How to Simulate Vehicular NDN Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate Vehicular Named Data Networking (NDN) projects in MATLAB has includes to designing the communication in a vehicular environment in which the content is requested and transmitted according to content names instead of long-established IP addresses. In a vehicular NDN (VNDN) network, vehicles interchange Interest and Data packets to request and recover content, creating it an interesting and dynamic environment for research.

Here is a step-by-step guide to simulate Vehicular NDN (VNDN) projects using MATLAB:

Steps to Simulate Vehicular NDN Projects in MATLAB

Step 1: Understand the VNDN Architecture

In Vehicular NDN, interaction happens among vehicles (nodes) according to the following conditon:

  • Interest Packets: Vehicles transmit interest packets to request the certain content by name.
  • Data Packets: Once the content is situated, data packets are transmit back to the requester beside the reverse path.
  • Content Store (CS): Vehicles cache received content for upcoming requests to minimize redundancy and enhance performance.
  • Pending Interest Table (PIT): Equip the names of requested content that hasn’t yet been satisfied.
  • Forwarding Information Base (FIB): Utilized to forward interest packets in the direction of possible data sources.

Step 2: Set Up the Environment

We will utilize MATLAB to design the network, the mobility of vehicles, and the interchange of Interest/Data packets. MATLAB’s Communications Toolbox can be utilized for wireless communication modelling, since simple vehicle mobility design can be executed using 2D or 3D positions.

Step 3: Define Vehicular Network Topology

Describe a set of vehicles transferring on a road network. Each vehicle signifies a node in the NDN-based vehicular network.

% Define the number of vehicles

num_vehicles = 10;

% Define initial positions of vehicles (random positions along a straight road)

vehicle_positions = [linspace(0, 100, num_vehicles)’, rand(num_vehicles, 1) * 5];  % [X, Y] positions

% Define vehicle speed (random speeds)

vehicle_speeds = rand(num_vehicles, 1) * 20 + 10;  % Speeds between 10 and 30 m/s

Step 4: Implement Vehicle Mobility

To replicate the movement, update vehicle positions over time according to their speed and direction.

% Time step for the simulation

dt = 0.1;  % Time step in seconds

% Update positions of vehicles over time

for t = 1:1000  % Simulate for 1000 time steps

vehicle_positions(:, 1) = vehicle_positions(:, 1) + vehicle_speeds * dt;  % Update X position


Step 5: Implement NDN Packet Exchange

We required replicating the interchange of Interest and Data packets among vehicles according to proximity and content names.

  1. Interest Packet Generation: Vehicles create Interest packets to request content.
  2. Interest Packet Forwarding: Interest packets are sends to neighboring vehicles using a Forwarding Information Base (FIB).
  3. Data Packet Transmission: Once content is established, Data packets are transmit back along the opposite path.

% Example: Interest Packet Structure

interest_packet = struct(‘content_name’, ‘Video1’, ‘source_vehicle’, 1);

% Example: Data Packet Structure

data_packet = struct(‘content_name’, ‘Video1’, ‘data’, ‘Content Data’, ‘source_vehicle’, 1);

% Example: Forward Interest Packet

function forward_interest(interest_packet, vehicle_id, vehicles, comm_range)

% Find neighboring vehicles within communication range

for i = 1:length(vehicles)

if i ~= vehicle_id && pdist2(vehicles(vehicle_id, :), vehicles(i, :)) < comm_range

% Forward the interest packet to the neighboring vehicle

receive_interest(i, interest_packet);




% Example: Receive Interest Packet

function receive_interest(vehicle_id, interest_packet)

% Check if the content is in the Content Store (CS)

if is_in_content_store(vehicle_id, interest_packet.content_name)

send_data_packet(vehicle_id, interest_packet.source_vehicle, interest_packet.content_name);


% Forward the interest packet if the content is not found

forward_interest(interest_packet, vehicle_id, vehicle_positions, 50);  % Communication range of 50 meters



Step 6: Implement the Content Store (CS)

Each vehicle stores beforehand the requested data to assist advanced upcoming requests. Usage a cache to mimic the content store.

% Example: Content Store Implementation

content_store = containers.Map();  % Each vehicle has a content store (cache)

% Function to check if the content is in the content store

function in_cs = is_in_content_store(vehicle_id, content_name)

global content_store;

if isKey(content_store, content_name)

in_cs = true;


in_cs = false;



% Function to cache content

function cache_content(vehicle_id, content_name, data)

global content_store;

content_store(content_name) = data;


Step 7: Implement Forwarding Information Base (FIB)

The FIB has includes to forwarding rules to forward Interest packets to neighbours who are possible to have the requested data.

% Example: Forwarding Information Base (FIB)

FIB = containers.Map();

% Function to forward Interest based on FIB

function next_hop = get_fib_entry(vehicle_id, content_name)

global FIB;

if isKey(FIB, content_name)

next_hop = FIB(content_name);  % Forward to the next hop


next_hop = [];



Step 8: Implement Routing and Data Packet Transmission

Once the data is placed, Data packets are transmit back to the requester. Routing can be as basic as transmitting the data back beside the reverse path kept in the Pending Interest Table (PIT).

% Example: Send Data Packet

function send_data_packet(vehicle_id, destination_id, content_name)

global content_store;

data_packet = struct(‘content_name’, content_name, ‘data’, content_store(content_name), ‘source_vehicle’, vehicle_id);

% Forward the data packet back to the requester

forward_data(destination_id, data_packet);


% Example: Forward Data Packet

function forward_data(vehicle_id, data_packet)

% Check if the vehicle is the destination

if vehicle_id == data_packet.source_vehicle

disp(‘Data received at destination’);


% Forward the data packet to the next hop

next_hop = get_fib_entry(vehicle_id, data_packet.content_name);

forward_data(next_hop, data_packet);



Step 9: Simulate Traffic and Requests

Create random content requests from vehicles and replicate the interchange of Interest/Data packets.

% Simulate content requests

for t = 1:1000

% Each vehicle randomly generates an Interest packet

for i = 1:num_vehicles

content_name = [‘Video’, num2str(randi([1 10]))];  % Randomly request Video1 to Video10

interest_packet = struct(‘content_name’, content_name, ‘source_vehicle’, i);

forward_interest(interest_packet, i, vehicle_positions, 50);



Step 10: Visualize Vehicle Movements and Communication

We can utilize MATLAB’s plotting functions to envision the vehicle movements and the interaction among vehicles.

% Visualize vehicle movements and communication links


hold on;

for t = 1:1000


plot(vehicle_positions(:, 1), vehicle_positions(:, 2), ‘bo’);  % Plot vehicle positions

for i = 1:num_vehicles

for j = i+1:num_vehicles

if pdist2(vehicle_positions(i, :), vehicle_positions(j, :)) < 50

plot([vehicle_positions(i, 1), vehicle_positions(j, 1)], …

[vehicle_positions(i, 2), vehicle_positions(j, 2)], ‘r-‘);  % Communication link




pause(0.1);  % Pause for visualization


Step 11: Evaluate Performance

Measure the parameters like:

  • Content Retrieval Time: Time taken to recover content for an Interest.
  • Cache Hit Ratio: Percentage of content requests functioned from the cache.
  • Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR): Ratio of successfully delivered data packets to the total amount of requested packets.

% Example: Calculate Cache Hit Ratio

function hit_ratio = calculate_cache_hit_ratio(total_requests, cache_hits)

hit_ratio = cache_hits / total_requests;


Step 12: Run the Simulation

After configuring all the components, we can execute the simulation and learn on how the vehicular NDN network act as in different conditions, like changing vehicle densities, mobility patterns, or communication ranges.

Overall the simulation will be successfully demonstrated and illustrated for Vehicular Named Data Networking with the help of MATLAB tool that has contain brief procedures along with code snippets. If you did like to know more information we will offered it.

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