To simulate the Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) using MATLAB that comprises of designing vehicles as mobile nodes, which interact with each other and roadside units to assist intelligent transportation systems (ITS). VANETs allow the applications like traffic safety, collision avoidance, and real-time navigation. MATLAB, together with tools such as Simulink and Automated Driving Toolbox, which permits to design the vehicle mobility, wireless communication, and network protocols.
We deliver the common simulation process for VANET projects that can simulate using MATLAB:
Steps to Simulate VANET Projects in MATLAB
- Define VANET System Parameters
The initial stage is describing the network parameters, which containing the amount of vehicles, communication range, vehicle speed, and network topology.
Example: Describe simple metrics for a VANET simulation.
% VANET System Parameters
numVehicles = 10; % Number of vehicles
areaSize = 1000; % Area size in meters (1 km x 1 km)
maxSpeed = 30; % Maximum vehicle speed in meters per second (108 km/h)
communicationRange = 300; % Communication range in meters (300 m)
timeSteps = 100; % Number of simulation time steps
% Display system parameters
disp(‘VANET System Parameters:’);
disp([‘Number of Vehicles: ‘, num2str(numVehicles)]);
disp([‘Area Size: ‘, num2str(areaSize), ‘ meters’]);
disp([‘Maximum Speed: ‘, num2str(maxSpeed), ‘ m/s’]);
disp([‘Communication Range: ‘, num2str(communicationRange), ‘ meters’]);
- Simulate Vehicle Mobility
VANETs are categorised by the dynamic movement of vehicles. We can replicate the vehicle mobility utilizing mobility models like the Random Waypoint Model or additional realistic models according to the road layouts.
Example: Replicate arbitrary vehicle mobility.
% Initialize vehicle positions and velocities
vehiclePositions = areaSize * rand(numVehicles, 2); % Random initial positions
vehicleVelocities = maxSpeed * (rand(numVehicles, 2) – 0.5); % Random velocities
% Simulate vehicle movement over time
positionsOverTime = zeros(timeSteps, numVehicles, 2); % Store positions over time
for t = 1:timeSteps
vehiclePositions = vehiclePositions + vehicleVelocities; % Update positions
vehiclePositions = mod(vehiclePositions, areaSize); % Keep vehicles within the area
positionsOverTime(t, :, 🙂 = vehiclePositions; % Store positions
% Plot initial and final vehicle positions
scatter(vehiclePositions(:,1), vehiclePositions(:,2), ‘bo’, ‘filled’);
title(‘Final Vehicle Positions’);
xlabel(‘X Position (m)’);
ylabel(‘Y Position (m)’);
axis([0 areaSize 0 areaSize]);
- Simulate Vehicle Communication
Vehicles within a VANET communicate with each other using wireless communication protocols like DSRC or IEEE 802.11p. We can replicate the communication range and interactions amongst the vehicles.
Example: Mimic the communication among vehicles within a specific range.
% Calculate distances between vehicles
distances = squareform(pdist(vehiclePositions));
% Determine which vehicles are within communication range
communicationMatrix = distances < communicationRange;
% Plot vehicle communication links
scatter(vehiclePositions(:,1), vehiclePositions(:,2), ‘bo’, ‘filled’);
hold on;
for i = 1:numVehicles
for j = i+1:numVehicles
if communicationMatrix(i,j)
plot([vehiclePositions(i,1), vehiclePositions(j,1)], …
[vehiclePositions(i,2), vehiclePositions(j,2)], ‘r-‘);
title(‘Vehicle Communication Links’);
xlabel(‘X Position (m)’);
ylabel(‘Y Position (m)’);
axis([0 areaSize 0 areaSize]);
- Implement Routing Protocols
Routing is a crucial feature of VANETs in which packets require to be sent among the vehicles in a highly dynamic environment. Protocols such as AODV (Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector) and DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) can be mimicked.
Example: Execute a basic distance-based routing protocol.
% Define source and destination vehicles
sourceVehicle = 1;
destinationVehicle = numVehicles;
% Find the nearest neighbor to the source vehicle
[~, nearestNeighbor] = min(distances(sourceVehicle, 2:end));
% Simulate packet forwarding from source to destination via the nearest neighbor
disp([‘Routing: Source (Vehicle ‘, num2str(sourceVehicle), ‘) -> Nearest Neighbor (Vehicle ‘, num2str(nearestNeighbor), ‘) -> Destination (Vehicle ‘, num2str(destinationVehicle), ‘)’]);
- Simulate Data Transmission
We can replicate the data transmission among vehicles within a VANET, to deliberate the factors like packet size, transmission time, and packet delivery ratio (PDR).
Example: Replicate data transmission among the vehicles.
% Transmission parameters
packetSize = 512; % Packet size in bytes
transmissionRate = 1e6; % Transmission rate in bits per second (1 Mbps)
transmissionTime = packetSize * 8 / transmissionRate; % Time to transmit one packet
% Simulate packet transmission from source to nearest neighbor
disp([‘Vehicle ‘, num2str(sourceVehicle), ‘ is transmitting data to Vehicle ‘, num2str(nearestNeighbor)]);
pause(transmissionTime); % Simulate transmission time
disp([‘Vehicle ‘, num2str(nearestNeighbor), ‘ received the data.’]);
- Simulate VANET Performance Metrics
Significant performance parameters within VANETs contain throughput, delay, packet delivery ratio, and network connectivity. We can compute these parameters according to the simulation outcomes.
Example: Compute the packet delivery ratio (PDR).
% Define the number of packets sent and received
numPacketsSent = 100; % Total number of packets sent
packetsLost = randi([0 10], 1); % Random number of packets lost
% Calculate PDR
packetsReceived = numPacketsSent – packetsLost;
pdr = packetsReceived / numPacketsSent;
disp([‘Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR): ‘, num2str(pdr * 100), ‘%’]);
- Advanced VANET Simulation Topics
For more innovative VANET projects, we can discover:
- Mobility Models: Utilize the realistic mobility models rely on the road layouts, traffic rules, and vehicle interactions such as SUMO, Veins.
- Security in VANETs: Replicate secure communication protocols to defend versus attacks such as jamming and eavesdropping.
- Quality of Service (QoS): Design VANETs with particular QoS needs for safety-critical applications like collision avoidance.
- Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) Communication: For traffic management and smart city applications, we mimic the communication amongst vehicles and roadside infrastructure.
In this explanation, we comprehensively provide the in-depth technique on how to implement and simulate the VANET projects in MATLAB tool by defining the VANET system metrics, simulating data transmission and its performance parameters. If needed, we will deliver the extra details on this process.
To effectively simulate VANET projects utilizing MATLAB, we encourage you to consult with our experts at Our team specializes in designing Simulink and the Automated Driving Toolbox tailored to your specific project needs, ensuring that you receive a well-aligned topic from us.