To simulate Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) protocols in MATLAB has includes to generate a design of a network which utilizes software-defined ethics to handle the WAN connections, that contain the characteristics like dynamic path selection, load balancing, and centralized management.
Below is a step-by-step instruction to simulate an SD-WAN protocol project in MATLAB:
Steps to Simulate SD-WAN Protocol in MATLAB
- Define the Network Topology:
- Initiate by describing a network topology which contain multiple branch offices and a central controller. All branch office will associate to the WAN via numerous paths.
% Number of branch offices
num_branches = 5;
% Define the size of the simulation area (e.g., 100×100 units)
area_size = 100;
% Randomly generate positions for branch offices
branch_offices = area_size * rand(num_branches, 2);
% Plot the branch office locations
scatter(branch_offices(:, 1), branch_offices(:, 2), ‘filled’);
hold on;
title(‘SD-WAN Network Topology’);
xlabel(‘X coordinate’);
ylabel(‘Y coordinate’);
grid on;
- Create the Adjacency Matrix:
- Describe the connections among branch offices and the central controller. We can generate a simplified adjacency matrix that signifies direct connections and their connection costs.
% Define the central controller position
central_controller = [50, 50]; % Center of the area
% Combine branch offices and the central controller for plotting
all_nodes = [branch_offices; central_controller];
% Define communication costs (latency) between nodes (simplified)
num_nodes = num_branches + 1; % Including the central controller
adjacency_matrix = inf(num_nodes, num_nodes); % Initialize with infinity
% Set costs between branch offices and central controller (example values)
for i = 1:num_branches
adjacency_matrix(i, num_nodes) = randi([1, 10]); % Cost to central controller
adjacency_matrix(num_nodes, i) = adjacency_matrix(i, num_nodes); % Bidirectional cost
% Plot the links to the central controller
for i = 1:num_branches
plot([branch_offices(i, 1), central_controller(1)], …
[branch_offices(i, 2), central_controller(2)], ‘k–‘);
- Initialize SD-WAN Management:
- Generate a management layer which replicates the centralized control of the SD-WAN. This layer will be accountable for tracking network performance and creating routing decisions according to predefined policies.
% Initialize SD-WAN management parameters
sdwan_management = struct;
sdwan_management.policies = {‘Load Balancing’, ‘Dynamic Path Selection’};
sdwan_management.performance_metrics = zeros(num_branches, 1); % For each branch
% Display SD-WAN policies
disp(‘SD-WAN Management Policies:’);
- Simulate Data Flow and Path Selection:
- In SD-WAN, data flows can be transmitted in terms of current network conditions. We can mimic the transmitting of data packets from branch offices to the central controller that selects the paths according to the parameters like delay or load.
Example of Data Flow Simulation:
% Function to simulate data flow from a branch to the central controller
function sdwan_data_flow(branch_index, central_index, adjacency_matrix, sdwan_management)
fprintf(‘Branch %d sending data to Central Controller…\n’, branch_index);
% Simulate path selection based on current performance metrics
cost_to_controller = adjacency_matrix(branch_index, central_index);
sdwan_management.performance_metrics(branch_index) = cost_to_controller;
% Display selected path cost
fprintf(‘Data sent with cost: %d\n’, cost_to_controller);
% Example: Simulate data flow from each branch office
for i = 1:num_branches
sdwan_data_flow(i, num_nodes, adjacency_matrix, sdwan_management);
- Implement Dynamic Path Selection:
- In real SD-WAN, path selection cans variation dynamically according to network performance. We can replicate changes in costs and how the system modifies.
Example of Dynamic Path Update:
% Function to update link costs dynamically
function update_link_costs(adjacency_matrix)
% Randomly adjust costs to simulate network changes
for i = 1:size(adjacency_matrix, 1)
for j = 1:size(adjacency_matrix, 2)
if adjacency_matrix(i, j) < inf
adjustment = randi([-2, 2]); % Random adjustment between -2 and +2
adjacency_matrix(i, j) = max(1, adjacency_matrix(i, j) + adjustment); % Ensure positive cost
% Simulate dynamic cost changes
% Display updated adjacency matrix
disp(‘Updated Adjacency Matrix:’);
- Performance Monitoring:
- Track the performance of the SD-WAN, like delay and throughput, by way of packets are transmit and paths are selected dynamically.
Example of Performance Monitoring:
% Function to monitor performance metrics
function monitor_performance(sdwan_management)
average_performance = mean(sdwan_management.performance_metrics);
fprintf(‘Average path cost to Central Controller: %.2f\n’, average_performance);
% Monitor performance after data flows
- Simulate Multiple Data Flows (Optional):
- We can replicate multiple data flows to validate on how the SD-WAN adjust in changing network conditions and loads.
% Simulate multiple data flows from branch offices to the central controller
num_flows = 10;
for flow = 1:num_flows
branch_index = randi(num_branches);
sdwan_data_flow(branch_index, num_nodes, adjacency_matrix, sdwan_management);
This procedure delivers a framework for replicating a Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) project in MATLAB. The replications that contain to configured a network topology, handling dynamic paths, and track the parameter.
Key steps that includes:
- Describing the network topology and adjacency matrix.
- Preparing SD-WAN management and policies.
- Replicating data flows and dynamic path selection.
- Track the key parametric.
This project idea delivers wide range of implementations using the Software-Defined Wide Area Network in MATLAB, helping you explore numerous contexts of the Software-Defined Wide Area Network performance in scenarios. We plan to deliver the detailed instructions to these projects to in further manual. specialists excel in managing WAN connections. If you’re struggling with your SD-WAN Protocol Project simulation, the team at is ready to assist you in reaching optimal results. Just email us your project details, and we will help you navigate towards success.