How to Simulate Star Bus Hybrid Topology Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate a Star-Bus Hybrid Topology in MATLAB has includes to integrate star and bus topologies in which multiple star clusters are interrelated by a bus network. In this topology, every cluster creates a star network with a central hub, and these hubs are associated via a shared bus structure. Star-bus hybrid topologies are usually utilized in large networks in which multiple local networks are associated via a single shared backbone.

The given below is a detailed procedures on how to approach this project in MATLAB

Steps to Simulate a Star-Bus Hybrid Topology

  1. Define the Star Clusters and Bus Structure:
    • Generate multiple star clusters, each with a central hub and neighbouring nodes.
    • Associate each cluster’s hub to a central bus which allows an inter-cluster communication.
  2. Simulate Data Transmission:
    • Enable nodes within a cluster to interact via their local hub.
    • For inter-cluster communication, route the information via the cluster hub onto the distributed bus, and then to the target cluster hub.
  3. Implement Transmission Delays and Routing:
    • Estimate transmission latency within clusters and beside the bus according to distance and transmission speed.
    • Measure the routing path for data packets that contain an intra-cluster and inter-cluster communication paths.
  4. Visualize Network Layout and Transmission Activities:
    • Measure the parameters such as successful transmissions, delays, and data paths.
    • Utilize MATLAB plots to envision the star-bus hybrid layout and data flow.

Example Code for Simulating a Star-Bus Hybrid Topology

In this instance, we replicate three star clusters associated by a shared bus.

% Parameters for Star-Bus Hybrid Topology Simulation

numClusters = 3;                % Number of star clusters

nodesPerCluster = 4;            % Number of nodes per star cluster (including the hub)

totalNodes = numClusters * nodesPerCluster; % Total nodes in the network

distanceWithinCluster = 50;     % Distance between nodes and hub within a cluster

busLength = 200;                % Total length of the bus

distanceBetweenClusters = busLength / (numClusters – 1); % Distance between cluster hubs on the bus

propagationSpeed = 2e8;         % Propagation speed in meters per second

transmissionProbability = 0.2;  % Probability of initiating a transmission at each node per time step

simulationTime = 20;            % Duration of the simulation in seconds

% Initialize Node Positions

nodePositions = [];

clusterHubs = [];

% Set up positions for clusters and nodes within clusters

for i = 1:numClusters

% Position of the cluster hub on the bus

hubPosition = [(i – 1) * distanceBetweenClusters, 0];

clusterHubs = [clusterHubs; hubPosition];

nodePositions = [nodePositions; hubPosition]; % Add cluster hub position

% Add positions for nodes within the cluster (star topology)

for j = 2:nodesPerCluster

angle = 2 * pi * (j – 2) / (nodesPerCluster – 1);

nodePosition = hubPosition + distanceWithinCluster * [cos(angle), sin(angle)];

nodePositions = [nodePositions; nodePosition];



% Define Connection Matrix

connectionMatrix = zeros(totalNodes);

% Connect nodes within each cluster in a star topology

for i = 1:numClusters

clusterHub = (i – 1) * nodesPerCluster + 1; % Hub index for the current cluster

for j = 2:nodesPerCluster

node = clusterHub + j – 1;

connectionMatrix(clusterHub, node) = 1;

connectionMatrix(node, clusterHub) = 1;



% Connect cluster hubs on the bus (linear connection)

for i = 1:(numClusters – 1)

connectionMatrix((i – 1) * nodesPerCluster + 1, i * nodesPerCluster + 1) = 1;

connectionMatrix(i * nodesPerCluster + 1, (i – 1) * nodesPerCluster + 1) = 1;


% Calculate Transmission Delay for each Connection

delayMatrix = (connectionMatrix * distanceWithinCluster) / propagationSpeed;

% Initialize Transmission Log

transmissions = zeros(totalNodes, simulationTime);

% Routing Helper Function for Star-Bus Hybrid

function path = starBusRouting(src, dst, connectionMatrix, clusterHubs)

% Determine source and destination clusters

srcCluster = ceil(src / nodesPerCluster);

dstCluster = ceil(dst / nodesPerCluster);

if srcCluster == dstCluster

% Intra-cluster communication (within the same star cluster)

path = [src, clusterHubs(srcCluster), dst];


% Inter-cluster communication (through bus)

srcHub = clusterHubs(srcCluster);

dstHub = clusterHubs(dstCluster);

path = [src, srcHub, dstHub, dst];



% Simulate Data Transmission in Star-Bus Hybrid Topology

for t = 1:simulationTime

for node = 1:totalNodes

if rand() < transmissionProbability

% Randomly select a destination node

destNode = randi(totalNodes);

if destNode ~= node

% Get the routing path using star-bus routing

path = starBusRouting(node, destNode, connectionMatrix, 1:numClusters);

delay = (length(path) – 1) * distanceWithinCluster / propagationSpeed;

% Log transmissions along the path

for p = 1:length(path) – 1

transmissions(path(p), t + p – 1) = 1; % Transmission at each hop


disp([‘Time ‘ num2str(t) ‘s: Node ‘ num2str(node) ‘ sent data to Node ‘ num2str(destNode) …

‘ via path [‘ num2str(path) ‘] with delay ‘ num2str(delay) ‘ seconds’]);





% Visualize Star-Bus Hybrid Topology Layout


gplot(connectionMatrix, nodePositions, ‘-o’);

hold on;

text(nodePositions(:, 1), nodePositions(:, 2), arrayfun(@num2str, 1:totalNodes, ‘UniformOutput’, false));

title(‘Star-Bus Hybrid Topology Layout’);

xlabel(‘X Position’);

ylabel(‘Y Position’);

hold off;

% Visualize Transmission Activity Over Time

time = 1:simulationTime;




title(‘Transmission Activity Over Time in Star-Bus Hybrid Topology’);

xlabel(‘Time (s)’);

ylabel(‘Node ID’);

Explanation of the Code

  • Parameters:
    • numClusters and nodesPerCluster describe the amount of clusters and the amount of nodes per cluster (including one hub).
    • distanceWithinCluster requires the distance among nodes within a cluster, and distanceBetweenClusters is the distance among hubs beside the bus.
  • Connection Matrix:
    • connectionMatrix denotes the star topology inside an each cluster and the bus connections among cluster hubs.
    • Each hub associates to the nodes in its cluster and also to neighbouring hubs beside the bus.
  • Data Transmission Simulation:
    • Every node has a gamble to begin data transmission at each time step.
    • If the origin and destination are in the same cluster, data transmit directly via the local hub. If they are in diverse clusters, data is transmitted via the allocated bus.
  • Propagation Delay Calculation:
    • delayMatrix is estimated for each connection according to the distanceWithinCluster and the transmission speed.
  • Visualization:
    • The first plot demonstrates the layout of the star-bus hybrid topology, showing an each node, cluster hubs, and connections on the bus.
    • The second plot demonstrates transmission activity over time, with each row denotes a node and each column illustrates a time step.

Analysis and Extension Ideas

  • Dynamic Traffic Patterns: Replicate different traffic loads, like clusters with higher transmission probabilities or certain nodes perform as hot spots.
  • Congestion Analysis: Track the bus for congestion by way of multiple nodes usage it for inter-cluster communication.
  • Node and Link Failures: Replicate the failures and monitor the effects on network performance, specifically if a cluster hub or bus connection fails.
  • Prioritization: Execute traffic selection on the bus to provide preference to critical data.
  • Varying Cluster Sizes: Adjust nodesPerCluster for every cluster to generate an uneven, more realistic topology.

We had explicit the information about the simulation process with examples regarding the Star-Bus Hybrid Topology projects that was executed using the tool of MATLAB and also we deliver the additional example ideas for this process. We plan to elaborate on the Star-Bus Hybrid Topology projects procedure in other simulation scenarios. specializes in Star Bus Hybrid Topology Projects utilizing MATLAB. If you’re looking for tailored simulation concepts, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for valuable assistance. We guarantee excellent simulation outcomes and project efficiency.

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