To simulate Software-Defined Networking (SDN) with Named Data Networking (NDN) using NS2 can be a difficult task while NS2 does not have direct built-in support for SDN or NDN. But, we can prolong NS2 to simulate such networks by incorporating NDN with SDN controller architecture. To do this, we would commonly utilize NDNsim, an extension of NS3 for NDN, or we can execute a simple support in NS2 by adding custom modules. Send to all your SDN-NDN Projects details we will share with you best simulation outcomes and also in network performance. Get guidance on controller architecture that are worked by us
Here’s how you can approach simulating SDN with NDN in NS2:
Steps to Simulate SDN NDN Projects in NS2
- Install NS2:
Make sure that NS2 is installed and performing on the system.
- Add NDN Support (Optional – Use NDNsim):
The NS2 simulator does not directly support NDN, however we can simulate simple NDN behaviour using packet-level simulations, or we can prolong NS2 by incoporate Named Data Networking (NDN) functionality using the ndnSIM library in NS3.
- Using NS3 (Recommended for NDN): we can utilize ndnSIM on top of NS3 for full NDN support. To install ndnSIM for NS3:
git clone ns-3
cd ns-3
./waf configure –enable-examples
- Simulate SDN with Basic NDN Features in NS2:
If you still need to utilize NS2, we will need to execute a basic SDN controller logic and use custom packet structures to signify NDN packets (Interest and Data packets).
- Define Packet Structures for NDN: In NDN, we perform with two types of packets: Interest packets and Data packets. We can generate custom packet formats in NS2 using Tcl scripts or expand the NS2 C++ source code for more realistic simulations.
# Define NDN packet structures
PacketHeader NDNInterest Packet/NDNInterest hdr_ndn_interest
PacketHeader NDNData Packet/NDNData hdr_ndn_data
- Implement NDN Router Logic: we required to replicate NDN routers that manage Interest packets and return corresponding Data packets based on a content store (CS), forwarding information base (FIB), and pending interest table (PIT).
Class NDNRouter {
# Implement content store, FIB, and PIT
variable CS
variable FIB
variable PIT
- SDN Controller for NDN Routing:
In an SDN-based architecture, we will need a central controller that set up forwarding rules for the NDN routers (nodes).
Example of an SDN controller:
Class SDNController {
variable network
variable flowTable
# Function to install flow rules in switches (NDN Routers)
procedure installFlow {src dst} {
# Logic to send flow rule to switches
We can replicate the controller sending commands to nodes (NDN routers) to configure data flows according to NDN’s forwarding principles.
- Define Network Topology:
Describe the network topology using Tcl. configure nodes to signify NDN routers and set up the SDN controller to handle these nodes.
set ns [new Simulator]
set tracefile [open w]
set namfile [open out.nam w]
set topo [new Topography]
$topo load_flatgrid 1000 1000
# Create SDN controller and NDN routers
set controller [new SDNController]
set ndnRouter1 [$ns node]
set ndnRouter2 [$ns node]
# Configure links
$ns duplex-link $ndnRouter1 $ndnRouter2 10Mb 10ms DropTail
# Configure NDN routing and SDN rules
$controller installFlow $ndnRouter1 $ndnRouter2
- Create NDN Traffic (Interest and Data Packets):
Generate traffic that replicates NDN communication. Utilize custom Tcl scripts to creates Interest packets and Data packets between nodes.
set interestAgent [new Agent/NDNInterest]
set dataAgent [new Agent/NDNData]
$ns attach-agent $ndnRouter1 $interestAgent
$ns attach-agent $ndnRouter2 $dataAgent
# Generate traffic
set traffic [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$traffic set packetSize_ 512
$traffic set interval_ 1.0
$traffic attach-agent $interestAgent
- Simulate and Analyse:
Once script is ready, execute the simulation using NS2. This will create trace and NAM files that you can measured.
Run the simulation:
ns sdn_ndn_simulation.tcl
Utilize NAM to envision the simulation:
nam out.nam
- Analyse the Output:
We need to evaluate the trace files created from the simulation to evaluate:
- Packet delivery ratio
- Latency of Interest and Data packets
- Throughput
- Flow setup delay by the SDN controller
We can also adjust the SDN controller logic to enthusiastically control network conditions, such as managing NDN Interest flooding or adapting paths according to network load.
- Advanced Features (Optional):
- Caching Strategies: Execute content caching approaches at the NDN routers to enhance data delivery.
- QoS in SDN-NDN: Replicate quality of service (QoS) mechanisms for SDN-controlled NDN communication.
- Multi-controller SDN in NDN: incorporate to support for multiple SDN controllers to regulate different parts of the NDN architecture.
In the above manual, we deliver the entire simulation process procedures in sequential manner that can be used to simulate the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) with Named Data Networking (NDN) projects in ns2 tool and also we deliver the advanced concept ideas and their explanation. If you did like to know more details regarding this process we will provide it.