To simulate an overlay topology in MATLAB has includes to generate a virtual network on uppermost of traditional physical network, in which the nodes in the overlay are associated according to logical links which do not essentially obey the fundamental physical connections. Overlay networks are usually utilized in applications such as content delivery networks (CDNs), peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, and virtual private networks (VPNs).
The given below is a detailed procedures on how to simulate the overlay topology in MATLAB.
Steps to Simulate an Overlay Topology
- Define the Physical and Overlay Network Structure:
- Generate a set of nodes and describe their physical (underlying) connections.
- Describe an isolated set of virtual connections among overlay nodes that fluctuate from the physical layout.
- Simulate Data Transmission in the Overlay Network:
- Enable the nodes in the overlay network to request and send information besides the logical connections.
- Utilize routing in the physical network if overlay nodes are not exactly linked tangibly.
- Implement Routing and Transmission Delays:
- Estimate transmission latency according to the physical distance among nodes.
- For overlay association which span multiple physical nodes that replicate the path through the physical network.
- Visualize the Physical and Overlay Networks:
- Measure the parameters like successful transmissions, delays, and routing paths.
- Utilize MATLAB to envision both the physical connections and the logical overlay.
Example Code for Simulating an Overlay Topology
In this instance, we generate a physical network and an overlay network arranged uppermost of it. All overlay connection is linked to the shortest path in excess of the physical network.
% Parameters for Overlay Topology Simulation
numNodes = 8; % Number of nodes in the physical network
simulationTime = 20; % Duration of the simulation in seconds
dataRate = 1000; % Data rate in bits per second
packetSize = 100; % Packet size in bits
maxDistance = 100; % Maximum distance between nodes in meters
propagationSpeed = 2e8; % Propagation speed in meters per second
overlayConnectionProbability = 0.3; % Probability of an overlay connection between two nodes
physicalConnectionProbability = 0.5; % Probability of a physical connection between two nodes
% Generate Random Positions for Physical Nodes
nodePositions = maxDistance * rand(numNodes, 2);
% Create Physical Connection Matrix for Underlying Network
physicalMatrix = rand(numNodes) < physicalConnectionProbability;
physicalMatrix = triu(physicalMatrix, 1); % Make upper triangular to avoid duplicate connections
physicalMatrix = physicalMatrix + physicalMatrix’; % Make symmetric for bidirectional links
% Create Overlay Connection Matrix for Virtual Links
overlayMatrix = rand(numNodes) < overlayConnectionProbability;
overlayMatrix = triu(overlayMatrix, 1); % Upper triangular to avoid duplicate connections
overlayMatrix = overlayMatrix + overlayMatrix’; % Symmetric for bidirectional links
% Calculate Physical Distance and Propagation Delays for Physical Links
distanceMatrix = zeros(numNodes);
delayMatrix = zeros(numNodes);
for i = 1:numNodes
for j = i+1:numNodes
if physicalMatrix(i, j) == 1
distanceMatrix(i, j) = norm(nodePositions(i, 🙂 – nodePositions(j, :));
distanceMatrix(j, i) = distanceMatrix(i, j); % Symmetric
delayMatrix(i, j) = distanceMatrix(i, j) / propagationSpeed;
delayMatrix(j, i) = delayMatrix(i, j);
% Initialize Transmission and Delay Logs
transmissions = zeros(numNodes, simulationTime); % Track transmissions per node in the overlay
delays = zeros(numNodes, simulationTime); % Track delay per transmission in the overlay
% Simulate Overlay Data Requests and Transfers Over Time
for t = 1:simulationTime
for i = 1:numNodes
% Each node may initiate a request to an overlay neighbor
overlayNeighbors = find(overlayMatrix(i, 🙂 == 1);
if ~isempty(overlayNeighbors)
targetNode = overlayNeighbors(randi(length(overlayNeighbors))); % Choose random overlay neighbor
% Find the shortest path in the physical network
[~, path] = graphshortestpath(sparse(physicalMatrix), i, targetNode);
pathDelay = sum(delayMatrix(sub2ind(size(delayMatrix), path(1:end-1), path(2:end))));
% Log transmission and delay for the overlay connection
transmissions(i, t) = 1;
delays(i, t) = pathDelay;
disp([‘Time ‘ num2str(t) ‘s: Overlay Node ‘ num2str(i) ‘ requested data from Node ‘ num2str(targetNode) ‘ via path delay ‘ num2str(pathDelay) ‘s’]);
% Visualize Physical and Overlay Networks
subplot(1, 2, 1);
gplot(physicalMatrix, nodePositions, ‘-o’);
title(‘Physical Network Topology’);
xlabel(‘X Position (m)’);
ylabel(‘Y Position (m)’);
hold on;
text(nodePositions(:, 1), nodePositions(:, 2), arrayfun(@num2str, 1:numNodes, ‘UniformOutput’, false));
hold off;
subplot(1, 2, 2);
gplot(overlayMatrix, nodePositions, ‘-o’);
title(‘Overlay Network Topology’);
xlabel(‘X Position (m)’);
ylabel(‘Y Position (m)’);
hold on;
text(nodePositions(:, 1), nodePositions(:, 2), arrayfun(@num2str, 1:numNodes, ‘UniformOutput’, false));
hold off;
% Plot Transmission and Delay Activity
time = 1:simulationTime;
subplot(2, 1, 1);
title(‘Overlay Network Transmissions Over Time’);
xlabel(‘Time (s)’);
ylabel(‘Node ID’);
subplot(2, 1, 2);
title(‘Overlay Network Propagation Delays Over Time’);
xlabel(‘Time (s)’);
ylabel(‘Node ID’);
Explanation of the Code
- Parameters:
- physicalMatrix and overlayMatrix are utilized to describe connections in the physical and overlay networks, correspondingly.
- delayMatrix keeps propagation latency for each physical connection according to the distance among nodes and the circulation speed.
- Physical and Overlay Connections:
- physicalMatrix denotes direct physical association among nodes.
- overlayMatrix denotes logical association in the overlay topology. This association cannot track the physical links and are transmitted via available physical paths.
- Data Transmission Simulation:
- At every time step, nodes in the overlay network can wish information from other overlay nodes.
- For each overlay request, the code estimates the shortest path across the physical network and totals the latency beside this path.
- Propagation Delay Tracking:
- Latency for each overlay transmission is estimated according to the shortest path in the physical network.
- Visualization:
- The first plot demonstrates the physical network and overlay network topologies.
- The second set of plots illustrates transmission and latency movement in the overlay network over time.
Analysis and Extension Ideas
- Dynamic Overlay Connections: Replicate the dynamic formation and teardown of overlay connections to design networks such as P2P.
- Multi-hop Routing: Enable multi-hop routing in the overlay network if direct overlay paths aren’t obtainable.
- Network Load Balancing: Monitor the load on each link and execute load balancing to mitigate congestion on heavily utilized in physical links.
- Latency and Jitter: Incorporate changes in latency for overlay links to measure the impact of jitter on applications.
- Resilience and Failover: To mimic the node or link failures in the physical network and reroute overlay connections consequently.
By utilizing the MATLAB, you can simulate and measure the performance for overlay topology projects that were simulated and visualized the results in the above following steps. We will be offer more information related to this project in another manual. team specialize in simulating Overlay Topology Projects utilizing the MATLAB tool. For innovative services tailored to your needs, we invite you to contact us at with a detailed description of your requirements. Our support team is committed to delivering a timely solution. We also work on content delivery networks (CDNs), peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, and virtual private networks (VPNs) based on your project specifications, providing you with a concise explanation of our approach.