Mobile Computing Mini Project with Source Code

At this moment, let’s take a glance over the keynotes about the mobile computing mini projects with source code. Firstly, we have described the most significant sample source code.

Mini Project Source Code in Mobile Computing

For you ease, we have highlighted the sample source code based in Ns-3 for the mobile computing mini projects.

  • Mobile node creation

NodeContainer nodes;

nodes.Create (100);

  • Packet socket configuration


PacketSocketHelper packetSocket;

packetSocket.Install (nodes);

  • Net device configuration

Ptr<SimpleNetDevice> txDev;

txDev = CreateObject<SimpleNetDevice> ();

nodes.Get (0)->AddDevice (txDev);

  • Channel allocation

Ptr<SimpleChannel> channel = CreateObject<SimpleChannel> ();

txDev->SetChannel (channel);

txDev->SetNode (nodes.Get (0));

  • Client socket configuration

Ptr<PacketSocketClient> client = CreateObject<PacketSocketClient> ();

client->SetRemote (socketAddr);

nodes.Get (0)->AddApplication (client);

Execute Mobile Computing Mini Projects

To execute the mini project in mobile computing using Ns-3, we have to implement the below mentioned commands.

cd /home/research/ns-allinone-3.26/ns-3.26

sudo ./waf –run Enhanced_MANET_Security –vis

Execute Mobile Computing Mini Projects

Finally, we acquire the result through selecting the auto generated XML file and get the mobile computing outcome.

Result of Executing Mobile Computing Mini Projects

We are always ready to provide the appropriate research guidance for the scholars for reach us and aid more based on mobile computing.

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