List Of Computer Science Journals with Impact Factor

List Of Computer Science Journals with Impact Factor are discussed below, so go through it if you want to get your paper published in ahigh impact factor journal then drop all your details we will give you more guidance. Our writers possess a profound knowledge of various academic fields, guaranteeing that your work is both influential and culturally significant.

  1. Communications of the ACM – IF: 5.41
  2. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) – IF: 17.73
  3. Journal of the ACM (JACM) – IF: 3.37
  4. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) – IF: 7.99
  5. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials – IF: 22.97
  6. Artificial Intelligence – IF: 6.628
  7. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation – IF: 11.169
  8. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems – IF: 11.683
  9. Information Sciences – IF: 5.524
  10. Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) – IF: 3.76
  11. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing – IF: 4.474
  12. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security – IF: 6.211
  13. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing – IF: 5.967
  14. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) – IF: 6.495
  15. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) – IF: 6.977
  16. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering – IF: 6.112
  17. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) – IF: 2.861
  18. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing – IF: 6.404
  19. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing – IF: 5.707
  20. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics – IF: 4.558
  21. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics – IF: 11.448
  22. Computer Networks – IF: 3.111
  23. ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB) – IF: 2.495
  24. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics – IF: 9.112
  25. Networks – IF: 1.508 Journal Title ISSN Subjects
1. Computers in Education Journal 10693769 Computer Science (all)
2. Computers in Industry 1663615 Computer Science (all)
3. Research Reports on Information Science and Electrical Engineering of Kyushu University 13423819 Computer Science (all)
4. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 10746005 Computer Science (all)
5. Computational Materials Science 9270256 Computer Science (all)
6. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science 1819656X Computer Science (all)
7. ICIC Express Letters 1881803X Computer Science (all)
8. Memetic Computing 18659284 Computer Science (all)
9. Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 1060992X Computer Science (all)
10. Communications in Computer and Information Science 18650929 Computer Science (all)
11. Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine 20080387 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
12. Open Bioinformatics Journal 18750362 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
13. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 21508097 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
14. Symmetry 20738994 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
15. International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals 19473478 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
16. Journal of Cryptology 9332790 Computer Science Applications
17. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 15502252 07400551 Computer Science Applications
18. Expert Systems with Applications 9574174 Computer Science Applications
19. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 13892576 Computer Science Applications
20. Scientometrics 1389130 Computer Science Applications
21. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 15523098 Computer Science Applications
22. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology 10623701 Computer Science Applications
23. IETE Journal of Research 3772063 Computer Science Applications
24. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 15499596 Computer Science Applications
25. Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations 15392937 Computer Science Applications
26. Technoetic Arts 1477965X Computer Science Applications
27. International Journal of Value Chain Management 17415357 Computer Science Applications
28. Dianji yu Kongzhi Xuebao/Electric Machines and Control 1007449X Computer Science Applications
29. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 7181876 Computer Science Applications
30. Source Code for Biology and Medicine 17510473 Computer Science Applications
31. AI MAGAZINE 0738-4602 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
32. ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 1012-2443 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
33. APPLIED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 0883-9514 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
34. APPLIED INTELLIGENCE 0924-669X Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
35. APPLIED ONTOLOGY 1570-5838 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
36. MINDS AND MACHINES 0924-6495 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
37. NATURAL COMPUTING 1567-7818 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
38. NATURAL LANGUAGE ENGINEERING 1351-3249 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
39. NATURE MACHINE INTELLIGENCE 2522-5839 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
40. NETWORK-COMPUTATION IN NEURAL SYSTEMS 0954-898X Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
41. BIT Numerical Mathematics 63835 Computer Networks and Communications
42. Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience 15320626 Computer Networks and Communications
43. Journal of the Franklin Institute 160032 Computer Networks and Communications
44. Networks 283045 Computer Networks and Communications
45. Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology 8998205 Computer Networks and Communications
46. International Journal of Sensor Networks 17481279 Computer Networks and Communications
47. International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security 20760930 Computer Networks and Communications
48. International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications 20818491 Computer Networks and Communications
49. Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications 16859545 Computer Networks and Communications
50. International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 17543916 Computer Networks and Communications
51. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences 9168508 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
52. Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers 2544164 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
53. Parallel Computing 1678191 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
54. Visual Computer 1782789 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
55. Random Structures and Algorithms 10429832 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
56. JOURNAL OF THE ACM 0004-5411 Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
57. MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROSYSTEMS 0141-9331 Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
58. MOBILE NETWORKS & APPLICATIONS 1383-469X Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
59. NETWORKS 0028-3045 Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
60. NEW GENERATION COMPUTING 0288-3635 Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
61. JOURNAL OF OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING 1943-0620 Computer Science, Information Systems
62. JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL AND END USER COMPUTING 1546-2234 Computer Science, Information Systems
65. JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 0963-8687 Computer Science, Information Systems
66. ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW 1468-4527 Computer Science, Information Systems
67. OPTICAL SWITCHING AND NETWORKING 1573-4277 Computer Science, Information Systems
68. PEERJ COMPUTER SCIENCE 2376-5992 Computer Science, Information Systems
69. PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKING AND APPLICATIONS 1936-6442 Computer Science, Information Systems
70. PERVASIVE AND MOBILE COMPUTING 1574-1192 Computer Science, Information Systems
71. MEDICAL IMAGE ANALYSIS 1361-8415 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
72. MOLECULAR INFORMATICS 1868-1743 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
73. NATURE MACHINE INTELLIGENCE 2522-5839 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
74. NEUROINFORMATICS 1539-2791 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
75. QUEUEING SYSTEMS 0257-0130 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
77. SOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW 0894-4393 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
78. SOFT COMPUTING 1432-7643 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
79. SPEECH COMMUNICATION 0167-6393 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
80. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AND DATA MINING 1932-1864 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
81. PROGRAMMING AND COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0361-7688 Computer Science, Software Engineering
82. RANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS 1042-9832 Computer Science, Software Engineering
83. REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING 0947-3602 Computer Science, Software Engineering
84. SCIENCE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING 0167-6423 Computer Science, Software Engineering
85. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMING 1058-9244 Computer Science, Software Engineering
86. IET COMPUTERS AND DIGITAL TECHNIQUES 1751-8601 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
87. IET INFORMATION SECURITY 1751-8709 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
88. IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING 0262-8856 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
89. INFORMATION AND COMPUTATION 0890-5401 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
90. INFORMATION FUSION 1566-2535 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
91. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION 0166-5316 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
92. PROBLEMS OF INFORMATION TRANSMISSION 0032-9460 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
93. PROCEEDINGS OF THE VLDB ENDOWMENT 2150-8097 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
94. QUANTUM INFORMATION & COMPUTATION 1533-7146 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
95. RAIRO-THEORETICAL INFORMATICS AND APPLICATIONS 0988-3754 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
96. Multisensory research 22134794 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
97. Scientific Visualization   Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
98. Journal of Advances in Information Fusion 15576418 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
99. Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 21916586 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
100. Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics 22129391 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
101. Geodesy and Geodynamics   Computers in Earth Sciences
102. Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing 15673200 Computers in Earth Sciences
103. Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences 18761682 Computers in Earth Sciences
104. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research 18789897 Computers in Earth Sciences
105. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation   Computers in Earth Sciences
106. Journal of Strategic Information Systems 9638687 Information Systems
107. MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems 2767783 Information Systems
108. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 9236082 Information Systems
109. High Technology Letters 10066748 Information Systems
110. Information Processing and Management 3064573 Information Systems
111. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation 21954968 Information Systems
112. Information and Computer Security 20564961 Information Systems
113. Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing 16103947 Information Systems
114. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications   Information Systems
115. Scientific data   Information Systems
116. Operations and Supply Chain Management 19793561 Information Systems and Management
117. International Journal of Intelligence, Security, and Public Affairs 23800992 Information Systems and Management
118. Journal of Data and Information Science 2096157X Information Systems and Management
119. Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 22885404 Information Systems and Management
120. Journal of Payments Strategy and Systems 17501806 Information Systems and Management
121. Big Data and Society   Information Systems and Management
122. Journal of ICT Standardization 2245800X Information Systems and Management
123. Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services 1947945X Information Systems and Management
124. Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management 23108789 Information Systems and Management
125. Journal of System and Management Sciences 18166075 Information Systems and Management
126. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING 0703-8992 Remote Sensing
127. DRONES 2504-446X Remote Sensing
129. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING 2279-7254 Remote Sensing
130. GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL 1010-6049 Remote Sensing
131. Optimal Control Applications and Methods 1432087 Software
132. IEEE Multimedia 1070986X Software
133. Proceedings of the Information Visualization Conference 10939547 Software
134. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 10577149 Software
135. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 10772626 Software
136. Machine Graphics and Vision 12300535 Software
137. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 15464261 Software
138. ITNOW 17465702 Software
139. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 17445760 Software
140. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering 16145046 Software
141. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 14690268 Software
142. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology 14666642 Software
143. International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications 1751648X Software
144. Journal of Web Engineering 15409589 Software
145. Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning 19358237 Software
146. Discrete Mathematics 0012365X Theoretical Computer Science
147. Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques – Conference Proceedings, PACT 1089795X Theoretical Computer Science
148. Journal of Computer Science and Technology 10009000 Theoretical Computer Science
149. Parallel Computing 1678191 Theoretical Computer Science
150. Parallel Processing Letters 1296264 Theoretical Computer Science
151. Annali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa – Classe di scienze 0391173X Theoretical Computer Science
152. Computer Science Review 15740137 Theoretical Computer Science
153. Intelligent Data Analysis 1088467X Theoretical Computer Science
154. Journal of Signal Processing Systems 19398018 Theoretical Computer Science
155. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 13494198 Theoretical Computer Science
156. Intelligent Service Robotics 18612776 Artificial Intelligence
157. Intelligent Data Analysis 1088467X Artificial Intelligence
158. Journal of Computer Science 15493636 Artificial Intelligence
159. Swarm Intelligence 19353812 Artificial Intelligence
160. Evolutionary Intelligence 18645909 Artificial Intelligence
161. Frontiers in Robotics and AI   Artificial Intelligence
162. Computational Visual Media 20960433 Artificial Intelligence
163. Cognitive Science and Technology 21953988 Artificial Intelligence
164. International Journal of Semantic Computing 1793351X Artificial Intelligence
165. Journal of Control and Decision 23307706 Artificial Intelligence
166. Drones   Artificial Intelligence
167. Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research   Artificial Intelligence
168. Cybersecurity 20964862 Artificial Intelligence
169. Big Data and Cognitive Computing   Artificial Intelligence
170. Applied Computer Science 18953735 Artificial Intelligence
171. Lecture Notes in Educational Technology 21964963 Computer Networks and Communications
172. ICT Express   Computer Networks and Communications
173. International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications 9752293 Computer Networks and Communications
174. International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications   Computer Networks and Communications
175. Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering 22348255 Computer Networks and Communications
176. Journal of Computer Languages 26659182 Computer Networks and Communications
177. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking   Computer Networks and Communications
178. Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Systems 25248510 Computer Networks and Communications
179. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction   Computer Networks and Communications
180. IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications   Computer Networks and Communications
181. International Journal of Web Portals 19380194 Computer Science Applications
182. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing 19367228 Computer Science Applications
183. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations 19423888 Computer Science Applications
184. International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies 17510589 Computer Science Applications
185. International Journal of Digital Earth 17538947 Computer Science Applications
186. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 17579880 Computer Science Applications
187. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 1746725X Computer Science Applications
188. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 17535255 Computer Science Applications
189. International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology 17572657 Computer Science Applications
190. Journal of Modern Transportation 2095087X Computer Science Applications
193. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS 1550-1477 Computer Science, Information Systems
194. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUZZY SYSTEMS 1562-2479 Computer Science, Information Systems
196. ICT Express   Information Systems
197. Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering 22348255 Information Systems
198. International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering 20620810 Information Systems
199. Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations 24096008 Information Systems
200. Business Systems Research   Information Systems


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