How to Simulate Wireless Power Transfer Networks using MATLAB

To simulate Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) Networks in MATLAB has includes to designing the transfer of electrical power among routers and receivers deprived of using physical connections (wires). This technology has applications in wireless charging systems for devices such as mobile phones, electric vehicles (EVs), and even IoT sensors. Wireless power transfer can be accomplished using approaches such as inductive coupling, resonant inductive coupling, or radio frequency (RF) waves.

Here’s a step-by-step procedures on how to simulate Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) Networks projects using MATLAB:

Steps to Simulate Wireless Power Transfer Networks Projects in MATLAB

Step 1: Install Required Toolboxes

Make sure that we have the following MATLAB toolboxes installed:

  • Antenna Toolbox (for designing antennas and electromagnetic fields)
  • RF Toolbox (for radio frequency power transfer)
  • Simscape Electrical (for electrical power systems simulation)
  • Simulink (for large-scale system simulation)

Step 2: Define WPT System Parameters

The initial step is to describe the key metrics for wireless power transfer, like the amount of transmitters and receivers, distance among them, operating frequency, and effectiveness.

Example: Define System Parameters for WPT

% Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) system parameters

numTransmitters = 1;                % Number of power transmitters

numReceivers = 3;                   % Number of power receivers

operatingFrequency = 13.56e6;       % Operating frequency (e.g., 13.56 MHz for near-field)

transmitPower = 100;                % Transmit power in watts (W)

receiverDistance = [0.5, 1, 1.5];   % Distance between transmitter and receivers (in meters)

couplingEfficiency = 0.6;           % Coupling efficiency (60% for resonant inductive)

Step 3: Model Inductive or Resonant Wireless Power Transfer

For inductive coupling or resonant inductive coupling, the router generates a magnetic field which induces current in the receiver coils. The efficiency of the system depends on factors such as distance, alignment, and resonance.

Example: Calculate Power Transfer in an Inductive Coupling System

% Calculate received power at each receiver based on coupling efficiency and distance

receivedPower = transmitPower * couplingEfficiency ./ (receiverDistance .^ 2);

% Display the received power at each receiver

disp(‘Received Power at Each Receiver (in Watts):’);


Step 4: RF Wireless Power Transfer (Far-Field)

For far-field RF power transfer, the transmitter transmits electromagnetic waves like microwaves or RF signals to the receiver, that converts the waves back into electrical power using an antenna.

Example: Model Far-Field Wireless Power Transfer Using RF

% Define RF parameters

rfFrequency = 2.45e9;  % 2.45 GHz (microwave)

transmitAntennaGain = 10;  % Transmitter antenna gain (dB)

receiveAntennaGain = 5;  % Receiver antenna gain (dB)

pathLossExponent = 2;  % Path loss exponent for free-space propagation

% Calculate path loss using the free-space path loss model

pathLoss = (4 * pi * receiverDistance * rfFrequency / 3e8) .^ pathLossExponent;

% Calculate received power in RF-based WPT system

receivedPowerRF = transmitPower * 10^(transmitAntennaGain/10) * 10^(receiveAntennaGain/10) ./ pathLoss;

% Display the received power for RF-based WPT

disp(‘Received Power (RF-based) at Each Receiver (in Watts):’);


Step 5: Simulate Power Efficiency and Loss

Efficiency is a vital parameter in WPT networks. The effectiveness of power transfer is impacted by the distance, alignment, and impedance fitting among the transmitter and receiver. we can replicate power loss and transfer efficiency.

Example: Simulate Power Efficiency and Loss in WPT System

% Define power loss factors (e.g., transmission, alignment, and impedance mismatch)

alignmentLossFactor = 0.8;  % 80% efficiency due to imperfect alignment

impedanceMismatchLoss = 0.9;  % 90% efficiency due to impedance mismatch

% Calculate overall efficiency

overallEfficiency = couplingEfficiency * alignmentLossFactor * impedanceMismatchLoss;

% Calculate total received power considering all loss factors

totalReceivedPower = transmitPower * overallEfficiency;

% Display overall efficiency and total received power

disp([‘Overall Efficiency: ‘, num2str(overallEfficiency * 100), ‘ %’]);

disp([‘Total Received Power: ‘, num2str(totalReceivedPower), ‘ W’]);

Step 6: Simulate Multiple Receivers and Power Sharing

In a wireless power network, multiple receivers can be associated to a single transmitter. The power requires to be shared between these receivers according to their distance, coupling, and demand.

Example: Simulate Power Sharing for Multiple Receivers

% Calculate the power received by each receiver based on coupling efficiency

powerDemand = [30, 40, 50];  % Power demand of each receiver in watts

allocatedPower = min(receivedPower, powerDemand);  % Allocate based on demand and received power

% Display the power allocated to each receiver

disp(‘Power Allocated to Each Receiver (in Watts):’);


% Check if there is any power shortage

if any(allocatedPower < powerDemand)

disp(‘Power shortage detected for one or more receivers.’);


disp(‘All receivers received sufficient power.’);


Step 7: Simulate Resonant Frequency Matching for Efficiency

In resonant inductive coupling, both the sender and receiver that want to be resonating at the similar frequency to exhaust the possibilities power transfer effectiveness. we can mimic how resonance impacts the effectiveness of power transfer.

Example: Simulate Resonant Frequency Matching

% Define resonance parameters

transmitterResonanceFrequency = operatingFrequency;  % Transmitter resonance frequency (13.56 MHz)

receiverResonanceFrequency = [13.56e6, 13.4e6, 13.7e6];  % Receiver resonance frequencies

% Calculate resonance mismatch (difference between transmitter and receiver frequencies)

resonanceMismatch = abs(receiverResonanceFrequency – transmitterResonanceFrequency) ./ transmitterResonanceFrequency;

% Calculate efficiency loss due to resonance mismatch

mismatchLoss = exp(-resonanceMismatch * 10);  % Exponential decay based on mismatch

% Adjust received power based on resonance matching

receivedPowerWithResonance = receivedPower .* mismatchLoss;

% Display the adjusted received power

disp(‘Received Power with Resonance Matching (in Watts):’);


Step 8: Full System Simulation Using Simulink (Optional)

For a more complex and dynamic simulation of wireless power transfer systems, we can utilize Simulink. Simulink enable you to design the whole system that involves transmitter and receiver circuits, power flow, and dynamic response to altering the conditions.

  • Simscape Electrical can be utilized to design the electrical circuits for the sender and receiver.
  • RF Blockset can mimic RF-based power transfer systems that contain antennas and RF propagation.

Step 9: Visualize Power Transfer and Efficiency

Utilize MATLAB’s plotting functions to envision how power is routed to different receivers, how effectively alters with distance, and the effects of resonance matching.

Example: Plot Received Power and Efficiency

% Plot received power vs. distance


plot(receiverDistance, receivedPower, ‘bo-‘, ‘LineWidth’, 2);

title(‘Received Power vs. Distance’);

xlabel(‘Distance from Transmitter (m)’);

ylabel(‘Received Power (Watts)’);

grid on;

% Plot efficiency with resonance matching


plot(receiverDistance, mismatchLoss, ‘rx-‘, ‘LineWidth’, 2);

title(‘Resonance Mismatch Loss vs. Distance’);

xlabel(‘Distance from Transmitter (m)’);

ylabel(‘Mismatch Loss Factor’);

grid on;

We had collected the information, you can discover Wireless Power Transfer project which will be simulated and evaluated in the MATLAB environment. If necessary, we will deliver the detailed structured for entire execution process in another manual.

Our experts focus on wireless charging systems applicable to various devices, including mobile phones, electric vehicles (EVs), and Internet of Things (IoT) sensors pertinent to your projects. For optimal assistance, please contact us at Additionally, you can depend on us for simulating Wireless Power Transfer Networks projects using the MATLAB tool.

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