List of Cognitive Radio Network Simulator

We are here to assist you to be well versed in cognitive radio network with great pleasure!!! Most importantly, you guys should perceive it as the non-complicated task. In addition, we have provided the essential data and tips that are required to get to know about cognitive radio network simulators through this article.

List of CRN Simulators

Initially, we have enlisted some of the network simulators that are functional to simulate the cognitive radio network simulator projects.

  • NS-2
  • Matlab
  • Cooja
  • OMNeT++
  • NS-3

Creation of CRN Simulation Using Ns3

The base source for CRN simulation using Ns3 which is stored in src folder along with the name of spectrum and we have to create and store the main file configuration with .cc extension in scratch folder to create CRN simulation.

Creation of CRN Main File

Compiling CRN Simulation using Ns3

In addition, we have to compile the CRN simulation using Ns-3 through the execution of below mentioned commands.

sudo ./waf configure

Configuration of CRN Using Ns3

sudo ./waf build

Build CRN Using Ns3

Execute CRN Simulation using Ns3

Most significantly, we have to execute the following commands to implement the CRN simulation using Ns3.

sudo ./waf –run main –vis


We hope that our technical experts have provided the required steps to create simulation based on cognitive radio network. So, reach us and aid more.


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