To simulate the Switched Mesh Topology in MATLAB has requires to follow a series of steps and it is usually a network setup in which the nodes are exchanged through switches that enabling the numerous paths among the nodes. The typical topology in networks needs a high reliability, redundancy, and low latency. In a switched mesh, nodes interact via switches, that the route data to the destination through the shortest or best path.
The given below is a detailed procedures on how to simulate the Switched Mesh Topology in MATLAB
Steps to Simulate a Switched Mesh Topology in MATLAB
- Define the Network Structure
- Place nodes in a 2D space, with each node linked to multiple switches.
- Describe a switch-to-node connection matrix to regulate that nodes links to which switches.
- Establish Connections Based on Switches
- Associate each node to one or more switches, and set up the switches to communicate data among nodes within range or via neighboring switches.
- Simulate Data Transmission
- Execute data transmission from one node to another through switches, with routing according to predefined paths or shortest paths.
- Visualize the Topology
- Generate nodes, switches, and their connections to demonstrate the mesh structure.
- Evaluate Performance Metrics
- Evaluate the parameters like number data transmitted, delay, or packet success rate.
Example MATLAB Code for Simulating a Switched Mesh Topology
Here’s a MATLAB script to replicate a simple switched mesh topology with nodes associated to switches, in which switches manage data routing among nodes.
% Parameters
numNodes = 6; % Number of nodes in the network
numSwitches = 3; % Number of switches in the network
areaSize = 40; % Size of the area (side length of square)
communicationRange = 20; % Communication range for switch-to-node connection
transmissionDelay = 0.5; % Delay per transmission (in seconds)
dataPackets = randi([10, 50], numNodes, numNodes); % Data packets each node sends to other nodes
% Generate random positions for nodes within the area
nodePositions = areaSize * rand(numNodes, 2);
% Generate random positions for switches within the area
switchPositions = areaSize * rand(numSwitches, 2);
% Define connections: Each node connects to its nearest switch within the communication range
nodeToSwitchConnections = zeros(numNodes, numSwitches); % Matrix to store node-to-switch connections
for i = 1:numNodes
% Find distances from node i to all switches
distancesToSwitches = sqrt((switchPositions(:,1) – nodePositions(i,1)).^2 + (switchPositions(:,2) – nodePositions(i,2)).^2);
[minDistance, nearestSwitch] = min(distancesToSwitches);
if minDistance <= communicationRange
nodeToSwitchConnections(i, nearestSwitch) = 1; % Connect node i to nearest switch
% Define switch-to-switch connections to form a mesh
switchConnections = ones(numSwitches) – eye(numSwitches); % Fully connected mesh between switches
% Plot the switched mesh topology
hold on;
% Plot nodes and connections to their switches
for i = 1:numNodes
plot(nodePositions(i,1), nodePositions(i,2), ‘bo’, ‘MarkerSize’, 8, ‘DisplayName’, [‘Node ‘, num2str(i)]);
for j = 1:numSwitches
if nodeToSwitchConnections(i, j) == 1
plot([nodePositions(i,1), switchPositions(j,1)], [nodePositions(i,2), switchPositions(j,2)], ‘k–‘);
% Plot switches and switch-to-switch connections
for i = 1:numSwitches
plot(switchPositions(i,1), switchPositions(i,2), ‘rs’, ‘MarkerSize’, 10, ‘DisplayName’, [‘Switch ‘, num2str(i)]);
for j = i+1:numSwitches
if switchConnections(i, j) == 1
plot([switchPositions(i,1), switchPositions(j,1)], [switchPositions(i,2), switchPositions(j,2)], ‘g-‘);
title(‘Switched Mesh Topology Network’);
xlabel(‘X Position’);
ylabel(‘Y Position’);
grid on;
axis([0 areaSize 0 areaSize]);
axis equal;
hold off;
% Step 1: Simulate Data Transmission from Node to Node via Switches
disp(‘Data Transmission Simulation:’);
for i = 1:numNodes
for j = 1:numNodes
if i ~= j
% Find the switch connected to each node
sourceSwitch = find(nodeToSwitchConnections(i, 🙂 == 1);
destinationSwitch = find(nodeToSwitchConnections(j, 🙂 == 1);
% Check if source and destination switches are connected
if switchConnections(sourceSwitch, destinationSwitch) == 1
fprintf(‘Node %d sends %d packets to Node %d via Switch %d -> Switch %d\n’, i, dataPackets(i, j), j, sourceSwitch, destinationSwitch);
pause(transmissionDelay); % Simulate transmission delay
fprintf(‘Node %d received data from Node %d\n’, j, i);
fprintf(‘No direct path available from Node %d to Node %d via switches.\n’, i, j);
% Display Network Metrics (Example: Total Data Transmitted)
totalDataTransmitted = sum(dataPackets(:));
disp([‘Total data transmitted in the network: ‘, num2str(totalDataTransmitted), ‘ packets’]);
Explanation of Code
- Node and Switch Positioning:
- Nodes and switches are arbitrarily positioned within the specified area.
- Each node links to its nearest switch in the particular communicationRange, generating node-to-switch connections.
- Switch Connections:
- Switches are fully associated to each other in a mesh using the switchConnections matrix, enabling any switch to interact with any other switch directly.
- Data Transmission Simulation:
- Each node transmits data packets to other nodes via the associated switches.
- If the origin and destination nodes are associated to diverse switches, the data is transmitted among the switches according to the direct connections among them.
- Network Metrics Calculation:
- The number data routed by all nodes is estimated and showed as a performance parameters.
Extensions and Variations
- Multi-Hop Switch Routing:
- If some switches are not directly associated, utilize shortest-path techniques to replicate multi-hop routing among switches.
- Traffic Load Analysis:
- Upsurge the data traffic for certain nodes to validate the network’s capacity and evaluate congestion impacts.
- Simulate Packet Loss and Variable Delays:
- Establish random packet loss possibilities and variable transmission latency to design real network conditions.
- Evaluate Additional Performance Metrics:
- Evaluate packet success rates, end-to-end latency, and energy consumption for more comprehensive performance evaluation.
Visualization of Data Transmission Metrics
We can utilize a heatmap to envision the data packets routed among nodes.
% Plot a heatmap of data packets sent between nodes
title(‘Data Packets Transmitted Between Nodes’);
xlabel(‘Destination Node Index’);
ylabel(‘Source Node Index’);
Advanced Simulation Scenarios
- Network Resilience Testing:
- Replicate switch or link failures and evaluate on how the network adjust to sustain connectivity between nodes.
- Dynamic Topology Changes:
- Enable nodes to transmit arbitrarily within the area, updating connections by the way of they arrive or dispensation the communication range of switches.
- Implement Network Traffic Management:
- Execute Quality of Service (QoS) routing to specific data flows or manage network congestion.
From the demonstration we completely aggregate the information about the simulation procedure for Switched Mesh Topology projects that were deploy in the tool of MATLAB and also we deliver the future enhancement for this topology. More information regarding the Switched Mesh Topology projects will also be provided.
We guarantee top-notch simulation results and exceptional project performance. At, we specialize in Switched Mesh Topology Projects utilizing MATLAB. If you’re looking for tailored simulation concepts, don’t hesitate to reach out for expert assistance. Our developers expertly manage multiple paths between nodes, so send us a message for valuable guidance.