To simulate a ransomware attack in MATLAB has includes to generating a mock file encryption process to replicate the characteristics of ransomware, that encoding the files and claims a ransom for decryption. While executing actual ransomware would be illegitimate and corrupt, this replication concentrate on illustration on how ransomware perform in a controlled scenario.If you want to get tailored simulation ideas then reach us out for good guidance.
In the given below is a brief procedure on how to approach this process in MATLAB.
Steps to Simulate a Ransomware Attack in MATLAB
- Set Up a Simulated File System
- Generate a set of “files” signified by information in variables or text files on disk.
- Describe a directory structure to establish the files for encryption.
- Implement the Ransomware Encryption Process
- Utilize simple encryption techniques such as XOR or a simple cipher, to encode each file’s contents.
- For the replication, replace each file’s contents with encoded information to replicate file “locking.”
- Simulate the Ransom Message
- Show a simulated ransom note after encoding signifies that files are locked.
- Consist of instructions on how to “unlock” the files for illustration purposes.
- Implement a Decryption Key
- Deliver a decryption key or password to unlock the encoded files as fragment of the demonstration.
Example MATLAB Code for Simulating a Ransomware Attack
The following code replicate ransomware by encoding files in a directory using a simple XOR-based encryption. It also contains a function to decode the files using the identical key.
% Parameters
fileDir = ‘mock_files’; % Directory to hold simulated files
encryptionKey = ‘securekey’; % Encryption key for XOR encryption
% Step 1: Create a Simulated File System
if ~exist(fileDir, ‘dir’)
% Create mock text files with random content
numFiles = 5;
for i = 1:numFiles
filename = fullfile(fileDir, [‘file’, num2str(i), ‘.txt’]);
fileContent = char(randi([65, 90], 1, 20)); % Random uppercase letters
fid = fopen(filename, ‘w’);
fwrite(fid, fileContent);
disp(‘Mock files created in directory.’);
% Step 2: Implement the Ransomware Encryption Process
% Encryption using XOR with encryptionKey
for i = 1:numFiles
filename = fullfile(fileDir, [‘file’, num2str(i), ‘.txt’]);
fileContent = fileread(filename);
encryptedContent = xorEncryption(fileContent, encryptionKey);
% Overwrite the file with encrypted content
fid = fopen(filename, ‘w’);
fwrite(fid, encryptedContent);
disp(‘Files have been encrypted! Ransom note displayed:’);
disp(‘*** Your files have been encrypted. Pay the ransom to retrieve them. ***’);
% Step 3: Decryption Function (For demonstration purposes)
for i = 1:numFiles
filename = fullfile(fileDir, [‘file’, num2str(i), ‘.txt’]);
encryptedContent = fileread(filename);
decryptedContent = xorEncryption(encryptedContent, encryptionKey);
% Restore the original content
fid = fopen(filename, ‘w’);
fwrite(fid, decryptedContent);
disp(‘Files have been decrypted and restored.’);
% Helper Function: XOR Encryption/Decryption
function output = xorEncryption(inputText, key)
keyLength = length(key);
inputLength = length(inputText);
keyRepeated = repmat(key, 1, ceil(inputLength / keyLength));
output = char(bitxor(uint8(inputText), uint8(keyRepeated(1:inputLength))));
Explanation of Code
- File System Creation:
- Generates a directory mock_files that includes a few text files with random uppercase letters, denotes the user’s files.
- Encryption Process:
- Each file is encoded by using an XOR-based encryption function. The function grosses an encryption key (securekey) and implements XOR to each character in the file contents.
- After encoding, the original file content is swapped by the encoded text, replicating file locking.
- Ransom Message:
- A message is demonstrate to signify that files have been encoded, same as to a real ransomware ransom note.
- Decryption Process:
- The decoding process delivers each encoded file and implements XOR with the same key to re-establish the innovative content.
- XOR Encryption Function:
- The xorEncryption function recurrences the encoding the key via the length of the input text and XORs it with each eccentric to encode/decode the text.
Important Considerations
- Data Security: This replication is rigorously educational and should only be execute in a controlled scenario, with mock information which does not encompass sensitive data.
- Extending the Code: We can extend this replication by incoporating more realistic encryption techniques like AES, using MATLAB’s Communications Toolbox or Cryptographic Toolbox.
- Ethical Usage: This replication is for learning on how ransomware operates and is not designed for malicious purposes.
Visualization (Optional)
We can envision the process by intrigue the alteration in file content length or resemblance before and after encryption to demonstrate the impact of encryption.
% Visualization of file content before and after encryption
originalContentLengths = zeros(1, numFiles);
encryptedContentLengths = zeros(1, numFiles);
for i = 1:numFiles
% Original content
filename = fullfile(fileDir, [‘file’, num2str(i), ‘.txt’]);
fileContent = char(randi([65, 90], 1, 20)); % Random uppercase letters
originalContentLengths(i) = length(fileContent);
% Encrypted content
encryptedContent = xorEncryption(fileContent, encryptionKey);
encryptedContentLengths(i) = length(encryptedContent);
bar([originalContentLengths; encryptedContentLengths]’);
legend(‘Original Content Length’, ‘Encrypted Content Length’);
title(‘File Content Length Before and After Encryption’);
xlabel(‘File Index’);
ylabel(‘Content Length’);
grid on;
By utilizing the MATLAB, you can simulate and measure the performance for ransomware attack projects that were simulated and visualized the results in the above following steps. We will be offer more information related this project in another manual.
If you’re looking for personalized simulation ideas, feel free to contact us for helpful advice.