To simulate proactive routing protocols in MATLAB has usually includes to generating a network simulation scenarios in which proactive protocols such as Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR), Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV), or any other protocol are executed and validated in numerous network conditions.
Here’s a basic procedures on how to simulate proactive routing protocols in MATLAB:
Steps to Simulate Proactive Routing Protocols in MATLAB
- Define the Network Topology:
- Configure the network nodes with positions such as 2D or 3D coordinates.
- Describe the communication range of each node (this is utilized to generate the network links).
- We can utilize random placement or certain arrangements according to the study.
numNodes = 10;
nodePositions = rand(numNodes, 2) * 100; % Random positions in a 100×100 area
commRange = 20; % Communication range
- Initialize the Routing Table:
- For a proactive protocol, all nodes sustain a routing table to every other node in the network.
- Adjust routing tables according to node positions (and communication range if nodes are in range).
Example of routing table initialization:
routingTable = inf(numNodes, numNodes); % Infinite distance initially
for i = 1:numNodes
for j = 1:numNodes
if i ~= j
dist = norm(nodePositions(i, 🙂 – nodePositions(j, :));
if dist < commRange
routingTable(i, j) = dist; % Direct link distance
- Implement the Proactive Routing Algorithm:
- Select a proactive protocol such as OLSR, DSDV, or any other protocol.
- Execute the algorithm logic to occasionally interchange routing information among the nodes.
For instance, in DSDV, all nodes occasionally broadcasts routing table updates, and distances are modernized according to received information.
Example (simple distance vector update):
function routingTable = updateRoutingTable(routingTable, newUpdates, nodeID)
for i = 1:length(newUpdates)
for j = 1:length(newUpdates)
% Update routing table with the new distances
if routingTable(nodeID, j) > routingTable(nodeID, i) + newUpdates(i, j)
routingTable(nodeID, j) = routingTable(nodeID, i) + newUpdates(i, j);
- Simulate Data Transmission:
- Utilize the routing table to replicate the transmission of information among nodes.
- Select an origin and destination node, and observe the path using the routing table.
srcNode = 1;
dstNode = 7;
path = findPath(routingTable, srcNode, dstNode); % Implement path finding based on routing table
- Update Routing Tables Periodically:
- Proactive protocols update routing tables occasionally, so we required replicating this in a loop with time steps.
for t = 1:simTime
for node = 1:numNodes
% Get updates from neighboring nodes and update routing table
newUpdates = receiveUpdatesFromNeighbors(node);
routingTable = updateRoutingTable(routingTable, newUpdates, node);
- Analyse Results:
- After the simulation, evaluate the performance of the protocol.
- We can measure the parameters such as average path length, routing overhead, end-to-end delay, or packet delivery ratio.
Example of performance metrics calculation:
avgPathLength = mean(nonInfPaths); % Calculate average path length for all source-destination pairs
routingOverhead = totalControlPackets / totalDataPackets; % Example metric
- Visualization (Optional):
- Utilize MATLAB’s plotting functions to envision the network topology, routing paths, and key parameters.
Example of basic network topology visualization:
plot(nodePositions(:, 1), nodePositions(:, 2), ‘bo’);
hold on;
for i = 1:numNodes
for j = i+1:numNodes
if routingTable(i, j) < inf
plot([nodePositions(i, 1), nodePositions(j, 1)], [nodePositions(i, 2), nodePositions(j, 2)], ‘r-‘);
title(‘Network Topology and Links’);
In this page, we clearly showed the simulation process on how the proactive routing protocols perform in the MATLAB tool and also we offered the complete elaborated explanation to understand the concept of the simulation. We plan to deliver the more information regarding the proactive routing protocols in further manual.
Our team knows the ins and outs of Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR), Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV), and other protocols. If you’re struggling with your Proactive Protocols Project simulation, don’t worry! At, we’re ready to help you get the best results. Just shoot us an email with your project details, and we’ll help you succeed.