To simulate the Token Ring Topology in MATLAB has needs to follow numerous steps and basically their nodes were organized in a logical ring in which a token passes between them, permitting permission to send the data. Only the node with the token can transmit the data, mitigating the data collisions. This topology was usually utilized in local area networks (LANs).
Here is an approach on how to simulate the token ring topology in MATLAB
Steps to Simulate a Token Ring Topology in MATLAB
- Define the Network Structure
- Organize nodes in a ring.
- Describe a token which regulates between the nodes, enabling each node to sends only when it has the token.
- Simulate Token Passing and Data Transmission
- Execute token passing, in which each node sends the token to the next node after a set latency.
- Mimic data transmission for the node holding the token.
- Visualize the Topology
- Generate nodes in a circular organization and signify the token position by way of it interchanges.
- Evaluate Performance Metrics
- Evaluate the parameters such as total data routed and delay for each node to receive insights into the network’s effectiveness.
Example MATLAB Code for Simulating a Token Ring Topology
Here’s a MATLAB script which replicates a Token Ring topology with data transmission according to token tenure.
% Parameters
numNodes = 8; % Number of nodes in the ring
ringRadius = 10; % Radius of the ring
tokenPassingDelay = 0.5; % Delay per token pass (in seconds)
dataPackets = randi([10, 30], 1, numNodes); % Data packets each node transmits when it has the token
% Define positions for nodes in a circular ring layout
theta = linspace(0, 2*pi, numNodes+1);
theta(end) = []; % Remove duplicate at 2*pi
nodePositions = [ringRadius * cos(theta)’, ringRadius * sin(theta)’];
% Plot the Token Ring topology
hold on;
for i = 1:numNodes
% Plot each node
plot(nodePositions(i,1), nodePositions(i,2), ‘bo’, ‘MarkerSize’, 8, ‘DisplayName’, [‘Node ‘, num2str(i)]);
% Connect each node to the next to form a ring
nextNode = mod(i, numNodes) + 1;
plot([nodePositions(i,1), nodePositions(nextNode,1)], [nodePositions(i,2), nodePositions(nextNode,2)], ‘k–‘);
title(‘Token Ring Topology’);
xlabel(‘X Position’);
ylabel(‘Y Position’);
grid on;
axis equal;
hold off;
% Step 1: Initialize the Token and Begin Transmission
currentTokenHolder = 1; % Start with Node 1 holding the token
disp(‘Token Ring Data Transmission Simulation:’);
for round = 1:2 % Run for 2 complete passes around the ring
for i = 1:numNodes
% Display which node has the token
fprintf(‘Node %d has the token.\n’, currentTokenHolder);
% Node transmits data if it has the token
fprintf(‘Node %d sends %d packets.\n’, currentTokenHolder, dataPackets(currentTokenHolder));
pause(tokenPassingDelay); % Simulate transmission delay
% Pass the token to the next node
currentTokenHolder = mod(currentTokenHolder, numNodes) + 1;
% Display Network Metrics (Example: Total Data Transmitted)
totalDataTransmitted = sum(dataPackets);
disp([‘Total data transmitted in the network: ‘, num2str(totalDataTransmitted), ‘ packets’]);
Explanation of Code
- Node Positioning and Ring Structure:
- Nodes are placed in a circular arrangement (nodePositions) to envision to demonstrate the ring structure.
- Lines associate to each node to its next neighbour, concluding the ring.
- Token Passing and Data Transmission:
- The token initiate at Node 1. Each node sends data only when it has the token.
- After a short latency (denoted as transmission time), the token passes to the next node in the ring.
- This cycle carry on for two complete travels around the ring for illustration purposes.
- Network Metrics Calculation:
- The total data routed by all nodes is estimated and demonstrated as parameters.
Extensions and Variations
- Multiple Data Rounds:
- Upsurge the amount of rounds to replicate longer token circulation.
- Variable Token Passing Delays:
- Establish random delays when transitory the token to design changing network conditions.
- Track Each Node’s Transmission Latency:
- Trace the time each node remains for the token to evaluate fairness and delay via the network.
Visualization of Data Transmission
To envision on how many packets each node sends, that can utilize a bar plot.
% Plot the number of packets each node transmits
bar(1:numNodes, dataPackets);
title(‘Data Packets Transmitted by Each Node’);
xlabel(‘Node Index’);
ylabel(‘Packets Transmitted’);
grid on;
Advanced Simulation Scenarios
- Token Loss Simulation:
- Establish an environment in which the token is “lost” (e.g., because of network failure) and mimic how the network recuperates.
- Network Traffic and Performance Analysis:
- Evaluate the parameters such as throughput and delay in changing network loads and token passing latency.
- Fault Tolerance and Recovery Mechanism:
- Replicate node failure environment and measure on how the network adjusts to sustain data transmission.
In this page, we clearly showed the simulation process on how the Token Ring Topology perform in the MATLAB tool and also we offered the complete elaborated explanation to understand the concept of the simulation. We plan to deliver the more information regarding the Token Ring Topology in further manual.
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