To simulate vertical handover (VHO) projects in MATLAB has includes to design the handover process among the various kinds of wireless networks such as Wi-Fi, LTE, 5G according to key metrics like signal strength, network load, user mobility, or Quality of Service (QoS). Vertical handovers occurs when a user transitions among the heterogeneous networks, like forwards from a Wi-Fi network to a cellular LTE or 5G network.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to simulating vertical handover projects using MATLAB:
Steps to Simulate Vertical Handover Projects in MATLAB
- Understand Vertical Handover Components
Before initiating the simulation, learn the basic modules that contain in the vertical handover process:
- Mobile User (MU): A device which moves among different networks such as smartphone, IoT device.
- Access Networks: Heterogeneous networks like Wi-Fi, LTE, 5G, etc.
- Handover Decision: The condition utilized for handover decision-making, like Received Signal Strength (RSS), data rate, network latency, or power consumption.
- QoS Requirements: Factors such as bandwidth, delay, jitter, and packet loss that impact handover decisions.
- Handover Trigger: The criteria which prompts a handover, like low signal strength or high network congestion.
- Define Network Parameters
Initiate by describing key metrics for each network such as Wi-Fi, LTE, 5G, etc. has includes in the handover. This contains:
- Bandwidth (BW)
- Delay
- Jitter
- Packet Loss
- Signal Strength (RSS)
Example: Define network parameters for Wi-Fi and LTE:
networks = {‘WiFi’, ‘LTE’};
bandwidth = [20e6, 100e6]; % Bandwidth in Hz
delay = [10, 50]; % Delay in ms
jitter = [5, 20]; % Jitter in ms
packetLoss = [0.01, 0.005]; % Packet loss probability
rss = [-70, -80]; % Received Signal Strength (in dBm)
- Model User Mobility
User mobility can be designed to mimic the movement of a mobile user among different network coverage areas. We can signify the movement using random walk designs or predefined paths.
Example of a simple random walk model for user movement:
timeSteps = 100; % Simulation time in steps
userPosition = zeros(timeSteps, 2); % Store user x, y position
for t = 2:timeSteps
% Random walk model: move in random directions
userPosition(t, 🙂 = userPosition(t-1, 🙂 + randn(1, 2);
- Calculate Signal Strength (RSS)
According to the user’s position, estimate the Received Signal Strength (RSS) from each network. Utilize the free-space path loss design or other models such as log-distance to calculate RSS.
Example of calculating RSS using the free-space path loss model:
distance = sqrt(sum(userPosition.^2, 2)); % Distance from the base station
freqWiFi = 2.4e9; % Wi-Fi frequency in Hz
freqLTE = 1.8e9; % LTE frequency in Hz
rssWiFi = -20*log10(distance + 1) – 20*log10(freqWiFi) + 147.55;
rssLTE = -20*log10(distance + 1) – 20*log10(freqLTE) + 147.55;
plot(1:timeSteps, rssWiFi, 1:timeSteps, rssLTE);
legend(‘WiFi’, ‘LTE’);
title(‘Received Signal Strength over Time’);
xlabel(‘Time Steps’);
ylabel(‘RSS (dBm)’);
- Define Handover Decision Criteria
Vertical handover is usually based on specific decision parameters like:
- RSS threshold: Handover when the RSS drops below a specific level.
- QoS parameters: To deliberate factors such as bandwidth, delay, and jitter.
- User preferences: The user can select one network over another.
- Cost and power consumption: The cost or power needed to associate to the network.
Example: Handover decision based on RSS and bandwidth:
rssThreshold = -75; % Threshold for handover
handoverDecisions = zeros(1, timeSteps); % 0 = WiFi, 1 = LTE
for t = 1:timeSteps
if rssWiFi(t) < rssThreshold && bandwidth(2) > bandwidth(1)
handoverDecisions(t) = 1; % Switch to LTE
handoverDecisions(t) = 0; % Stay on WiFi
plot(1:timeSteps, handoverDecisions);
title(‘Handover Decision (0: WiFi, 1: LTE)’);
xlabel(‘Time Steps’);
ylabel(‘Handover Decision’);
- Simulate Handover Process
Apply the handover process according to the decisions made from the conditions. This includes switching among the networks and updating network key metrics consequently (such as switching RSS, bandwidth, and delay).
Example: Simulate handover and update parameters:
currentNetwork = zeros(1, timeSteps); % 0 = WiFi, 1 = LTE
for t = 1:timeSteps
if handoverDecisions(t) == 1
currentNetwork(t) = 1; % Switch to LTE
currentNetwork(t) = 0; % Stay on WiFi
% Plot handover status over time
title(‘Handover Status Over Time’);
xlabel(‘Time Steps’);
ylabel(‘Current Network (0: WiFi, 1: LTE)’);
- Measure QoS Parameters
After replicating the handover, measure the performance of the handover by evaluating QoS parameters like throughput, delay, and packet loss. These parameters can be estimated before and after the handover to evaluate the enhancement or reduction in performance.
Example: Simulating QoS measurement:
throughputWiFi = bandwidth(1) * (1 – packetLoss(1)); % Throughput for WiFi
throughputLTE = bandwidth(2) * (1 – packetLoss(2)); % Throughput for LTE
averageThroughput = zeros(1, timeSteps);
for t = 1:timeSteps
if currentNetwork(t) == 1
averageThroughput(t) = throughputLTE; % On LTE
averageThroughput(t) = throughputWiFi; % On WiFi
plot(1:timeSteps, averageThroughput);
title(‘Throughput Over Time’);
xlabel(‘Time Steps’);
ylabel(‘Throughput (bps)’);
- Simulate Handover Latency
Handover among the networks can establish a delay (latency) because of authentication, IP address acquisition, etc. to replicate this latency in the course of handover.
Example: Adding handover latency:
handoverLatency = 0.5; % 0.5 seconds handover latency
for t = 2:timeSteps
if handoverDecisions(t) ~= handoverDecisions(t-1) % If handover occurs
pause(handoverLatency); % Introduce handover delay
- Advanced Topics
For more complex simulations, deliberate:
- Multi-objective handover: look for multiple principles such as power consumption, cost, and user preferences in the handover decision.
- Machine learning-based handover: Utilize machine learning techniques to forecast the optimal time and network for handover.
- Handover in 5G networks: mimic handover among 5G, Wi-Fi, and LTE with millimeter-wave (mmWave) technology and beam forming.
Through this procedure, we had successfully delivered the complete procedure to simulate the vertical handover projects with the help of MATLAB tool. We can also offer additional information regarding this process.
For expert insights Explore on Vertical Handover Projects utilizing MATLAB. Should you require robust research assistance and simulation expertise, our distinguished team is at your service. We deliver comprehensive project performance analysis tailored to your needs. Our specialists engage with a diverse array of wireless networks, including Wi-Fi, LTE, and 5G, ensuring you achieve the finest results. Stay connected for unparalleled outcomes.