One of the measures of research productivity is publication. The study determined the challenges and strategies on paper publication to international indexed journals by the academic researchers. Preparation of a research manuscript that will successfully pass through the peer review process is not intuitive, but we provide the best research manuscript which is intuitive for the peer review. While it is clear that a high quality manuscript should reflect high quality research, the manuscript itself should attract and hold a reviewer’s attention through being easy to read, grammatically correct following style and format guidelines from the journal. “In this article, you can get more interesting key points about the publication facts and list of Scopus indexed journals in electrical engineering!!!”
Each and every researcher has their main intention to publish their research paper in highly reputed journals such as SCI, Scopus, Elsevier, IEEE and more. This article is to highlight the Scopus indexed journals in electrical engineering. Let us start this article with the list of Scopus indexed journals in electrical engineering.
List of Scopus Indexed Journals in Electrical Engineering
- International Journals of Nanoscience
- IEEE Micro
- Journal of Visualization
- Signal Processing: Image Communication
- IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
- Real Time Systems
- Optics and Lasers in Engineering
- Superconductors Science and Technology
In general, Scopus is considered as the abstract and citation database for Elsevier. In addition, it is one of the scholarly peer reviewed international scientific sci journal list electrical engineering. The Scopus journals include both the paid and non-paid journals. Let discuss about the importance of publication in the following.
Significance of Publication
Publishing is considered as the communication channel for researchers within a field and a repository of important research efforts and it is the recognition mechanism for researchers. In addition, it improves writing and research skills of the researcher. The process of doing research, paper writing, editing and publishing the research article for the valuable feedback will be provided and gives an idea about where you need to improve the and what is the strength. Additionally, the writing skills are essential for the professional career of the researcher.
It develops the corporate enthusiasm and supports ongoing education. When we take a look on where it is published articles and it makes others to feel proud that they are the part of a known and respected journal where the research paper is published. As well, sharing the published pieces with employees helps them for the better understanding.
Generally, electrical engineering is the search of research ideas and perfect research finding make the search worthwhile. It is field of searching real time research ideas which are simple as well as interesting too. Listed below are some of the significant research ideas in the field electrical engineering.
Research Ideas for Electrical Engineering
- Reluctance motors
- Smart grid monitoring
- Switch reluctance motors
- Hybrid electric aerospace
- Wind turbine energy technologies
- Soft magnetic composites
- Nanoelectronics
- Power electronics tools
These are the hand-picked electrical based research ideas which are dominating the current research fields in electrical engineering. Our research experts provide support to assist you and promote the research work with their knowledge. Consequently, the research scholars can reach us and aid research support and the finest research assistance from our research experts.
Have a look at excel which includes the list of Scopus indexed journals in electrical engineering and this excel includes ISSN number, name of publishers, impact factor and etc. We hope that it is beneficial for you guys to find the reputed journals in electrical engineering with impact factor.