How to Simulate Real Time Protocol Projects Using NS2

To simulate Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) projects in NS2 have includes designing the transmission of real-time multimedia data like audio and video among network nodes. RTP is utilized for delivering real-time data over IP networks and is usually utilized in aggregation with protocols such as Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for session setup, however the RTP stream itself is usually transmit over UDP because of its low-latency nature.

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In the below are the procedures that supports to achieve this approach using ns2.

Steps to Simulate RTP Projects Using NS2

  1. Install NS2

Make sure that NS2 is installed on the system.

  1. Understanding RTP
  • RTP (Real-Time Transport Protocol): Carries real-time media streams like voice, video, or other multimedia data over IP networks. It usually utilizes UDP as the transport layer protocol because of its low-latency desires.
  • RTCP (RTP Control Protocol): Used alongside RTP for quality control by delivering the feedback on the quality of service (QoS), however we will concentrate on the RTP media stream here.
  1. TCL Script for RTP Traffic Simulation

In this instance of TCL script, we simulate RTP traffic by using UDP to design the real-time data stream like voice or video among two nodes.

Example TCL Script for RTP Simulation

# Create a simulator object

set ns [new Simulator]

# Open files for tracing and NAM visualization

set tracefile [open w]

$ns trace-all $tracefile

set namfile [open rtp_simulation.nam w]

$ns namtrace-all $namfile

# Define network topology

set topo [new Topography]

$topo load_flatgrid 500 500

# Create two nodes: one as the RTP source (sender) and the other as the RTP destination (receiver)

set rtp_sender [$ns node]

set rtp_receiver [$ns node]

# Define link parameters: bandwidth, delay, and queue type

set bw 10Mb

set delay 10ms

set queue DropTail

# Create a duplex link between the RTP sender and receiver

$ns duplex-link $rtp_sender $rtp_receiver $bw $delay $queue

# Attach a UDP agent to the RTP sender node (to represent RTP media stream)

set udp_sender [new Agent/UDP]

$ns attach-agent $rtp_sender $udp_sender

# Attach a UDP Sink agent to the RTP receiver node

set udp_receiver [new Agent/UDP]

$ns attach-agent $rtp_receiver $udp_receiver

# Connect the RTP sender (UDP) and receiver (UDP)

$ns connect $udp_sender $udp_receiver

# Create an Application/Traffic/CBR to simulate RTP media traffic (e.g., voice or video data)

set rtp_traffic [new Application/Traffic/CBR]

$rtp_traffic set packetSize_ 1024       ;# Size of RTP packets (1024 bytes)

$rtp_traffic set rate_ 1Mb              ;# Data rate (1Mbps for video, 64kbps for voice)

$rtp_traffic attach-agent $udp_sender   ;# Attach to the UDP agent

# Start RTP traffic at 1.0 second and stop at 6.0 seconds

$ns at 1.0 “$rtp_traffic start”

$ns at 6.0 “$rtp_traffic stop”

# End simulation after 10 seconds

$ns at 10.0 “finish”

# Define the finish procedure to close trace and NAM files

proc finish {} {

global ns tracefile namfile

$ns flush-trace

close $tracefile

close $namfile

exec nam rtp_simulation.nam &

exit 0


# Run the simulation

$ns run

  1. Explanation of the Script
  • Simulator Setup: The simulator object is created, and trace files ( and NAM files (rtp_simulation.nam) are opened to log events and envision the simulation.
  • Node Creation: Two nodes are created: one signify the RTP sender (e.g., the source of video/audio stream), and the other signify the RTP receiver (e.g., the client receiving the stream).
  • UDP Connection: A UDP agent is attached to the sender and the receiver, replicating the real-time, low-latency nature of RTP traffic. UDP is usually utilized for RTP because it doesn’t need acknowledgment of every packet that makes sure low latency.
  • Traffic Generation: A CBR (Constant Bit Rate) traffic generator is utilized to replicate the real-time multimedia stream (RTP traffic). The size of each RTP packet is set to 1024 bytes, and the transmission rate is set to 1Mbps (for video). We can adapt this rate for audio (e.g., 64kbps).
  • Simulation End: The simulation executes for 10 seconds, with RTP traffic flowing from 1.0 second to 6.0 seconds.
  1. Running the Simulation

Save the TCL script as rtp_simulation.tcl, and executed it using NS2 with the following command:

ns rtp_simulation.tcl

This will create a trace file ( and a NAM file (rtp_simulation.nam).

  1. Analysing the Results
  • NAM Visualization: To envision the network and track the RTP traffic among the sender and receiver, we can open the NAM (Network Animator) tool using the following command:

nam rtp_simulation.nam

NAM will demonstrate the network topology, packet flow, and RTP traffic transmission over UDP among the sender and receiver.

  • Trace File Analysis: The .tr file logs the events of the simulation, like packet transmission, packet reception, and any packet drops. we can evaluate this file using AWK or Python scripts to estimate the parameters like:
    • Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR)
    • End-to-End Delay
    • Throughput

Example AWK Script to Calculate Throughput for RTP Traffic:

BEGIN { received_bytes = 0; start_time = 1; end_time = 6 }


if ($1 == “r” && $4 == “udp”) {

received_bytes += $5




duration = end_time – start_time

throughput = (received_bytes * 8) / (duration * 1000000)  # Convert to Mbps

print “RTP Throughput: “, throughput, “Mbps”


To execute this AWK script, save it as throughput.awk and process it on the trace file:

awk -f throughput.awk

  1. Extending the Simulation

7.1. Multiple RTP Streams

We can prolong the simulation by incorporate more RTP streams among different pairs of nodes to replicate multiple concurrent media streams such as multiple video calls.

# Add more RTP streams (client-server pairs)

set rtp_sender2 [$ns node]

set rtp_receiver2 [$ns node]

$ns duplex-link $rtp_sender2 $rtp_receiver2 $bw $delay $queue

# Attach UDP agents and connect them

set udp_sender2 [new Agent/UDP]

$ns attach-agent $rtp_sender2 $udp_sender2

set udp_receiver2 [new Agent/UDP]

$ns attach-agent $rtp_receiver2 $udp_receiver2

$ns connect $udp_sender2 $udp_receiver2

# Create RTP traffic for the second stream

set rtp_traffic2 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]

$rtp_traffic2 set packetSize_ 1024

$rtp_traffic2 set rate_ 512Kb    ;# Different rate for the second stream

$rtp_traffic2 attach-agent $udp_sender2

# Start and stop the second RTP stream

$ns at 2.0 “$rtp_traffic2 start”

$ns at 8.0 “$rtp_traffic2 stop”

7.2. Varying Network Conditions

We can adjust the network conditions such as bandwidth, delay, or packet loss to monitor on how RTP act as in different environment.

  • Simulating Packet Loss:

# Add packet loss to simulate network failures

$ns lossmodel [new ErrorModel/Uniform] 0.01 $rtp_sender $rtp_receiver

7.3. QoS Analysis

We can execute Quality of Service (QoS) metrics like jitter (variance in packet arrival times) or latency to measure the quality of real-time media streams.

Through the entire process, you can acquire the simulation and execution process regarding the Real-Time Transport Protocol project offered in it using ns2 tool. We will plan to offer the more information regarding the Real-Time Transport Protocol in another manual. experts is dedicated to delivering simulation and network performance that meets the highest standards. We specialize in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and offer comprehensive research support for your projects. At, we focus on simulating Real-Time Protocol projects using the NS2 approach, where our experienced professionals are committed to executing these projects with the NS2 tool while sharing valuable project ideas and topics in this field.

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