includes to choose the paths which reduce or get the most out of a given parameters through the network, adjusting if conditions alteration like link failure or congestion.

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Here’s a simple techniques to configure an optimal routing simulation in MATLAB.

Steps to Simulate Optimal Routing in MATLAB

  1. Define Network Topology:
    • Utilize an adjacency matrix or graph object to denoted nodes and links in the network.
    • Allocates weights to each link according to selected parameters like distance, latency, or cost.
  2. Initialize Routing Tables Using Shortest Path Calculation:
    • Utilize Dijkstra’s algorithm for single-source shortest path calculation or Floyd-Warshall algorithm for all-pairs shortest paths.
    • These techniques estimate the optimal path according to the weights in the adjacency matrix.
  3. Simulate Dynamic Routing (Optional):
    • If replicating changing conditions, adapt link weights enthusiastically to replicate new network conditions, like congestion or failure.
    • Recalculate best paths as the network conditions vary, illustrating the flexibility of adaptive optimal routing.
  4. Simulate Packet Forwarding:
    • Utilize the estimated optimal paths to send packets from a origin to a destination alongside the optimal path.
    • Monitor the route taken by each packet and estimate the key metrics like hop count and path cost.
  5. Visualize and Analyze Results:
    • Plot the network topology and focus paths in use by packets.
    • Measure the parameters such as total path cost, hop count, and end-to-end delay.

Example Code Outline

Here’s an instance of MATLAB code outline for replicating an optimal routing using Dijkstra’s techniques for shortest path calculation.

% Define network topology as an adjacency matrix with link weights

adjMatrix = [

0 2 0 0 7;

2 0 3 8 0;

0 3 0 1 6;

0 8 1 0 4;

7 0 6 4 0


numNodes = size(adjMatrix, 1);

% Dijkstra’s algorithm function for finding shortest path from source

function [dist, prev] = dijkstra(adjMatrix, source)

numNodes = size(adjMatrix, 1);

dist = inf(1, numNodes);  % Initialize distances to infinity

dist(source) = 0;          % Distance to itself is 0

visited = false(1, numNodes);

prev = NaN(1, numNodes);   % Previous node in optimal path

for i = 1:numNodes

% Find the unvisited node with the smallest distance

[~, u] = min(dist + visited * inf);

visited(u) = true;

% Update distances to neighboring nodes

for v = 1:numNodes

if adjMatrix(u, v) > 0 && ~visited(v)  % Check for edge and if unvisited

alt = dist(u) + adjMatrix(u, v);

if alt < dist(v)

dist(v) = alt;

prev(v) = u;






% Initialize optimal routing tables using Dijkstra’s algorithm for each node

routingTables = cell(numNodes, 1);

for source = 1:numNodes

[~, prev] = dijkstra(adjMatrix, source);

routingTables{source} = prev;  % Store the previous node for each shortest path


% Display the optimal routing tables for all nodes

disp(‘Optimal Routing Tables:’);

for i = 1:numNodes

disp([‘Routing table for node ‘, num2str(i), ‘:’]);



% Function to simulate packet forwarding using the optimal routing tables

function forwardPacket(src, dest, routingTables)

current = src;

path = [current];

while current ~= dest

nextHop = routingTables{current}(dest);

if isnan(nextHop)

disp(‘No path available.’);



path = [path, nextHop];

current = nextHop;


disp([‘Packet path from ‘, num2str(src), ‘ to ‘, num2str(dest), ‘: ‘, num2str(path)]);


% Test packet forwarding from a source to destination

srcNode = 1;

destNode = 5;

disp(‘— Packet Transmission —‘);

forwardPacket(srcNode, destNode, routingTables);

% Visualize the network topology

G = graph(adjMatrix);


plot(G, ‘EdgeLabel’, G.Edges.Weight);

title(‘Network Topology’);

Explanation of the Code

  • Network Topology: The adjacency matrix adjMatrix describes the network, with each non-zero entry demonstrating a link and its related weight (cost).
  • Dijkstra’s Algorithm: The dijkstra function estimates the shortest path from a origin node to all other nodes, that is the best path given the modern link weights.
  • Optimal Routing Table Setup: Routing tables are created according to shortest paths and stow in the routingTables array. These tables are utilized to send packets along the best path from each origin node.
  • Packet Forwarding: The forwardPacket function utilizes the precomputed routing tables to replicate packet forwarding besides the optimal path, delivers a static instance of optimal routing.

Visualization and Analysis

To evaluate and envision optimal routing:

  • Network Visualization: Utilize MATLAB’s graph and plot functions to show the network topology and path costs.
  • Path Display: Monitor and display the best path occupied by a packet from the origin to the destination.

Extending the Simulation

For a further advanced optimal routing replication:

  • Dynamic Conditions: Occasionally adapt link weights to mimic network congestion or failures. Rerun Dijkstra’s techniques to update the best paths enthusiastically.
  • Multi-Criteria Optimization: Test with different parameters such as bandwidth, reliability by allocating weights in terms of conditions other than shortest distance.
  • Load Balancing: Replicate traffic flows among multiple node pairs to track load balancing impacts, and deliberate multipath routing by describing secondary best paths.

Through this procedure, we had successfully delivered the complete procedure to simulate the Optimal Routing projects with the help of MATLAB tool. We can also offer additional information regarding this process

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