How to Simulate Wireless Mesh Topology Using OMNeT++

To simulate a Wireless Mesh Topology in OMNeT++ has needs to generate a network in which the each node usually known as a mesh router is wirelessly linked to several other nodes, forming a multi-hop, decentralized network. In a wireless mesh network, data can be depend via multiple intermediate nodes, enabling dynamic route discovery, fault tolerance, and increased coverage.

Here’s how to simulate a Wireless Mesh Topology project in OMNeT++ step-by-step:

Steps to Simulate Wireless Mesh Topology Projects in OMNeT++

  1. Use INET Framework

To simulate a wireless mesh network, we can leverage OMNeT++’s INET Framework, that deliver numerous models for wireless communication, contain ad-hoc networking and mesh networking. If we don’t have INET installed, we can download and install it from INET Framework.

INET involves the design for wireless devices, routing protocols such as AODV, DSR, and network configurations. In this instance, we will simulate a simple wireless mesh network using AODV (Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector) routing protocol.

  1. Define the Wireless Mesh Network Structure (NED File)

The NED file describes the network layout; contain wireless nodes, connections, and routing protocols. For a mesh topology, each node linked wirelessly to its neighbours, and nodes can perform as both routers and clients.

Sample NED File (WirelessMeshTopology.ned)

package meshnetwork;

import inet.node.inet.INetworkNode;

import inet.node.inet.WirelessHost;

import inet.networklayer.configurator.ipv4.IPv4NetworkConfigurator;

import inet.routing.extras.aodv.Aodv;

network WirelessMeshTopology



int numNodes = default(6);  // Number of mesh nodes

@display(“bgb=600,600”);  // Define the size of the network display


configurator: IPv4NetworkConfigurator {



// Define mesh nodes (Wireless Hosts)

node[numNodes]: WirelessHost {



connections allowunconnected:

// Connections are defined by the wireless medium, not physical links



In this NED file:

  • WirelessHost signifies the mesh nodes (each acting as a router and host).
  • IPv4NetworkConfigurator allocates IP addresses to the nodes and manage network configuration.
  • The nodes interact wirelessly without explicitly defined connections (using INET’s built-in wireless medium).
  1. Define Node Behaviour and Routing Protocol (AODV)

In a wireless mesh network, dynamic routing protocols such as AODV (Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector) are usually utilized to identify the optimal path for data to travel among the nodes. INET supports AODV out of the box.

We need to set up each node to utilize the AODV protocol for dynamic route discovery. This can be done by modifying the node’s configuration in the omnetpp.ini file.

  1. Implement Node Configuration in omnetpp.ini

The omnetpp.ini file set up the network simulation; contain the routing protocol, the position of the nodes, and simulation parameters like mobility and communication range.

Sample OMNeT++ Configuration (omnetpp.ini)

network = WirelessMeshTopology

sim-time-limit = 100s  # Set the simulation time

*.configurator.config = xmldoc(“inet/examples/adhoc/config.xml”)

# Configure routing protocol (AODV)

*.node[*].hasTcp = false

*.node[*].hasUdp = true

*.node[*].hasIpv4 = true

*.node[*].routingProtocols = “^Aodv”  # Enable AODV routing

# Set up wireless interface for each node

*.node[*].wlan[0].typename = “Ieee80211Nic”

*.node[*].wlan[0].mac.useAck = true  # Enable acknowledgment of received packets

*.node[*].wlan[0].bitrate = 54Mbps  # Set wireless bit rate

*.node[*].wlan[0].radio.transmitter.communicationRange = 250m  # Communication range

# Mobility model (Optional: To add dynamic mobility)

*.node[*].mobility.typename = “StationaryMobility”  # Nodes are static in this example

# Visualization of node positions

*.node[0].mobility.initialX = 100

*.node[0].mobility.initialY = 200

*.node[1].mobility.initialX = 200

*.node[1].mobility.initialY = 300

*.node[2].mobility.initialX = 300

*.node[2].mobility.initialY = 100

*.node[3].mobility.initialX = 400

*.node[3].mobility.initialY = 300

*.node[4].mobility.initialX = 500

*.node[4].mobility.initialY = 200

*.node[5].mobility.initialX = 600

*.node[5].mobility.initialY = 300

In this configuration:

  • AODV is permit as the routing protocol for all nodes.
  • Communication Range is set to 250 meters, enabling nodes inside this range to communicate wirelessly.
  • Mobility is set to StationaryMobility for simplicity, however we can alter it to a dynamic model (like LinearMobility or RandomWaypointMobility) if we need the nodes to move.
  • Node positions are set statically, however we need to set up movement if required.
  1. Run the Simulation
  • After describing the network and configuration, we need to execute the simulation.
  • We will monitor that nodes dynamically discover routes using the AODV protocol, and messages will hop among multiple nodes when essential.
  1. Visualize and Analyse

We need to evaluate various contexts of the wireless mesh network, such as:

  • Routing Discovery: The AODV protocol will dynamically discover and maintain routes among nodes as messages are sent.
  • Multi-hop Communication: while nodes are associated in a mesh, data required to traverse multiple nodes to reach the destination.
  • Packet Loss and Latency: Evaluate on how many packets are successfully routed on how much latency is encountered, and the overall performance of the network in numerous conditions (e.g., changing communication range or node density).
  1. Enhancements to the Simulation

Here are numerous ways to improve wireless mesh topology simulation:

  1. Dynamic Mobility

We need to replicate dynamic node mobility by using mobility models such as RandomWaypointMobility or LinearMobility. This will make the nodes move in the course of the simulation, validating the network’s ability to modify to altering topology.

*.node[*].mobility.typename = “RandomWaypointMobility”

*.node[*].mobility.speed = uniform(1mps, 5mps)  # Node speed between 1 and 5 meters per second

  1. Traffic Generation

We need to replicate network traffic among nodes using UDP or TCP applications. INET deliver numerous traffic generation applications like UdpBasicApp and TcpApp.

*.node[0].app[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”

*.node[0].app[0].destAddresses = “node[5]”  # Send messages to node 5

*.node[0].app[0].destPort = 5000

*.node[0].app[0].messageLength = 1024B

*.node[0].app[0].sendInterval = exponential(1s)  # Exponentially distributed intervals

  1. Failure Scenarios

We need to replicate node or link failures by enabling nodes or minimizing communication range in the course of the simulation, enabling you to validate the robustness of the routing protocol.

*.node[2].wlan[0].radio.transmitter.communicationRange = 50m  # Reduce range mid-simulation

  1. QoS Metrics and Analysis

We need to expand the simulation to evaluate Quality of Service (QoS) parameters like throughput, delay, packet loss, and jitter. This will support you understand the performance of the mesh network in diverse conditions.

  1. Use Different Routing Protocols

We can experiment with various routing protocols provided by INET, like DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) or OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing), to relate their performance in a wireless mesh network.

*.node[*].routingProtocols = “^Dsr”  # Enable DSR instead of AODV

From the entire manual, we had understand and gain a knowledge on the concepts of Wireless Mesh Topology using OMNeT++ tool including examples and their explanations which helps to complete the simulation process. Additional specific details regarding the Wireless Mesh Topology will also be provided. team  work on wireless mesh networks related to your projects, so get the best results from to continue simulation in Wireless Mesh Topology Projects. Using the OMNeT++ tool, we will guide you through the process in detail and provide the best results.

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