How to Simulate SD WAN Protocol Projects Using OMNeT++

To simulate Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) protocols in OMNeT++ has needs to design a SD-WAN framework and integrate the behaviours such as centralized management, dynamic path selection, and the isolation of the control and data planes. OMNeT++ can be prolonged using frameworks such as INET to design SD-WAN functionalities that contain routing, network virtualization, and Quality of Service (QoS) management.

Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to help you simulate SD-WAN protocol projects using OMNeT++:

Steps to Simulate SD-WAN Protocol Projects in OMNeT++

  1. Install OMNeT++ and INET Framework

SD-WAN simulations depend on INET for basic networking and routing protocols.

  • Install OMNeT++: Download and install the latest version of OMNeT++.
  • Install INET: Clone and import the INET framework into OMNeT++ to get necessary protocol models such as TCP, UDP, IPv4/IPv6, etc.

git clone

    • Import INET into OMNeT++ IDE and build the project by right-clicking on INET in the Project Explorer and choosing Build Project.
  1. Understand SD-WAN Architecture and Protocols

In SD-WAN, the network is centrally handled by a controller that manages traffic steering, routing, and policy enforcement. It consists of:

  • SDN Controller: Centralized control over the network.
  • Edge Nodes: Located at branch offices, associated to the central SDN controller.
  • WAN Links: usually it contain MPLS, broadband, LTE/5G links for redundancy and traffic optimization.
  • Overlay Networks: SD-WAN utilizes tunnels (e.g., GRE, IPsec) to generate virtual networks through the WAN.
  1. Set up the Network Topology

we need to describe SD-WAN network with edge routers, controllers, and WAN links using NED (Network Description Language).

Example NED File (SdwanNetwork.ned):

package sdwan;

import inet.node.inet.Router;

import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;

import inet.node.inet.SdnController;

network SdwanNetwork



channel fiberline extends ned.DatarateChannel {

datarate = 1Gbps;


channel wirelesslink extends ned.DatarateChannel {

datarate = 100Mbps;



controller: SdnController {



branch1Router: Router {



branch2Router: Router {



headquarterRouter: Router {



branch1Host: StandardHost {



branch2Host: StandardHost {



hqHost: StandardHost {




branch1Router.g++ <–> wirelesslink <–> branch1Host.g++;

branch2Router.g++ <–> wirelesslink <–> branch2Host.g++;

headquarterRouter.g++ <–> fiberline <–> hqHost.g++;

controller.g++ <–> fiberline <–> branch1Router.g++;

controller.g++ <–> fiberline <–> branch2Router.g++;

controller.g++ <–> fiberline <–> headquarterRouter.g++;



  • Router: It denote edge routers at different branches and headquarters.
  • SdnController: Design the centralized SDN controller handling the SD-WAN network.
  • WAN Links: Fiber and wireless links signify the WAN connections, usually utilized for MPLS and broadband connectivity.
  1. Implement SDN Controller Logic

The SDN Controller is key to SD-WAN functionality. It enthusiastically chooses the paths in terms of traffic conditions, policy, and application needs. In OMNeT++, we can execute this logic using modules that prolong the SdnController class.

We can program the controller to manage dynamic path selection according to particular parameters like delay, jitter, or available bandwidth.

Example SDN Controller Configuration (

void SdnController::initialize() {

// Initialization logic for SDN Controller


cMessage *timer = new cMessage(“startFlowManagement”);

scheduleAt(simTime() + 1, timer);  // Periodic flow management


void SdnController::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {

if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {

manageFlows();  // Function to manage flows dynamically

scheduleAt(simTime() + 5, msg);  // Schedule next check



void SdnController::manageFlows() {

// Add logic to handle dynamic path management

// For example, based on link utilization or latency

EV << “Managing traffic flows across the WAN links…\n”;



  • The controller occasionally handles traffic flows by validating network conditions and steering traffic via proper paths.
  1. Configure Routing and Traffic in omnetpp.ini

We required setting up how traffic flows across the SD-WAN network. Outline applications and routing rules to replicate real-world traffic flows.

Example omnetpp.ini:

network = SdwanNetwork

sim-time-limit = 100s

# SDN Controller Routing Configuration

*.controller.numOfFlows = 10

*.controller.flowTimeout = 60s

# Router Configuration

*.branch1Router.hasIpv4 = true

*.branch2Router.hasIpv4 = true

*.headquarterRouter.hasIpv4 = true

# Application layer

*.branch1Host.numApps = 1

*[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”

*[0].destAddresses = “hqHost”

*[0].destPort = 5000

*[0].sendInterval = exponential(1s)

*[0].messageLength = 1024B

*.hqHost.numApps = 1

*[0].typename = “UdpSink”

*[0].localPort = 5000


  • Traffic Configuration: Branch offices transmit UDP traffic to the headquarters.
  • SDN Controller Configuration: The controller handles traffic flows, dynamically adapting paths in terms of parameters like flow count and network conditions.
  1. Implement Path Selection and QoS (Optional)

SD-WAN contain a dynamic path selection according to link quality and traffic prioritization (QoS). We can execute this by describing multiple paths (MPLS, LTE, broadband) and letting the SDN controller decide according to parameters like latency, bandwidth, and application priority.

QoS Configuration Example in omnetpp.ini:

# Configure different QoS classes for traffic

*.controller.qosClass[0].priority = 1  # Real-time traffic

*.controller.qosClass[0].bandwidth = 10Mbps

*.controller.qosClass[0].delay = 10ms

*.controller.qosClass[1].priority = 2  # Best-effort traffic

*.controller.qosClass[1].bandwidth = 50Mbps

*.controller.qosClass[1].delay = 100ms

The controller would select paths according to the defined QoS classes and select traffic consequently.

  1. Run the Simulation
  • Build the project in OMNeT++ IDE by right-clicking on the project folder and choosing Build Project.
  • Execute the simulation by right-clicking on omnetpp.ini and selecting Run As > OMNeT++ Simulation.
  • Track the behaviour of the SD-WAN network, monitor traffic flows, path selection, and how the controller handles the links.
  1. Analyse Results
  • Packet Analysis: Utilize the OMNeT++ Vector and Scalar Files to measure network parameters like delay, packet loss, throughput, and path selection.
  • Visualization: OMNeT++’s Qtenv can help to envision traffic flows, enabling you to see how the controller dynamically adapts the paths and handles the traffic.
  • Logs: Validate the console logs to see how the SDN controller is handling the flows.
  1. Customize and Extend
  • Multiple Branches: We can prolong the simulation to contain more branches and multiple kinds of WAN links such as LTE, 5G, MPLS, broadband.
  • Security: Execute encryption (e.g., IPsec) to secure WAN links.
  • Failure Recovery: Replicate link failures and track on how the SDN controller reroutes traffic.

In this manual, we had understood and learn the significant research area that is Software-Defined Wide Area Network and we provide the lot of example projects to get thorough about how the Software-Defined Wide Area Network will perform in network scenarios using OMNeT++ tool. If you have any query regarding the Software-Defined Wide Area Network we will offered that it too.

Have our developers conduct a thorough network evaluation for your projects. When it comes to simulating SD-WAN protocol projects using the OMNeT++ tool, we provide top-notch tools and resources to ensure your tasks are completed on schedule. Collaborate with us for expert guidance on protocols like routing, network virtualization, and Quality of Service (QoS) management. Share your research needs at, and we’ll offer you swift assistance.

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