Ns3 Installation on Ubuntu 20.04

Are you people are really tired of searching the appropriate helps in Ns3 installation? No more worries! Just take a glance at this article to know captivating processes.

Step: 1 Basic Library

As the first process, we have to execute the following commands in the Ubuntu 20.04 terminal window to install the required libraries of ns-allinone-3.35.

apt install g++ python3

Step: 2 Download ns-allinone-3.35

Next, we have to download the ns-allinone-3.35 packages through the following URL,


Link to Download Ns3

We have to store the downloaded packages in the form of extracted files in Ubuntu 20.04 home location.

Location of Ns Packages

Step: 3 Install Ns-allinone-3.35

Following that, the ns-allinone-3.35 packages are installed through the implementation of the below mentioned comments.

cd  /home/research/ns-allinone-3.35

sudo ./build.py

Install Ns3

Step: 4 Configure Ns-allinone-3.35

Finally, we have to configure the installed ns-allinone-3.35 packages through the utilization of the following commands.

cd ns-3.35

sudo ./waf configure –enable-examples –enable-tests

Ns3 Configuration

In addition to that, we hope that you might relish this article. If you are feeling anything difficult in the above discussed process then give us a call, our technical experts can make you clear.


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