To simulate Underwater Sensor Network (UWSN) projects using MATLAB that has encompasses designing the sensor nodes, communication channels, underwater propagation effects (such as attenuation and noise), and network protocols are particular to the underwater environments. MATLAB tool can be utilized to design the underwater acoustic communication, model routing protocols, and then replicate the network’s performance parameters such as delay, packet delivery ratio, and energy efficiency.
This procedure will help you to simulate UWSN projects using MATLAB:
Steps to Simulate UWSN Projects Using MATLAB
- Define Underwater Network Parameters
- Initially, we need to describe crucial metrics for the underwater sensor network, like the amount of sensor nodes, the deployment area, and communication range.
% Define underwater sensor network parameters
numNodes = 10; % Number of sensor nodes
areaSize = 1000; % 1000 x 1000 meters underwater network area
commRange = 200; % Communication range (200 meters)
- Sensor Node Deployment
- Arbitrarily deploy the sensor nodes within the underwater environment in the particular region. Every node’s location is denoted by (x, y, z) coordinates.
% Randomly deploy sensor nodes in the 3D underwater space
nodePositions = areaSize * rand(numNodes, 3); % Random 3D positions (x, y, z)
% Plot the deployment of sensor nodes
scatter3(nodePositions(:,1), nodePositions(:,2), nodePositions(:,3), ‘filled’);
xlabel(‘X (meters)’);
ylabel(‘Y (meters)’);
zlabel(‘Depth (meters)’);
title(‘Underwater Sensor Node Deployment’);
grid on;
- Underwater Acoustic Channel Model
- Underwater interaction is normally acoustic and is influenced by factors like attenuation, noise, and propagation delay. Execute the underwater acoustic channel model according to these features.
3.1 Propagation Delay
The speed of sound underwater is normally reaching 1500 m/s that triggers key propagation delays.
% Calculate propagation delay between two nodes
soundSpeed = 1500; % Speed of sound in water (m/s)
distance = sqrt(sum((nodePositions(1, 🙂 – nodePositions(2, :)).^2)); % Distance between two nodes
propDelay = distance / soundSpeed; % Propagation delay in seconds
fprintf(‘Propagation delay between Node 1 and Node 2: %.4f seconds\n’, propDelay);
3.2 Attenuation and Noise
We can utilize the Urick model for computing the underwater acoustic attenuation that relies on the frequency and distance.
% Urick model for attenuation (simplified)
frequency = 25e3; % 25 kHz acoustic signal
alpha = 0.0022 * (frequency^1.5); % Attenuation factor (dB/km)
attenuation = alpha * (distance / 1000); % Attenuation in dB
% Add noise (simplified model)
noisePower = -50; % Example noise power in dB
% Total received signal power
txPower = 0; % Example transmission power in dB
rxPower = txPower – attenuation + noisePower;
fprintf(‘Received signal power: %.2f dB\n’, rxPower);
- Communication Protocol Simulation
For the underwater sensor network, model a communication protocol. We can execute a simple flooding protocol or advanced routing protocols such as VBF (Vector-Based Forwarding) or DBR (Depth-Based Routing).
Example: Flooding Protocol
In a flooding protocol, a node transmits their information to every adjacent node in its communication range.
% Flooding protocol: Broadcast data from a source node to its neighbors
sourceNode = 1;
for node = 1:numNodes
if node ~= sourceNode
dist = sqrt(sum((nodePositions(sourceNode, 🙂 – nodePositions(node, :)).^2));
if dist <= commRange
fprintf(‘Node %d receives data from Node %d (distance: %.2f meters)\n’, node, sourceNode, dist);
- Routing Protocol Implementation
Execute a routing protocol, which is particular to underwater networks, like VBF or DBR.
Example: Vector-Based Forwarding (VBF)
- In VBF, data packets are sent simply to the nodes in a “routing vector” to the destination.
% Vector-Based Forwarding (VBF)
destinationNode = numNodes; % Assume the last node is the sink
sourcePosition = nodePositions(sourceNode, :);
destPosition = nodePositions(destinationNode, :);
% Calculate the routing vector (from source to destination)
routingVector = destPosition – sourcePosition;
for node = 1:numNodes
if node ~= sourceNode && node ~= destinationNode
nodePosition = nodePositions(node, :);
nodeVector = nodePosition – sourcePosition;
% Check if the node lies within the routing vector
angle = acos(dot(routingVector, nodeVector) / (norm(routingVector) * norm(nodeVector)));
if angle < pi/6 % Threshold angle for VBF
fprintf(‘Node %d is within the routing vector and forwards data.\n’, node);
- Energy Consumption Model
Energy efficiency is a significant within UWSNs by reason of limited battery life. Design the energy consumption for transmission, reception, and idle states.
% Energy consumption parameters (in Joules)
txEnergyPerBit = 50e-9; % Energy for transmission per bit
rxEnergyPerBit = 50e-9; % Energy for reception per bit
packetSize = 1024 * 8; % Packet size in bits (e.g., 1024 bytes)
% Calculate energy consumed for transmitting and receiving a packet
energyConsumedTx = txEnergyPerBit * packetSize; % Energy consumed for transmission
energyConsumedRx = rxEnergyPerBit * packetSize; % Energy consumed for reception
fprintf(‘Energy consumed for transmission: %.2f nJ\n’, energyConsumedTx * 1e9);
fprintf(‘Energy consumed for reception: %.2f nJ\n’, energyConsumedRx * 1e9);
- Performance Analysis
Assess crucial performance parameters like packet delivery ratio (PDR), latency, and energy efficiency.
Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR):
% Calculate packet delivery ratio
totalPackets = 100; % Total packets sent
receivedPackets = 90; % Example number of packets received
pdr = (receivedPackets / totalPackets) * 100; % Packet delivery ratio in percentage
fprintf(‘Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR): %.2f%%\n’, pdr);
% Calculate end-to-end delay (propagation delay + transmission delay)
txRate = 10e3; % Transmission rate in bps (10 kbps)
transmissionDelay = packetSize / txRate; % Transmission delay in seconds
totalDelay = propDelay + transmissionDelay; % Total delay
fprintf(‘End-to-End Delay: %.4f seconds\n’, totalDelay);
- Visualization
We can utilize the MATLAB’s plotting tools to envision the deployment of sensor nodes, packet routes, or energy consumption over the network.
Example of envisioning energy consumption:
% Plot energy consumption for each node
energyConsumed = rand(1, numNodes); % Example random energy consumption
title(‘Energy Consumption per Node’);
xlabel(‘Node ID’);
ylabel(‘Energy Consumed (J)’);
Example UWSN Project Ideas:
- Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol for UWSNs: Execute and estimate an energy-efficient routing protocol, which increases the lifetime of the network.
- Propagation Delay Analysis in UWSNs: Replicate and examine the effect of propagation delay to the performance of diverse routing protocols.
- Depth-Based Routing Protocol (DBR): Mimic the DBR protocol in which nodes are sent information rely on its depth within the underwater environment, and then examine the performance such as latency and energy efficiency.
- Security in UWSNs: Execute the security mechanisms for UWSNs, like encryption and authentication, and investigate their influence on energy consumption and network performance.
- MIMO-Based UWSNs: Replicate the MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) systems within UWSNs to enhance the capacity and reliability in underwater communications.
In conclusion, we thoroughly concentrated on the simulation of Underwater Sensor Network projects within MATLAB and we provided some examples project ideas that useful to you. If necessary, we can also share additional information of this UWSN. If you’re seeking expert assistance for your projects, let the team at take care of it. We specialize in completing your Underwater Sensor Network Projects using MATLAB simulation, ensuring that your topic is perfectly aligned with your needs. Our services include designing underwater acoustic communication and modeling routing protocols tailored specifically for your projects. Reach out to us for a topic that fits your requirements seamlessly.