MATLAB Simulation

MATLAB Simulation support can be got from if you are struck up at any level then feel free to get in touch with us we lead you in the right direction. On all areas of MATLAB we work with. So, get customised support from us. In terms of networking, diverse instances of MATLAB simulation are provided here along with main goals and brief outline. These instances broadly encompass the protocol executions, performance analysis and network simulation.

  1. Basic Network Topology Simulation

Aim: A basic network topology is intended to be simulated and exhibit it in an explicit manner.


  • Nodes which demonstrate the devices need to be developed.
  • To develop a network, we have to link nodes.
  • Network topology must be visualized.

Sample code:

function basicNetworkTopology()

% Number of nodes

numNodes = 10;

% Generate random positions for nodes

positions = rand(numNodes, 2) * 100; % 100×100 area

% Adjacency matrix for the network (randomly connected)

adjMatrix = randi([0 1], numNodes, numNodes);

adjMatrix = triu(adjMatrix, 1);

adjMatrix = adjMatrix + adjMatrix’; % Make it symmetric

% Plot the network topology


gplot(adjMatrix, positions, ‘-o’);

hold on;

for i = 1:numNodes

text(positions(i, 1), positions(i, 2), sprintf(‘Node %d’, i), ‘VerticalAlignment’, ‘bottom’, ‘HorizontalAlignment’, ‘right’);


xlabel(‘X Position’);

ylabel(‘Y Position’);

title(‘Network Topology’);

grid on;


% Example usage


  1. Performance Analysis: Throughput and Latency

Aim: We aim to simulate the network throughput and latency.


  • Among nodes, create traffic efficiently.
  • It is required to evaluate the response time and throughput of the network.

Sample code:

function networkPerformanceAnalysis()

% Define parameters

numNodes = 5;

packetSize = 1024; % Packet size in bytes

bandwidth = 1e6; % Bandwidth in bps (1 Mbps)

propagationDelay = 10e-3; % Propagation delay in seconds

numPackets = 100; % Number of packets to send

% Generate random traffic matrix

trafficMatrix = randi([0 1], numNodes, numNodes);

% Calculate throughput and latency

throughput = zeros(numNodes, numNodes);

latency = zeros(numNodes, numNodes);

for i = 1:numNodes

for j = 1:numNodes

if trafficMatrix(i, j) == 1

transmissionTime = packetSize * 8 / bandwidth;

latency(i, j) = transmissionTime + propagationDelay;

throughput(i, j) = packetSize * numPackets / (numPackets * latency(i, j));




% Display results

disp(‘Throughput Matrix (bytes/sec):’);


disp(‘Latency Matrix (seconds):’);



% Example usage


  1. Protocol Implementation: CSMA/CD

Aim: The Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) protocol needs to be simulated.


  • We have to execute the CSMA/CD algorithm.
  • Transmission of packets and collision detection ought to be simulated.

Sample code:

function csma_cd_simulation()

% Define parameters

numNodes = 5;

packetSize = 1024; % Packet size in bytes

bandwidth = 1e6; % Bandwidth in bps (1 Mbps)

propagationDelay = 10e-3; % Propagation delay in seconds

numPackets = 10; % Number of packets per node

% Simulation parameters

simTime = 1; % Simulation time in seconds

packetInterval = 0.1; % Interval between packets

% Initialize node states

nodeStates = zeros(numNodes, 1); % 0: idle, 1: transmitting, 2: collision

collisionCount = 0;

% Initialize packet counters

packetCount = zeros(numNodes, 1);

for t = 0:packetInterval:simTime

% Randomly select nodes to send packets

transmittingNodes = find(rand(numNodes, 1) < 0.2);

if length(transmittingNodes) > 1

% Collision occurs

nodeStates(transmittingNodes) = 2;

collisionCount = collisionCount + 1;


% Successful transmission

nodeStates(transmittingNodes) = 1;

packetCount(transmittingNodes) = packetCount(transmittingNodes) + 1;


% Update node states

nodeStates(:) = 0;


% Display results

fprintf(‘Total Collisions: %d\n’, collisionCount);

fprintf(‘Packets Sent by Each Node:\n’);



% Example usage


  1. Wireless Network Simulation: Ad-Hoc Network

Aim: An ad-hoc wireless network must be created and crucially, we have to evaluate the connections.


  • With the aid of wireless communication capacities, develop nodes.
  • On the basis of signal range, communication among nodes has to be simulated.
  • Network connections are meant to be evaluated.

Sample code:

function wirelessAdHocNetwork()

% Number of nodes

numNodes = 20;

range = 20; % Communication range in meters

% Generate random positions for nodes

positions = rand(numNodes, 2) * 100; % 100×100 area

% Adjacency matrix for the network

adjMatrix = zeros(numNodes);

for i = 1:numNodes

for j = i+1:numNodes

distance = norm(positions(i,:) – positions(j,:));

if distance <= range

adjMatrix(i,j) = 1;

adjMatrix(j,i) = 1;




% Plot the network topology


gplot(adjMatrix, positions, ‘-o’);

hold on;

for i = 1:numNodes

text(positions(i, 1), positions(i, 2), sprintf(‘Node %d’, i), ‘VerticalAlignment’, ‘bottom’, ‘HorizontalAlignment’, ‘right’);


xlabel(‘X Position’);

ylabel(‘Y Position’);

title(‘Wireless Ad-Hoc Network Topology’);

axis equal;

grid on;

% Analyze network connectivity

G = graph(adjMatrix);

bins = conncomp(G);

numComponents = max(bins);

fprintf(‘Number of Connected Components: %d\n’, numComponents);


% Example usage


Matlab simulation services for research

On the subject of networking, an extensive list of 100 research topics with MATLAB application through our MATLAB simulation services for conducting intense exploration. From fundamental network simulations to enhanced protocols, security and performance evaluation, these topics expands widely:

Simple Network Simulations

  1. Dynamic Network Topology Simulation
  2. Client-Server Network Simulation
  3. Star Topology Simulation
  4. Mesh Network Simulation
  5. Peer-to-Peer Network Simulation
  6. Basic Network Topology Simulation
  7. Network Traffic Simulation
  8. Ring Topology Simulation
  9. Data Center Network Simulation
  10. Hybrid Topology Simulation

Wireless Network Simulations

  1. Bluetooth Network Simulation
  2. Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) Simulation
  3. Ad-Hoc Wireless Network Simulation
  4. Wireless Mesh Network Simulation
  5. Wireless Sensor Network Simulation
  6. 5G Network Simulation
  7. Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) Simulation
  8. Zigbee Network Simulation
  9. LTE Network Simulation
  10. WiFi Network Simulation

Routing Protocols

  1. Link State Routing Protocol Simulation
  2. Distance Vector Routing Protocol Simulation
  3. AODV Protocol for MANETs
  4. ZRP Protocol for MANETs
  5. BGP Protocol Simulation
  6. LAR Protocol for VANETs
  7. DSR Protocol for MANETs
  8. GPSR Protocol for VANETs
  9. OSPF Protocol Simulation
  10. DSDV Protocol for MANETs

Performance Analysis

  1. Energy Efficiency Analysis
  2. Load Balancing Analysis
  3. Latency Analysis
  4. Bandwidth Utilization Analysis
  5. Network Reliability Analysis
  6. Scalability Analysis
  7. Packet Loss Analysis
  8. Jitter Analysis
  9. QoS Analysis
  10. Throughput Analysis

Network Security

  1. Secure Routing Protocol Simulation
  2. VPN Simulation
  3. Secure Data Transmission Simulation
  4. Network Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) Simulation
  5. Wireless Security Protocol Simulation
  6. Denial of Service (DoS) Attack Simulation
  7. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Simulation
  8. Encryption and Decryption Simulation
  9. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack Simulation
  10. Firewall Simulation

Protocol Simulations

  1. SMTP Protocol Simulation
  2. DNS Protocol Simulation
  3. UDP Protocol Simulation
  4. TCP Protocol Simulation
  5. DHCP Protocol Simulation
  6. HTTPS Protocol Simulation
  7. SCTP Protocol Simulation
  8. SNMP Protocol Simulation
  9. FTP Protocol Simulation
  10. HTTP Protocol Simulation

Multimedia Networking

  1. Video Conferencing Simulation
  2. Real-Time Protocol (RTP) Simulation
  3. Adaptive Streaming Simulation
  4. Video Streaming Simulation
  5. 323 Protocol Simulation
  6. RTCP Protocol Simulation
  7. Multimedia QoS Simulation
  8. VoIP Network Simulation
  9. SIP Protocol Simulation
  10. IPTV Simulation

Internet of Things (IoT)

  1. IoT Communication Protocols Simulation (MQTT, CoAP)
  2. IoT Cloud Integration Simulation
  3. Smart City Network Simulation
  4. Smart Home Network Simulation
  5. IoT Device Communication Simulation
  6. IoT Edge Computing Simulation
  7. Industrial IoT (IIoT) Simulation
  8. IoT Security Simulation
  9. IoT Data Analytics Simulation
  10. IoT Network Simulation

Modern Topics

  1. Blockchain for Network Security Simulation
  2. Quantum Networking Simulation
  3. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Simulation
  4. Edge Computing Network Simulation
  5. Fog Computing Network Simulation
  6. Network Function Virtualization (NFV) Simulation
  7. Underwater Acoustic Network Simulation
  8. Cognitive Radio Network Simulation
  9. Space Network Simulation
  10. Cloud Networking Simulation

Evolving Technologies

  1. Energy Harvesting in Wireless Networks
  2. AI/ML for Network Optimization
  3. Autonomous Network Management
  4. Digital Twin for Network Simulation
  5. Green Networking and Energy Efficiency
  6. Network Slicing for 5G
  7. Cyber-Physical Systems Simulation
  8. Blockchain for Secure IoT Networks
  9. AI-Driven Network Security
  10. IoT with AI for Smart Applications

Considering the networking areas, we offer critical models of MATLAB simulation with specific procedures and example code. If you are interested in the networking areas, examine the topics which are discussed here that efficiently pave the way for innovative and impactful research.

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